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Defending Human Rights: Advocacy challenges for making policy changes in conservative social settings. Afsar Syed Mohammad, ILO, Geneva. Satellite: Overcoming HIV in conservative social settings Organized by OFID and International AIDS Society, 23 July 2014.
Defending Human Rights:Advocacy challenges for making policy changes in conservative social settings Afsar Syed Mohammad, ILO, Geneva Satellite: Overcoming HIV in conservative social settings Organized by OFID and International AIDS Society, 23 July 2014
What are the key advocacy challenges in conservative social settings? • Bringing stakeholders out of “denial” • Changing “attitudes” towards people living with HIV and key populations. • Changing “norms” and discriminatory policies/punitive laws. • Addressing gender dimensions. • Strengthening collaboration between different stakeholders.
Story of Gita - a migrant worker from Sri Lanka • Gita went to Kuwait as a domestic worker. • Her passport was taken by the employer. • She was sexually abused by the employer. • She ran away and landed in a brothel. • Finally, she could contact her brother, who helped her return home. Back home: • Her husband, who had built a house with her earning, threw her out of the house. • After some time she fell ill, diagnosed with HIV. • Now, she is working and is on Anti Retroviral Treatment.
Gita’s is not just a one-off instance… • A South African Journalist lost his job with Al Jazeera, and deported from Qatar. • 40 countries currently impose some form of restriction on entry, stay and residence based on HIV status. • Six members of the Gulf Cooperation Council—Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates—impose HIV-related restrictions for migrant workers.(UNAIDS) • Criminalisation of key populations remains widespread. • These laws and practices are discriminatory, violate human rights and impede effective HIV responses.
ILO Recommendation No. 200 • …the response to HIV and AIDS should be recognized as contributing to the realization of human rights… • there should be no discrimination against or stigmatization of workers…on grounds of real or perceived HIV status … or the fact that they belong to segments of polulations perceived to be at greater risk of or more vulnerable to HIV infection. • No worker should be required to undertake an HIV test or disclose their HIV status. • HIV testing should not be required of workers, including migrant workers… • ….
Objectives of advocacy in conservative social settings • To protecthumanrights of people living with HIV and key populations and end stigma and discrimination. • To change discriminatorypolicies, legislation and practices. • To enhance the risk perception of stakeholders.
Lessons of successful advocacy efforts in conservative settings • Explain - why should you address HIV and AIDS? • Present human rights-based messages under the larger public health goal. • Be careful in presenting the evidence. • Generate knowledge to demonstrate that Punitive laws and practices hamper effective HIV responses (e.g futility of mandatory testing of migrant workers). • Engage with religious leaders • Partner with people living with HIV and Key populations. • Present examples of successful initiatives in conservative settings.
Opportunities • The AIDS ArabStrategy “Review existing policies and study the costs and the impact of travel restrictions on people living with the HIV”; • The Treatment initiative in the MENA region. • Replicate the success of rights-based HIV response in the post 2015 Development Agenda. • Integrating HIV response in other initiatives, e.gyouthemployment. • Implement the Call to Action, adopted in the Vienna consultation, organized by OFID and IAS in April 2014
Prevent HIV, Protect Human Rights at Work Thank you very much afsar@ilo.org www.ilo.org/aids