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6 - Star Birth. Our Galaxy. side “view”. mean density ~1 cm -3 By number: ~90% H ~10% He <1% everything else (mostly O, C, N, Ne). top “view”. Photon-Atom Interactions. = 21 cm. N. N. N. N. 21-cm H emission line. Atoms versus Dust. only specific wavelengths absorbed. GAS.
Our Galaxy side “view” mean density ~1 cm-3 By number: ~90% H ~10% He <1% everything else (mostly O, C, N, Ne) top “view”
Photon-Atom Interactions = 21 cm N N N N 21-cm H emission line
Atoms versus Dust only specific wavelengths absorbed GAS all wavelengths affected - shorter ones more than longer ones DUST
Interstellar Extinction & Reddening visible light only visible - infrared light
DUST • Solid Grains C, Si, O, + …? T≤ 1200 K • Absorb & Scatter starlight • Polarization Transmission & Scattering • Thermal Emission dust emission versus blackbody conservation of energy absorbed energy must be released
Molecules in the ISM pretty picture from Ehrenfreund & Charnley 2000 ARAA 38, 427
Giant Molecular Clouds Mass ~ 104-107 M Size ~ 20-80 pc Density ~ 200-106 cm-3 Temperature ~ 10 K Composition: H2, CO, Dust, .. visible to human vision invisible to human vision
H C N O some specific examples H2 hydrogen CO carbon monoxide H2O water H2CO formaldehyde C3H2 cyclopropenylidene HC11N cyanodecapentayn
Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) (ISM & Auto Exhaust!) C6H6 - benzene C24H12 - coronene (H atoms not shown) (no perfect fit to data, yet…)
where are the complex silicon-based molecules? Ehrenfreund & Charnley 2000
so far, only in the minds of fiction writers….. Ehrenfreund & Charnley 2000
The World of Sir Fred (Hoyle & Wickramasinghe) Wickramasinge - first large compendium of light scattering by small particles Hoyle - He C fusion, essential to existence of life! Together: interstellar dust grains are (basically) freeze-dried bacteria “bug”-carrying comets cause outbreaks of influenza* *we will come back to the concept of panspermia later on
The Case of the Missing Tryptophan 1983-1984 “We detect feature due to interstellar tryptophan..” “You detected an instrumental artifact of the detector. In properly exposed images, the ‘feature’ isn’t there..” “But, but…”
Birth of Stars & Planetary Systems Cloud Collapse - occurs deep in cloud
“proplyds” (protoplanetary disks) seen in star-forming regions
We will return to this topic when we look at the formation of our own solar system