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Scores for last test mean: 85% medium: 88%. Chinese 201 Fall 2010 1. Guess pronunciation (5%): 賈 =jia, *mai 哲 =zhe 簰 =pai 鉍 =bi 糧 =liang. 2. Identify the character heard ( 5%): 牙 vs. 穿 買 vs. 貴 需 vs. 而 難 vs. 歡 牛 vs. 件.
Chinese 201 Fall 20101. Guess pronunciation (5%):賈=jia, *mai 哲=zhe 簰=pai 鉍=bi 糧=liang
2. Identify the character heard (5%):牙vs.穿買 vs.貴需vs.而難vs.歡 牛 vs.件
3. 1.Why did Tianming and the ganggo shopping?Tian-ming/xu-yao\mai_yi-fu, Li\sha-he/Lin/xue_mei/ye_xu-yao\mai_ri\yong\pin_.2.How was the sports outfit that they looked at? Na\tao\yun\dong\fu/ de da\xiao_, chang/duan_, yang\zi, he/jia\qian dou-he/shi\, ke_shi\bu/shi\ming/pai/de. 3.What kind of things do Tianming, Li Sha, and Lin Xuemei like to buy? Ta-men xi_huan mai_ming/pai/de dong-xi, yin-wei\zhi\liang\hao_. 4. What are Ke Lin’s criteria for buying things? Ta-mai_dong-xi de biao-zhun_, di\yi-shi\chuan-zhe shu-fu, di\er\shi\wu\mei_jia\lian/. Shi\ shen/me pai/zi ta-bu/zai\hu. 5.What are your criteria for buying things? Wo/mai_dong-xi de biao-zhun_, di\yi-shi\_______, di\er\shi\ ________.
4. Fill in blanks (1 per blank, no repeats, 20points): 你買的衣服,無_論_是顔色還_是_樣子都不錯。買東西不_必_非買名牌的不_可_ 。穿衣服不是為了_給_人看,是為了穿_著_舒服。難_道_你不喜歡_吃_好吃的東西?你怎_麽_不買名牌的?你不是喜歡名牌_嗎_ ?你_買/吃/要/作_什麽我都_不_在乎。這件毛衣的質_量_很好,是純_毛/*棉_的。這_條_褲子樣子好,而_且_打折。這_件_衣服很漂亮(*便宜),不過_價_錢不行。你怎麽_付_錢?我_用_信用卡。
5. Complete the following (20 points):他喜歡吃甜的,非_吃甜點/上海菜______不可。他沒有錢,只好__不買/去找工作______。質量很好,而且__打五折/是名牌_____。樣子不錯,不過___價錢/質量不行_____。今天不上課,你不必__去學校/上課____。你一定得來,要不然___我也不來_______。 _毛衣、T恤衫、褲子_什麽的,都很便宜。你怎麽不說中文,難道_你不/會喜歡中文嗎___ ? _是不是名牌/打不打折*名牌不名牌_我都不在乎。你怎麽吃素,你不是__喜歡吃肉/不吃素___ 嗎?
6. Form two compounds with each character(10 points):衣-衣服、毛衣、大衣、内衣服-衣服、舒服、西服、和服價-價錢、價廉、高價、價格購-購物、購房、購買、購車物-購物、動物、食物、文物7. Jeopardy(5points):Q:你怎麽付錢? A: 我刷卡。Q:這/?你是在哪兒做的? A: 是中國做的。
Written homework due TomorrowLast question same as oral. Please incorporate feedback.
Wo_shi\ sheng\di\ya\ge-da\xue/ shang- xue/yuan\ shi\chang_ying/xiao- xi\ si\ nian/ ji/de xue/sheng-. Wo_de zhuan-ye\ shi\ shi\chang_ying/xiao-. Wo_zai\ du/xue/shi\ xue/wei\. Wo_de fu\mu_bu\guan/wo/xuan_shen/me zhuan-ye\. Chu/le zhong-wen/ ke\ yi_wai\, zhe\ xue/qi- wo_hai/xuan_le wu_men/ke\, shi\ san-men/ shi\chang_ying/xiao- ke\, he/ liang_men/guan/li_ke\. Zhe\xue/qi-wo/xuan_le er\shi/er\ ge xue/fen-. Zhe\xue/qi- hen_bu\ qing-song-. Wo/ mei_tian- dou-dei_ xue/xi/. Dui\wo_lai/shuo-, shi\chang_ying/xiao- ke\ hen_ rong/yi\, ke_shi\ zhong-wen/ke\ hen_nan/, yin-wei\ mei_tian- dou- dei_ fu\xi/. Zhong-wen/ ke\ hen/you_ yi\si, zhi_shi\ dei_hua- hen_duo- shi/jian-zhun_bei\, hai/ jing-chang/ yao\ xue/xi/ xin-zi\, you/dianr_ shou\bu\liao_. Wo/you_ liu\wei\jiao\shou\. Wo/you_yi/wei\ zhi/dao_ jiao\shou\. wo_de zhi/dao_jiao\shou\ shi\ Heather Shapazian. zhi-qian/bi\ye\ wo_hai/yao\shang\ liu\men/ke\. Wo_ er\ling/yi-yi-nian/ bi\ye\. Bi\ye\ yi_hou\ wo/ da_suan\ zhao_ gong-zuo\. your criteria for choosing major and school?
Wo_shi\sheng\di\ya\ge- zhou-li\ da\xue/, wen/ xue/yuan\, zheng\zhi\ xi\ er\ nian/ ji/ de xue/sheng. Wo_ de zhuan-ye\ shi\ zheng\zhi\. Wo_ zai\du/ xue/shi\ xue/wei\. Chu/le zhong-wen/ke\ yi_wai\, zhe\ xue/qi/ wo_hai/ xuan_ le wu_ men/ ke\, shi\ zheng\zhi\ ke\, yi\shu\ shi_ ke\, di\qiu/ ke- xue/ ke\ he/ ren/lei\ xue/ ke\. Zhe\ xue/qi/ wo/ xuan_ le shi/ qi- ge xue/fen-. Zhe\ xue/qi/ hen_ bu\ qing-song-. dui\ wo_lai/ shuo-, zheng\zhi\ ke\ hen_ rong/yi\, ke_shi\ zhong-wen/ ke\ hen_ nan/. Yi\shu\ shi_ ke\ hen/ you_ yi\si, zhi_shi\ dei_ hua- hen_duo- shi/jian- zhun_bei\, hai/ jing-chang/ yao\ xie_ wen/zhang- you/dianr_ shou\ bu\liao_. Wo/ you/wu_ wei\ jiao\shou\: Zhang- lao_shi-, Mercurio, Sobo, Sacramento, he/ Williams. Wo_ xian\zai\ hai/ mei/ you/ zhi/dao_ jiao\shou\. Wo_ xu-yao\shi/si\men ke\ cai/ neng/ bi\ye\. Wo_ hui\ zai\ 2013 nian/ cong/ da\xue/ bi\ye\. Wo_ bi\ye\ yi_hou\ da_suan\ zhao_ gong-zuo\. Wo_ de fu\mu/ xi_huan wo_de zhuan-ye\, yin-wei\ ta-men jue/de wo/ zhao_dao\ yi- fen\ hao_ gong-zuo\, da/dao\ wo_de quan/bu\qian/li\. your criteria for choosing major and school ?
Wo_ shi\ Sheng\di\ya\ge- zhou-li\ da\xue/ shang- xue/yuan\ guo/ji\mao\yi\ xi\ er\ nian/ji/ de xue/sheng. Wo_ de zhuan-ye\ shi\ guo/ji\shang-wu\. Wo_ zai\ du/ xue/shi\ xue/wei\. Chu/le Zhong-wen/ ke\ yi_wai\, zhe\ xue/qi- wo_ hai/ xuan_ le si\ men/ ke\, shi\ kuai\ji\ ke\, Asian Studies ke\, shi\jie\ Religions ke\ he/ wen/xue/ ke\. Zhe\ ji_ men/ ke\ dou- hen/ you_ yi\si. Zhe\ xue/qi- wo/ xuan_ le shi/qi- ge xue/fen-, zhe\ xue/qi- hen_ bu\ qing-song-. Wo/ you/ wu_ wei\ jiao\shou\, wo/ xi_huan Zhong-wen/ ke\ de jiao\shou\, ye_ Asian Studies ke\ de jiao\shou\. Wo/ you/ liang_ wei\ zhi/dao_ jiao\shou\. Wo_ xi-wang\ zai\ liang_ nian/ nei\ bi\ ye\. Wo_ hai/ dei_ zai\ shang\ xu_ duo- men/ ke\ cai/ neng/ bi\ ye\. Bi\ ye\ yi_hou\, wo/ xiang_ nian\ yan/jiu-sheng- suo_/sheng-yuan\. Wo/ xuan_ zhuan-ye\ de biao-zhun_ shi\: di\ yi-, you_ yi\si, di\ er\, jiao\shou\ hao_. Wo_ de fu\mu_ bu/ tai\ guan/ wo/ xuan_ shen/me zhuan-ye\.
_sth.__(沒)有意思 _sb. (對 sth.)_(沒)有興趣