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Early Start with W riting Both Varieties of W ritten Norwegian

Early Start with W riting Both Varieties of W ritten Norwegian. How Early Start C an S upport the A quisition of Nynorsk Benthe Kolberg Jansson Hilde Traavik. Bokmål and N ynorsk in society.

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Early Start with W riting Both Varieties of W ritten Norwegian

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  1. Early Start withWritingBothVarietiesofWritten Norwegian How Early Start CanSupport theAquisitionofNynorsk Benthe Kolberg Jansson Hilde Traavik

  2. Bokmål and Nynorsk in society • Bokmål: dominant language, used in writing by about 85% ofthepopulation • Nynorsk is the lesser-used language, thissituationaffectstheattitudes to Nynorsk and themotivation for learningthelanguage

  3. How different are they? • Bokmål and Nynorsk are mutuallyunderstandable • Usually, no specialtraining is needed to readtheothervarietyofwritten Norwegian • An example: Eg kjem ikkje frå Sverige, eg kjem frå Noreg (nn) Jeg kommer ikkefra Sverige, jeg kommer fra Norge (bm) (Ido notcome from Sweden, Icome from Norway)

  4. Bokmål and Nynorsk in education • About 80 000 pupils (13,1 %) useNynorsk in all schoolsubjects (first choice language) • TheylearnBokmål as the second choice language • About 535 000 pupils (86,7 %) useBokmål in all schoolsubjects • TheylearnNynorsk as the second choice language • Teachingthe second choice language is primarily theresponsibilityofthemother tounge teacher

  5. Early Start in the Curriculum

  6. Competence Aims after Year 10 The aims for the education are that the pupil is able to • read and write texts from different genres within fiction and non-fiction in the first-choice and second-choice Norwegian languages: articles, input in discussions, formal letters, short stories, narratives, poetry, drama and causerie

  7. Competence Aims after Year 4 The aims for the education are that the pupil shall be able to • talk about a selection of songs, nursery rhymes, poems, stories and fairytalesfrom the past and the present, in both the first-choice and second-choice Norwegian languages, in translation from the Sami language and from other cultures

  8. Competence Aims after Year 7 The aims for the education are that the pupil shall be able to • explain some similarities and differences between spoken and written language, relating to both the first-choice and second-choice Norwegian languages • experiment with different language styles when writing in the first-choice and second-choice Norwegian languages, dialects and group language

  9. AbouttheProject • Project period: 2010 – 2013 • Supported by The National Centre for theTeachingof Nynorsk 2010: • Three third grade classes at a city school in Rogaland (BKJ) • Two fifth grade classes at a school in theoutskirtsof Bergen (HT) 2011: • Two fifth grade classes in a town in Østfold joinedtheproject (BKJ) • All classes, except one near Bergen, have Bokmål as first choicelanguage.

  10. Main question: • How do thepupils in theprojectdevelopwritingcompetence in bothvarieties? Supplementary question: • How canspellingdevelopment in «the second choice language» be an indicatorofhowthepupilspositionthemselves as writers in thislanguage? Methods: • Analysis ofpupils’ texts, interwiewswithpupils and teachers, classroomobservation

  11. Positioningbasedonspellingpreferences Orthographies are not socially neutral exteriors of written language, but integrated parts of value clusters or systems which may differ on cultural and social grounds and, thus, go into struggle for cultural hegemony which take place continually in any society whether we choose to recognize it or not (Wiggen2007:112).

  12. Two writers, twopositionsResults from 3rd and 4th grade • Cristina (9 years): an advancedwriter for her age • Casper (9 years): an averagewriter for his age

  13. Cristina Text 1: Cristina, March, grade 3 Numberofwords: 316

  14. Casper, March, grade 3Numberofwords: 101

  15. How canwe understand thedifference in positioning? • Being a memberof «The Writers’ Club» • Metalinguisticawareness • The «transfer ofidentity» from spoken to writtenlanguage • Family resources

  16. 5th grade-classwith Bokmål as first choicelanguage: Two pupils’ textswritten in Nynorsk, at the end of grade 5.

  17. Pupil A Bokmål as first choicelanguage

  18. Pupil C Bokmål as first choicelanguage

  19. Conclutions(so far) from theBokmål / Early Start class(5th grade) The numberofcorrectlyspelledwordsareslightlyhigher, but not verymuch, in thetextswritten in Bokmål than in Nynorsk «Early start»-pupilsare in a processofacquiringcompetency in writing Nynorsk Most ofthepupilsexpressthat it is «fun» or «all right» to write and read Nynorsk

  20. Veryshort: a conclusion from the 5th grade classwithNynorsk as first choicelanguage Through analyses ofthepupils’ texts, it is evident thatthepupils, havinghadnoexplicitteaching in Bokmål, arequitecompetent in writingit.

  21. Different strategies for aquieringthesecondchoicelanguage • PupilswithNynorsk as their first choicelanguageseem to be developingskills in bothBokmål and Nynorsk simultaneously. • PupilswithBokmål as their first choicelanguageseem to developskillsin Nynorsk via theirBokmål-skills

  22. Tusen takk for oss!

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