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Istituto per la Microelettronica e Microsistemi. The network on graphene at IMM. OUTLINE The IMM graphene research network The agreement with Industry Competences and acquired know how at IMM Agrate (MDM) Competences and acquired know how at IMM CT . Slide 1 /15.
Istituto per la Microelettronica e Microsistemi The network on graphene at IMM • OUTLINE • The IMM graphene research network • The agreement with Industry • Competences and acquired know how at IMM Agrate (MDM) • Competences and acquired know how at IMM CT Slide 1/15
Graphene like materials (silicene, germanene, …) Memories and logics Milano Bologna Roma Lecce Napoli Catania The graphene research network at IMM Advanced characterisation & sensors See V. Morandi, R. Rizzoli materials fundamentals & devices (Rf, power, …) Slide 2/15
Graphene like materials (silicene, germanene, …) Memories and logics Milano Bologna Roma Lecce Napoli Catania The graphene research network at IMM Advanced characterisation & sensors See V. Morandi, R. Rizzoli materials fundamentals & devices (Rf, power, …) Slide 3/15
Graphene like materials (silicene, germanene, …) Memories and logics Milano Bologna Roma Lecce Napoli Catania The graphene research network at IMM Advanced characterisation & sensors See V. Morandi, R. Rizzoli materials fundamentals & devices (Rf, power, …) Slide 2/15
Graphene like materials (silicene, germanene, …) Memories and logics The industrial cluster Milano Bologna Roma 3Sun Lecce Napoli Catania The graphene research network at IMM Advanced characterisation & sensors See V. Morandi, R. Rizzoli materials fundamentals & devices (Rf, power, …) Slide 2/15
Graphene like materials (silicene, germanene, …) Memories and logics The industrial cluster Milano Bologna Roma 3Sun Lecce Napoli Catania The graphene research network at IMM Advanced characterisation & sensors See V. Morandi, R. Rizzoli J.D.A. materials fundamentals & devices (Rf, power, …) J.D.A. J.D.P. Slide 2/15
IMM-Agrate expertise on ReRAM memory devices Challenge: Resistive Random Access Memory (ReRAM) in graphene. CNR- IMM- Agrate EMMA Project-FP6 (1/9/2006-30/11/2009): Emerging Materials for Mass-storage Architectures (contact: Marco Fanciulli and Sabina Spiga) MORE Project 2010-2012 (CARIPLO): Advanced Metal-Oxide heterostructure for nanoscle ReRAM (contact: Sabina Spiga) single layer graphene as electrode on Nb-doped STO substrate for Pt/NiO/graphene nano-ReRAM graphene J. Y. Son et al., ACS Nano 4, 2010, 2655-2658 Graphene Oxide Thin Films (as switching element) for Flexible Nonvolatile Memory applications H.Y. Jeong at al., Nanoletters 2010, 10, 4381–4386 ReRAM: a large class of emerging non-volatile memory concepts is based on a 2-terminal resistoras a memory element that can be programmed in a high and low conductive state Memristorconcept introduced by HP Large interest from worldwide industries on ReRAM for post high-density FLASH and for Flexible Nonvolatile Memory Applications IMM-Agrate expertise up to now: NiO, Nb2O5, TiO2 based metal/oxide/metal thin film- and nanowire- heterostructures Slide 3/15
graphite-like AlN 2D top lattice functionalized silicene graphite-like AlN 2D bottom lattice Challenge: Graphene-like materials Graphene like semiconductors (silicene, germanene) valuable option for active material in Post-CMOS ditital logic devices and circuits CNR- IMM- Agrate Option 2: encapsulation silicene with 2D hexagonal dielectric lattices Option 1: silicene on metals, (in analogy with graphene) MBE of Si on Ag(110), Ag(111) substrates Ref. Aufray et al, Appl. Phys. Lett. 97, 223109 (2010); Aufray et al, ibidem 96, 183102 (2010) • Molecular beam epitaxy apparatus for growth, functionalization amd in situ characterization of graphene like materials • in situ SPM and spectroscopic diagnostic tools • dielectric capping for prototypical MOS-like devices @ CNR-IMM (Lab. MDM) Slide 4/15
GRAPHENE at IMM-CT: highlights More than 30 papers since 2005 by two groups (theory & Exp.) growth methods Synthesis methods High material quality: Low defects density, High mobility Small sheets; Low production yield • Mechanical exfoliation of highly oriented pyrolityc graphite (HOPG) Can be placed on different substrates: SiO2 , SiC, high-k dielectrics • Chemical exfoliation of highly oriented pyrolityc graphite (HOPG) Small sheets; Defects High production yield Can be placed on different substrates: SiO2 , SiC, high-k dielectrics • Epitaxial graphene on SiC by controlled graphitisation of the surface at high temperatures (1500 –2000 °C) in inert gas ambient Large area (wafer scale) sheets on semiconductor substrate Substrate cost S. Sonde, F. Giannazzo, V. Raineri, and E. Rimini, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 27, 868 (2009). S. Sonde, F. Giannazzo, V. Raineri, and E. Rimini, Phys. Status Solidi B, 1–4 (2010) S. Sonde, F. Giannazzo, V. Raineri, R. Yakimova, J.-R. Huntzinger, A. Tiberj, and J. Camassel, Phys. Rev. B 80, 241406(R) (2009). Slide 5/15
GRAPHENE at IMM-CT: highlights More than 30 papers since 2005 by two groups (theory & Exp.) growth methods Synthesis methods High material quality: Low defects density, High mobility Small sheets; Low production yield • Mechanical exfoliation of highly oriented pyrolityc graphite (HOPG) Can be placed on different substrates: SiO2 , SiC, high-k dielectrics • Chemical exfoliation of highly oriented pyrolityc graphite (HOPG) Small sheets; Defects High production yield Can be placed on different substrates: SiO2 , SiC, high-k dielectrics BEYOND STATE OF THE ART First EG on 4H-SiC off axis Patended substrates High mobility • Epitaxial graphene on SiC by controlled graphitisation of the surface at high temperatures (1500 –2000 °C) in inert gas ambient Large area (wafer scale) sheets on semiconductor substrate Substrate cost S. Sonde, F. Giannazzo, V. Raineri, and E. Rimini, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 27, 868 (2009). S. Sonde, F. Giannazzo, V. Raineri, and E. Rimini, Phys. Status Solidi B, 1–4 (2010) S. Sonde, F. Giannazzo, V. Raineri, R. Yakimova, J.-R. Huntzinger, A. Tiberj, and J. Camassel, Phys. Rev. B 80, 241406(R) (2009). Slide 5/15
GRAPHENE at IMM-CT: Highlights Transfer to substrates: methods and functionalization Silanizationof SiO2 Phosphonizationof SiO2 Transfer by nanoimprinting Slide 6/15
GRAPHENE at IMM-CT: Highlights Transfer to substrates: methods and functionalization Silanizationof SiO2 Phosphonizationof SiO2 Transfer by nanoimprinting • CHALLENGES • From nanoscale properties to large area EG on 4H-SiC (150 mm) • Functionalisation (to control the G carrier concentration, • to control the G layer transfer to other substrates) Slide 6/15
GRAPHENE at IMM-CT: Highlights Quantum capacitance and local transport Gnd SCM Electronic Module C’q Graphene Qscr Aeff Qdepl n-SiC C’depl ΔVgr n+ SiC Qdepl ΔVdepl + Vg Under the influence of electric field, 2DEG manifests itself as a capacitor, Quantum capacitor. + Vg SiO Aeff leff SiC F. Giannazzo, S. Sonde, V. Raineri, E. Rimini, Nano Lett. 9, 23 (2009). F. Giannazzo,S. Sonde, V. Raineri, and E. Rimini, Appl. Phys. Lett. 95, 263109 (2009). Slide 7/15
Nci_EG=2.5x1011cm-2 GRAPHENE at IMM-CT: Highlights The role of interfaces on mobility 23000 cm2V-1s-1 Epitaxial graphene Giannazzo F, Roccaforte F, Raineri V, Liotta SF, Europhys. Lett., 74, 686 (2006) S. Sonde, F. Giannazzo, C. Vecchio, V. Raineri, E. Rimini, App. Phys. Lett., 97, 132101 (2010) Also selected for publication on Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology. Slide 8/15
Atomic force microscopy GRAPHENE at IMM-CT: Highlights From thin to fat FET Optical microscopy Gate Drain Source Pt HSQ Pt Pt EG 4H-SiC (0001) n- Lg=10mm 4H-SiC (0001) n+ F. Giannazzo, C. Vecchio, V. Raineri, E. Rimini, submitted Slide 9/15
GRAPHENE at IMM-CT: Highlights Transfer characteristics fat FET characteristics Holeconduction Output characteristics Diracpoint 0V < VD< 10V 0V < VG< 14V STEP = 1V Ambipolartransport Electron conduction Transconductance Slide 10/15
100 first processing end of processing 80 60 40 20 0 Frequency (%) 0 20 40 60 80 100 l (nm) 100 80 60 40 20 0 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 m (cm2V-1s-1) GRAPHENE at IMM-CT: challenges Mapping distribution Slide 11/15
100 first processing Buried gate end of processing 80 60 40 20 0 Frequency (%) 0 20 40 60 80 100 l (nm) 100 80 60 40 20 0 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 m (cm2V-1s-1) GRAPHENE at IMM-CT: challenges Mapping distribution New devices architectures • CHALLENGES • Physical model nano- macro properties • New devices architectures Slide 11/15
GRAPHENE at IMM-CT:ELECTRON STRUCTURE AND COHERENT TRANSPORT IN CONFINED GRAPHENE Methodology Electronic Structure Quantum transport Ab initio Semiempirical Transport Non-equilibrium Green’s functions methods coupled to Landauer-Büttiker approach Electrostatics 3D Poisson solver, computational box with Neumann/Dirichlet boundary conditions Density functional theory, LDA and GGA exchange-correlation functionals, GAUSSIAN and SIESTA codes Tight-Binding (TB): single π-orbital Hamiltonian, further parameterizations based on DFT Extended Hückel Theory (EHT): real-orbital basis, parameters from DFT calculations or experimental data Slide 12/15
GRAPHENE at IMM: Highlights the simulation approach to transport properties Previous activity overview Computation apparatus: self-consistent transport calculations Atomistic modeling of disorder in graphene based systems: from the single defect/impurity to a finite density of scattering centers GNR-metal junction Epitaxial GNR on SiC(0001): role of interface states Focus on defective and functionalized epitaxial GNR Complete device simulation At CNR-IMM Catania • In house programming codes for electronic structure and quantum transport based on atomistic semi-empirical Hamiltonians (Extended Hückel and Tight-Binding), NEGF-Poisson scheme • Full-device simulation for 103 – 107 atoms (in the case of GNRs) • Atomistic treatment of local alterations in the atomic structure, disorder, etc. • Multiscale approach (electronic Hamiltonians calibrated or evaluated by first-principles calculations) A. La Magna et al, PRB 80, 195413 (2009) I. Deretzis and A. La Magna, Appl. Phys. Lett. 95, 063211 (2009) I. Deretzis et al., J. Phys. Cond. Mat. 22, 095504 (2010) I. Dertzis et al., Phys. Rev. B 81, 085427 (2010) I. Deretzis et al., Phys. Rev. B 82, 161413(R) (2010) I. D. and A. La Magna, accepted Appl. Phys. Lett. Slide 13/15
Challenges IMM - Agrate • Memories and logics in graphene • Graphene-like materials IMM - CT • From nanoscale properties to large area (150 mm wafers) • Physical model considering nano-properties for macro-effects • New devices architectures • Functionalisation (to control the G carrier concentration, • to control the G layer transfer to other substrates) • Computational transport properties: multi scale approach IMM - Bo • see coming presentations for details Slide 14/15
Bologna: Vittorio Morandi* Luca Ortolani*** Rita Rizzoli* Giulio Paolo Veronese* Alberto Roncaglia* Catania: Antonino La Magna* Giuseppe Angilella** Ioannis Deretzis*** Raffaella Lo Nigro* Filippo Giannazzo* Vito Raineri* Emanuele Rimini** Sushant Sonde*** Carmelo Vecchio **** Agrate: Marco Fanciulli** Alessandro Molle* Sabina Spiga* Thank you for your attention * Ricercatori CNR di ruolo ** Associati *** Post-doc **** Dottorandi Slide 15/15