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<br>Plywood Cabinet Box Parts are designed to change the logistics of cabinetry without compromising the art. UCC uses Lockdowel technology to produce the most efficient and affordable AWI custom grade, flat pack cabinets and box components online. Whether you're a national multi-family home developer or a small cabinet shop owner, our components make your work simple.
WE BE L IE V E T IME SP E N T ON UNN E C E SSARY WORK ISN ' T T IME WE L L SP E N T . PLYWOOD CABINET BOX PARTS AR E D E S I GNE D T O CHANG E THE L OG I S T I C S O F C AB I NE T RY W I THOU T C OMPROM I S I NG THE AR T . Cut cabinet assembly time by 60% Use a fraction of the freight space Double your production capacity Stay on budget with predetermined fixed costs No need for specialized labor
SAMPLE KIT PREVIEW Five Simple Steps to Assemble
STEPONE Insert Top, Bottom, Nailers. Slide LockDowels about 1/4"
STEPTWO Place Opposite End Panel on by Fitting onto LockDowels
STEPTHREE Slide Bottom in Fully
STEPFOUR Insert Back & Slide Top into Place
STEPFIVE Pull Nailers into Place
FINAL ASSEMBLY What If All Of Your Cabinets Were This Simple To Assemble?
WE WAN T T O PAR T N E R W IT H YOU . WE T E AM UP W I TH C AB I NE T SHOP S T O K E E P THEM ON BUDG E T AND S C A L E THE I R BU S I NE S S . ORDER CABINET PARTS ONLINE Let's have a conversation. Cell: (918) 693-319 Email: jeff@ultcab.com Website: ultcab.com