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Discover the laws, traditions, and customs surrounding marriage in France. Learn about the legal requirements, wedding traditions, and post-ceremony celebrations. Explore the rights and options available for couples in France.
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In France, young people canmarryeven if their parents do not agree. You cangetmarriedbeforeyou are 18 if there are seriousreasons (such as pregnancy).
Even if yougetmarried in church, you have to bemarried by the Lord Mayor of yourtown. Yourmarriageisthenlegal. Now in France youcanalsomarrysomeone of the samesex. Wecall it « the law of marriage for eveybody».
A traditionalmarriage →Guestsnormally are close friends and family of the couple. → On the weddingday, the bride and groom can not betogetherbefore the ceremony. →The Bride enters the churchwithher father,. If, for anyreason, heis not present, hecanbereplaced by the godfather or step-father. → The bride and the bride groom have twowitnesses, a woman and a man →At the end of the ceremonywethrowrice or petals on the newly-weds. →Then people takepictures, and thenhead to the restaurant. → Aftereating, the couple must dance the waltz. Then, the dance canbegin. → At the end of the evening, weeat the wedding cake, usually, ther are twodollshapes on top of the cake. → They drink champagne. → A few dayslater , they go on a "honeymoon".
Civil Marriage Marriageisregistered in the presence of witnesses. It happens in the Town Hall. The mayor
1. In India, canyouchoose the personyouwant to marry? 2. Atwhatagecanyougetmarried? 3. Whatkind of clothes do you wear on yourweddingday? 4. What are yourwedding traditions? 5. Do you have a honeymoon? 6. Do you have a religiousceremony? 7. Do you have the right to divorce?