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Recap of Our Assisted Living

Major Research Topics. A software infrastructure that integrates sensing, communication, and event/information managementSoftware safety, robustness and availabilityManagement and control of dependency relations between software componentsEvolvability and interoperabilityInterface engineeringSe

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Recap of Our Assisted Living

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    1. Recap of Our Assisted Living Improve the life of elderly people Saving cost Essential application goals Time driven reminders of daily activities Localization (Location based memory aids) Detection of early warning signs of diseases RT communications to caregivers in case of emergency

    2. Major Research Topics A software infrastructure that integrates sensing, communication, and event/information management Software safety, robustness and availability Management and control of dependency relations between software components Evolvability and interoperability Interface engineering Security and privacy Security for information storage and wireless communication facilities Role-based trust management: who can gain access to what information QoS provisioning Both system-wide QoS and wireless QoS for a wide variety of reminder, monitoring, localization, and time-critical emergency services

    3. Our Team’s Expertise Security HCI QoS and Real-time Reliability and System Integration Networking and Communications Data mining/analysis

    4. Today Meeting’s Goal Survey of similar industry efforts/projects Identify the similarities with and differences from our assisted living project What application(s) they are considering? What are the notable components/research highlights? What we lack? Decision: should we leverage their results or join? Divide and conquer different research topics/tasks by research groups Other discussions Targeted scenarios? System architecture? How to integrate all components? Mobile code? How about security and privacy?

    5. IBM On-Demand Innovation Services: e-Healthcare (http://domino.research.ibm.com/odis/odis.nsf/pages/micro.07.02.html) e-Healthcare solutions High-throughput messaging technology + data integration technology Available Services Notification of important clinical events (similar to reminder) using a variety of means protecting patient privacy Portal-based mobile, integrated access of personalized and summarized medical and clinical information Biometric monitoring of patients and automated detection of abnormalities and delivery of resulting alerts (Monitoring) m-Health (Wireless)* domain expertise combined with other technologies such as information integration, collaboration and mobile infrastructure (Data collection and communication)

    6. *m-Health Wireless (http://www-03.ibm.com/technology/designconsulting/port_mhealth.html) m-Health Wireless Healthcare Solution A set of wireless, patient vital-sign-monitoring devices. A patient’s critical health statistics are automatically measured, stored and transmitted to a database during daily routines, emergencies, hospital stays or the treatments of chronic illnesses. Design with good UI

    7. Comparisons IBM e-Healthcare solution is quite integrative and similar to our project. Detailed information about IBM’s technology is not available. Seems lacking detailed interoperability function Seems lacking QoS and RT communications support Security in addition to privacy?

    8. IBM Research: Home Healthcare Support System (http://researchweb.watson.ibm.com/hc/SUPPORT/support.html) Designed to empower and support people with chronic disease who are being treated at home rather than in a hospital Support of information services provides consultation and symptom analysis demonstrates medical procedures through video. User Interface Designed for a broad range of users including those who can't type or have little computer experience. Easy to navigate using touch, and supports a variety of task-appropriate media including audio and video. Differences from our project No monitoring/motion detection No reminder service No automatic reports to healthcare provider

    9. GE Research: Home Assurance (http://geglobalresearch.com/01_coretech/homeAssurance.shtml) Goal - to provide an unobtrusive “watchdog” in a home that will automatically identify and alert caregivers to irregular behavior by the person living in the home. How it works: Wireless security sensors placed strategically in a home electronically capture and report routine movements and activities - the opening and closing of doors and motion through rooms like bedrooms and kitchens. Sophisticated algorithms organize that data into models of “normal” routines for that specific household. Current activity is constantly compared to the model. The system generates summary reports of activities that a caregiver can monitor via the Web, and can also alert them via phone, e-mail or pager that something out of the ordinary has occurred. Long-term trends can be viewed to see if behavior is changing over a period of time that would indicate a higher level of care is needed. Summary: Focus on data collection and analysis No automated reminder

    10. Siemens: GSM/GPRS for Healthcare Applications (http://communications.siemens.com/cds/frontdoor/0,2241,hq_en_0_2263_rArNrNrNrN,00.html) GSM/GPRS communication technology for Helping the chronically ill people Data on patients’ vital functions such as cardiac activity or blood-glucose levels are transmitted to special service centers, clinics and specialists via mobile communications. Use in medical emergencies Patients can immediately be put in touch with emergency staff. GSM/GPRS Wireless modules TC65: Java open platform + ARM7 processor, memory, etc. TC63: w/o Java developer’s platform XT55: for tracking applications Comment Just for communication component Wireless components that can be used while in outside activity.

    11. Siemens: An Integrative Framework for Home Health Monitoring Research Project with Columbia Univ. & GaTech The focus of the research To study the process of home-healthcare monitoring in elderly people with diabetes : a feasibility study The long-term objective To develop an integrative home healthcare monitoring framework to support chronically ill patients to enable them to better manage their illness. Details are not currently available.

    12. Philips: Motiva platform (http://www.newscenter.philips.com/about/news/section-13674/article-15026.html) Pilot study of TV-based system for patients to manage health at home Goal: to evaluate an interactive, personalized healthcare communication platform connects chronic disease patients at home to their care provider via their television Patients’ biometric data and survey responses will be automatically sent via a secure broadband television connection.

    13. Honeywell--In-Home Health Care: Project: NIST ATP Independent Lifestyle Assistant (ILSA) Scenarios: Monitoring, localization, reminder, reporting Research focus: Wireless Comm., Sensors, HUI (Patients and Caregiver), Central Intelligence (Agent based server) Devices: Motion sensor, Contact switch, Pressure mat. Field trials: 2003 Pros: reduction in missed-medications, elders like interactive communications. Cons: Fault alerts, cost of sensor deployment, requires computer-literate

    14. Honeywell—HomeMed (http://www.hommed.com/) Commercial business #1 deployed in industry 15,000 systems, 300,000 patients Benefits Reduction (~50%) in hospitalizations, ER visits Patients live in home Caregivers: in home visit only when required Devices Telemonitoring unit: Collects and transmit data Blood pressure, HR, Weight, Temperature, Oxygen saturation Yes/No questions Frequency: 3-5 minutes or 1-2 per day. Central station: Receives data and present to caregiver (for monitoring and localization purposes etc) FDA Class II Health and Wellness Kiosk – Trans. info. through phone line. Differences Project is simple, limited to the monitoring

    15. Intel—Proactive Health (http://www.intel.com/research/prohealth/cs-aging_in_place.htm) Focus (Project started from 2002) Smart home for Alzheimer patients Research: Sensor networks Monitoring and localization Motion sensors, contact/magnetic switches, RFID, motes Home networks Connect everything (TV, clock, telephone, PC, PDA) Reminder Activity tracking (illness detection) AI (dynamic Bayesian networks) Translate raw data to trending information Ambient display for For distance family members to check Difference to us: Not only assistant day-2-day for purposes, but also help to maintain social engagements.

    16. Today Meeting’s Goal Survey of similar industry efforts/projects Identify the similarities with and differences from our assisted living project What application(s) they are considering? What are the notable components/research highlights? What we lack? Decision: should we leverage their results or join? Divide and conquer different research topics/tasks by research groups Other discussions Targeted scenarios? System architecture? How to integrate all components? Mobile code? How about security and privacy?

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