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Cloud Chamber

Cloud Chamber. COMENIUS PROJECT AT GJAR , SLOVAKIA. Jaroslav Hofierka. Background. Particles coming from the universe ( cosmic rays ) are crossing the earth all the time – they are harmless but invisible to us. Cloud chambers are detectors to make the tracks of the particles visible.

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Cloud Chamber

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Cloud Chamber COMENIUS PROJECT AT GJAR, SLOVAKIA JaroslavHofierka

  2. Background • Particles coming from the universe (cosmic rays) are crossing the earth all the time – they are harmless but invisible to us. • Cloud chambers are detectors to make the tracks of the particles visible.

  3. Our cloud chamber

  4. Key ingredients • Dry ice evaporating

  5. How it works (1) Asthe top ofthe box isatroomtemperature, thealcoholevaporatesfromthefelt and slowlysinksdown. Becausethereis so muchalcohol, thechamberwillbesaturatedwithalcoholvapour. Thedryicekeepsthebottomofthecloudchamberverycold – so thatthevapor, onceit has fallen, is in a so calledsupercooled state and willveryeasilycondenseintoliquidformifanythingdisturbsitsequilibrium.

  6. How it works (2) When a chargedcosmicparticlecrossesthechamber, theparticlewillionizethevapor: ittearsawaytheelectrons in someofthegasatomsalongitspath. Smalldropletsofalcoholformalongthepathoftheinitialparticlethroughthechamber. Thesedroplets are thetracksweseeappearing.

  7. Our cloud chamber Cosmic rays!!!

  8. Thank you for attention!

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