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Unix Security Overview: Protecting Your System

Learn about Unix security issues, basic safeguards, and how to secure a Linux system effectively. Discover common-sense security rules and tips to enhance protection. Stay informed and proactive in maintaining a secure Unix environment.

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Unix Security Overview: Protecting Your System

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  1. Security Bo Ye, Quanhua Lu

  2. Overview • Unix vs. Security • Basic Unix Security Issues • How to Secure Linux Box • Other Security Issues • Security Tools • Miscellaneous

  3. Unix vs. Security • Unix was not designed to be secure. • Unix was designed by researchers to be an easy, friendly way to conduct and share research. (Security = 1 / Convenience) • Unix permissions are pretty much "all-or-nothing" -- root vs. everybody else. • Many Unix administrative functions are in programs external to the kernel, able to be inspected by the world.

  4. Your responsibility • Remember that breaking into a computer is a crime. People have been and will be prosecuted and sent to jail for it, so don't get tempted to try it. • If you discover a security problem, you should • Alert your system administrators (if you aren't the administrator). • Alert the vendor of your version of Unix. • Inform the Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT)

  5. Seven Common-sense Rules of Security • Don't put files on your system that are likely to be interesting to hackers. • Plug holes that hackers can use to gain access to you system. • Don't provide places for hackers to build nests on your system. • Set basic traps on systems that are connected to the Internet.

  6. Seven Common-sense Rules of Security (cont.) • Monitor the reports generated by these security tools. • Teach yourself about UNIX system security. Traditional know-how and common sense are the most important parts of a site secure. • Prowl around looking for unusual activity.

  7. Basic Unix Security Issues

  8. /etc/passwd file • Have no accounts without passwords. • Regularly verify that every login has a password. put:awk -F: '{ if ($2 == "") print $1 }' etc/passwd in a file and execute with cron and have results mailed • Avoid accounts with weak passwords. • Chose a good password. • Use npasswd or passed+ instead of passwd force users to select reasonably secure passwords. • Avoid share accounts • Avoid Group Logins and Shared Logins. • Use sudo to control access to rootly powers.

  9. /etc/passwd files (cont.) • Shadow your passwords • If at all possible, use shadow passwords. • "shadow passwords" put the passwords in a separate file, readable only by root. • Password Aging • Change passwords regularly,In particular, the root password should be changed on a regular basis • Beware of extra entries in your passwd file that are UID 0, or any other suspicious entries.

  10. /etc/passwd files (cont.) • Rootly Entries • Regularly verify that only the root login has id 0 by running the script: awk -F:'{if($3 == 0) print $1}'etc/passwd • Modify it to verify group ids and UID s of key individuals.

  11. Setuid Programs • If you are writing setuid programs: Minimize the number of setuid programs and keep the followings seven rules in minds: • Don't write setuid shell scripts. • You don’t have a enough control inside a shell script. • Don't use any library routines that invoke a shell. • These includes popen and system. • Don't use execlp()or execvp() to run another program • They allow you to give the program name without the path, which is very dangerous.

  12. Setuid Programs (cont.) • Always use full pathnames to identify files and programs. • Don’t rely on any kind of searching mechanism to find files. • Don't make the program setuid to root unless you have to. • Make a pseudo-users name or group name instead. • Don't make setuid-programs world-readable. • This can allow bad guys to attack and exploit your codes. • Don’t put secret back-door escapes in your code. • These features don’t stay secret for long.

  13. Setuid Program (cont.) • Check regularly for new setuid programs, or for changes in setuid programs. • Can help you catch an intruder early on. • Regularly compare the output of the following script to spot clandestine setuid programs. /usr/bin/find / -user root -perm -4000 -print/usr/ucb/mail -s "Setuid root files" netadmin

  14. Special File Permissions • /dev/kmem(which maps kernel memory) should not be world-readable. • /etc/passwd and /etc/group should not be world-writable (for obvious reasons). • Do not have world-writable anonymous ftp directories. • Give no "world" permissions to disk device files.

  15. How to secure linux box • Disable unused services. • User and password security. • Keep used services updated. • Use ssh wherever possible. • Packet filtering.

  16. Disable Unused Services • Edit /etc/inetd.conf and comment out unused services: ftp, telnet,rstatd, etc. • Run ‘ps aux’ and exam the output carefully, look for extra daemons: sendmail, named, nfsd, etc. • If you don’t need it, kill it.

  17. Disable Unused Services (cont.) • Run ‘netstat -a | fgrep LISTEN’ and look for unusual ports. This will print up something like this • tcp 0 0 *:6000 *:* LISTEN • tcp 0 0 *:www *:* LISTEN • tcp 0 0 *:auth *:* LISTEN • tcp 0 0 *:finger *:* LISTEN • tcp 0 0 *:shell *:* LISTEN • tcp 0 0 *:sunrpc *:* LISTEN

  18. Keep Used Services Updated • Install Updateme, a handy script for keeping your system up-to-date. • Learn how your vendor provides software updates! Many packages have security problems discovered with them after release, and Linux vendors will release new versions to fix these. • Redhead 5.2: • <URL: ftp://ftp.redhat.com/linux/redhat-5.2/updates/> • SuSE 6.0: • <URL: ftp://ftp.suse.com/pub/SuSE-Linux/suse_update/SuSE-6.0/>

  19. User and password Security • Run ‘pwconv’to turn on shadow passwords. • If possible, get PAM (Pluggable Authentication Modules) installed. • Don’t run routinely as root. • Use sudo to aid in delegating root tasks.

  20. Installing ssh • Download source: • <URL: ftp://ftp.cs.hut.fi/pub/ssh/ssh-1.2.26.tar.gz> • Unpack source: tar -xzof ssh-1.2.26.tar.gz • Configure: cd ssh-1.2.26; sh configure • Build: make • Install: (as root) make install • You may also wish to install ssh version 2 after version1.

  21. Using ssh • Other end must run sshd server. • Use just like telnet or rlogin. Like rlogin can use a different remote username by adding ‘-l name’. Use config file (see ssh manpage) to set common parameters persistently. • Use scp to copy files like rcp. Example: • scp pcecs237.cs.umbc.edu:myprog.c .

  22. Packet Filtering • Allows you control what packets reach your machine from the network,and only allow in data to services you intend to offer. • Helps prevent hostile scanning for accidentally open services. • In Linux 2.0.x look for ipfwadm, in 2.2.x ipchains. • For more information see • <URL: http://www.xos.nl/linux/ipfwadm/>

  23. Other Security Issues • Remote Event Logging • Use "syslog" to send important events to a secure machine • Secure Terminals • Restrict root logins to specific terminals by listing them in /etc/securettys • Be very careful with /etc/hosts.equiv and .rhosts files • NIS and NFS • Security and Sendmail

  24. Security Tools • COPS -- Computer Oracle and Password System • COPS does many scans for common security problems on Unix systems. • Warns you of problems. You have to fix them. • Crack • Tries to guess passwords by using dictionary words, encrypting them, and comparing with the encrypted password

  25. Security Tools (cont.) • TCP wrapper (tcpd) • A package that is used to monitor incoming IP connections • Allows you to selectively block hosts and provides logging of all connections via syslog • /etc/inetd.conf telnet stream tcp nowait root etc/in.telnetd in.telnetd you can change this to: telnet stream tcp nowait root /usr/ets/tcpd in.telnetd

  26. Security Tools (cont.) • Tripwire • A file integrity checker • Notifies you of changes to important system files • SATAN • Analyzes hosts on your network for certain well-known (and dangerous) vulnerabilities

  27. Miscellaneous • Backups • Have regular backups • To recover from destructive attacks • To have a known "clean" configuration to compare against • Trojan Horses • Be careful with software off the net • Get software from known sources • Don't compile things right away. • Don't install it if you can't get source, unless you're sure of what it is

  28. Miscellaneous (cont.) • Packet Filtering • Controlling access to a network by analyzing the incoming and outgoing packets • Packet filtering is one technique, among many, for implementing security firewalls • Kerberos • an authentication system developed at MIT • uses DES encryption • requires a secure "authentication" server

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