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TeraGrid External Relations. Elizabeth Leake External Relations Coordinator. TeraGrid External Relations. 24 Public and media relations professionals— two from each resource provider site (RP) Bi-weekly teleconferences Provide a coordinated communication effort for TeraGrid
TeraGrid External Relations Elizabeth LeakeExternal Relations Coordinator
TeraGrid External Relations • 24 Public and media relations professionals— two from each resource provider site (RP) • Bi-weekly teleconferences • Provide a coordinated communication effort for TeraGrid • Liaison with National Science Foundation offices Cyberinfrastructure and Legislative and Public Affairs (more from Lisa-Joy next slide!) • Coordinate the production of Science Highlights publication
National Science FoundationOffice of Legislative and Public Affairs (OLPA) • Conducted a workshop for Campus Champions at TG09 with Lisa-Joy Zgorski and Kay Hunt, TeraGrid Campus Champions coordinator. Shared OLPA resource list—well attended (around 50) • Increased interaction with OLPA—L-JZ assists with the dissemination of most stories. • OLPA has increased TeraGrid announcements to NSF_News@nsf.gov
Media Coverage since April 1, 2009 • 86 new media events/postings on the web • 14 in August (to date). Broad interest in NCAR/TACC Hayden Planetarium story released 8/19. Whoopi Goldberg celebrity recognition. Kudos to Faith Singer-Villalobos, TACC and Marijke Unger, NCAR. This story is also featured in Science Highlights. • Broad dissemination of TeraGrid Campus Champion story (released in May and again in June) • Chronicle of Higher Education feature (as a result of champion activity) • TG09 Bridge Day Feature • TG09 Features/blog/broader distribution
Science Highlights 2009 Fourteen stories featured this year • Stories selected that met one or more of the following criteria: • transformative research in a particular domain. • how several TeraGrid resources were used across multiple RP sites. • activity from each of the eleven RP sites. • work of individuals who are typically under-represented. • projects in fields of study that are typically under-represented. • TeraGrid’s impact—research that couldn’t have been accomplished without it. • collaborations with other grids, • international partners, business, and industry.
Science Highlights 2009 • Production schedule on target for late October delivery (in time for Supercomputing 09) If you don’t like your picture, now is the time to send us a new one!
OCI Science Highlights Needs • Science Highlights from the past year needed soon. • This year OCI asked us to help by organizing TeraGrid’s collection in advance. • External Relations will review each highlight and recommend whether or not the story meets OCI criteria/rewrite if necessary: • Length • Style (written for lay audience with catchy headline) • File format (document, images, etc) • Forward stories for consideration to RP-ER representative. They will forward to me for preparation and packaging to meet NSF needs. September 1-15!! We are collecting stories now on ER secure wiki location.
Strategies to improve Media and Outreach Contact Lists • Problem: More than 200 contacts yield few results • More targeted effort to include name recognition of someone who is already affiliated with the professional organization. SAB, TeraGrid personnel, and allocation reviewer panel—likely candidates for volunteers to help. • More aggressive attempts to update list—businesses changing due to the economy, editors come and go—it is a moving target! Request assistance with this in PY6 in an effort to facilitate the broader dissemination of XD transition news.
SC09 TeraGrid Booth TeraGrid • 20’ x 20’ booth—good location on show floor • Conference has “Green” theme • Booth is recylced—rental furnishings • Design is open and airy—things appear to float • Electronic posters, not printed (RP-ER members need to get their posters together) • Prominent graphics from Science Highlights and EOT Highlights booklets featured • Daily drawing for prizes—grand prize and lesser prizes (gift certificates, coupons—solicited from local merchants contributing to TeraGrid as a not-for- profit) • Engagement activity—Green Team!! Identify VIPs from each RP to feature by September 15. This can be ER representative, or other who is attending.
Proposed ER collaboration with OSG/iSGTW Meeting 8/13/09 with Paul Avery, Ruth Pordes, Elizabeth Leake, David Ritchie, Judy Jackson, Miriam Boon, Kent Blackburn, and Scott Lathrop. We discussed the possibility of TeraGrid External Relations and iSGTW (jointly) seeking funding (DOE, NSF, other?) for the continuation of iSGTW for 3-5 years beyond 2011 (when current funding ends).