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The Need for Reform, Evaluation, and Dissemination. Leo Pezzementi. ACT Science Scores. http://www.act.org/. ACT English Scores. http://www.act.org/. International Comparison of Math, Reading, and Science Skills Among 15-Year-Olds
The Need for Reform, Evaluation, and Dissemination Leo Pezzementi
ACT Science Scores http://www.act.org/
ACT English Scores http://www.act.org/
International Comparison of Math, Reading, and Science Skills Among 15-Year-Olds More than 250,000 15-year old students from 41 countries participated in the assessment. The countries included all major industrialized nations (results for Britain were not available) and 11 other nations that chose to participate. The test scores are from 2003. Source: Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, OECD PISA (Program for Student Assessment) 2003 database.
http://www.gfdl.noaa.gov/~tk/glob_warm_hurr.html Fig. 1. Comparison of simulated hurricane intensities for present-day (thin line) and future (thick line) climate conditions assuming an 80-year build-up of atmospheric CO2 at 1%/yr compounded. The results are aggregated from sets of experiments using nine different global climate model projections and four different versions of a high-resolution hurricane prediction model.
The Value of Scientific Literacy The value of scientific literacy to liberal education far transcends the practical benefits conferred on citizens who live and work in a technological society. The proper study of science… serves well all educated persons. Of the many lessons that science teaches, some are especially apt for those who will become leaders of tomorrow’s society: • Learn from mistakes • Trust information • Share ideas freely What Works: Building Natural Science Communities Project Kaleidoscope, 1991
Mini-grants Whether the proposal addresses a new course, module, or other learning/teaching activity, the resulting experience should increase students’ ability to: • understand and appreciate the scientific world-view, including its limitations, and how it differs from other perspectives; • understand the increase of inter-relationships among the different disciplines of science; • understand the connection between scientific concepts and technological developments, their impact on society, and the cultural and historical context in which they emerge; and • use their understanding to evaluate rationally scientific controversies in the world. http://www.colleges.org/sciencereform/minigrants.html
http://www.nsf.gov/cgi-bin/getpub?nsf02057 http://www.ehr.nsf.gov/EHR/REC/pubs/NSF97-153/start.htm
Science Values InventoryDonald Deeds [ddeeds@drury.edu] The Science Values Inventory is now finalized and ready to be used for assessment of non-majors courses. If you would be interested in using the inventory as a pre-test/post-test for any of your courses, please let us know. Let me know how many you need and your mailing address. We'll mail you a packet with the appropriate number of inventories. You will also need approval from your institution's Human Subjects Committee. Let know if I can help out on that front, as well. Don Deeds
Science Education Journals American Biology Teacher Cell Biology Education Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education Bioscene-Journal of College Biology Teaching The Electronic Journal in Science and Literacy Education The Electronic Journal of Science Education Journal of College Science Teaching International Journal of Science Education Journal of Chemical Education Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching Journal of Research in Science Teaching Journal of Science Education and Technology Journal of Science Teacher Education Quantum Research in Science & Technological Education Science & Education Science Education Science Scope http://www.indiana.edu/~scied/journals.html
Anatomy / Physiology • Advances in Physiology Education: Published by the American Physiological Society, this journal covers all aspects of physiology education at academic levels, including research reports, scholarly essays, and practical aids to teaching. Information about the journal, including scope notes and instructions for authors, is provided online. In addition, the full contents of the journal can be accessed online for free through the web page. • Journal of Clinical Problem-Based Learning: A peer-reviewed quarterly web publication dedicated to "furthering the development and application of problem-based learning and other active learning strategies in health sciences education." Online access to the full text of the journal is free, but you must register. As part of the registration process, you must provide proof that you are an education professional. For more information, see the journal's New Registrant web page. http://ublib.buffalo.edu/libraries/projects/cases/journal.htm
Biology • American Biology Teacher: Published by the National Association of Biology Teachers, the American Biology Teacher features teaching ideas and concepts, reviews, and an overview of biology today. It focuses on biology teaching in middle school, high school, and to a lesser extent college and university. The online version of the journal provides table of contents information for current and back issues. • Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education: Published by the International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, the primary objective of the journal is to assist in the teaching of biochemistry to science and medical students. The online version provides access to the tables of contents for the journal beginning with January 1995. The journal includes a Problem-Based Learning column edited by Harold B. White, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Delaware, 123 Brown Laboratory, Newark, DE 19716, Halwhite@udel.edu. • Biology Education Review: Published by University of Oregon's Workshop Biology, this newsletter is devoted to encouraging communication and the sharing of ideas between college biology teachers with an emphasis on active learning and cirtical thinking. • BioScene: Journal of College Biology Teaching: Bioscene is the official, refereed publication of the Association of College & University Biology Educators. Although primarily a scientific journal, it does offer an Education Department, which publishes high-quality essays and reports of research on biology teaching. Scanned images of the last 22 years' worth of the journal are available on the journal's web site. • Journal of Biological Education: Published by the Institute of Biology, this international journal specializes in the teaching of biology up to the first-year undergraduate level. The web version provides the table of contents for current issues. • Microbiology Education Journal: Published by the American Society for Microbiology, this peer-reviewed journal showcases scholarly work in the field of microbiology education. Its scope includes outcome-based learning activities and courses that convey important concepts about the microbial world; techniques used to study microorganisms; and assessment of student learning, teaching techniques, or program effectiveness.
Chemistry / Chemical Engineering • Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education: Published by the International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, the primary objective of the journal is to assist in the teaching of biochemistry to science and medical students. The online version provides access to the tables of contents for the journal beginning with January 1995. The journal includes a Problem-Based Learning column edited by Harold B. White, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Delaware, 123 Brown Laboratory, Newark, DE 19716, Halwhite@udel.edu. • The Chemical Educator: Chemical Educator is a peer-reviewed journal serving the needs of chemical education professionals. The journal's focus is the college and university (two- and four-year) chemistry curriculum, including major courses, general education courses, and courses taught in service to other majors. To access the full contents of the online version, you must be a subscriber. Access to the tables of contents and abstracts of issues going back to 1996 is free. • Chemical Engineering Education: This quarterly journal is written for and by chemical engineering professors in an effort to promote excellence in the teaching of chemical engineering. Articles are principally pedagogical, although some university-based research articles are included. The web site provides access to the tables of contents of issues as well as information for authors. • Journal of Chemical Education: Published by the American Chemical Society, the Journal of Chemical Education's aim is to help teachers stay current with new research in chemistry as well as new ideas in teaching methodologies and course organization. • NEACT Journal: The NEACT Journal, published twice a year by the New England Association of Chemistry Teachers, is targeted at helping teachers of chemistry at the high school and college levels. The journal is free with membership in NEACT. The editor of the NEACT Journal is Judith A. Kelley in the Chemistry Deparment at the University of Massachusetts at Lowell; she can be contacted at Judith_Kelley@uml.edu.
Environmental Science / Environmental Studies • Journal of Environmental Education: The Journal of Environmental Education features case studies of relevant projects, evaluation of new research, and discussion of public policy and philosophy in the area of environmental education. The web site provides instructions for authors and subscription information. • Journal of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Education: Published by the American Society of Agronomy, the journal covers all disciplines in the life sciences, natural resources, and agriculture, providing a forum for teachers to share teaching techniques, concepts, and ideas. Articles published include research, notes, case studies, software, slide sets, letters, editorials, news features, profiles, and media reviews. A special section of the journal emphasizes K-16 education. The web site for the journal provides information on the journal's scope, editorial board, and instructions for submitting a manuscript as well as the table of contents of current and past issues. Limited full text is also available.
General Science Education • Electronic Journal of Science Education: A free, full-text, peer-reviewed electronic journal devoted to the timely sharing of science education information via the World Wide Web. • International Journal of Science Education: The journal features peer-reviewed general articles, papers on innovations and developments, research reports, and book reviews. Each volume contains a Special Issue devoted to a topic of major interest and importance, guest-edited by an expert in the field. Recent Special Issues have featured environmental education and policy and practice in science education. The web site provides access to tables of contents of past issues as well as information on submitting and subscribing to the journal. • Journal of College Science Teaching: Published by the National Science Teachers Association, the Journal of College Science Teaching communicates innovative, effective techniques to improve interdisciplinary teaching strategies in science. It focuses on the teaching of all fields of science at the college level. The web site includes information on submitting as well as subscribing to the journal. Tables of contents and an index are available via the web site. Subscribers can access the full text of the journal online. • Journal of Research in Science Teaching: Published by Wiley for the National Association for Research in Science Teaching, the journal includes articles related to the philosophy, historical perspective, teaching strategies, curriculum development, and topics relevant to science education. The online version provides abstracts for papers appearing in the journal since January 1993. • Journal of Science Education and Technology: The Journal of Science Education and Technologyis an interdisciplinary forum for the publication of original peer-reviewed articles to improve and enhance science education at all levels worldwide. The web site provides access to instructions for submitting a manuscript to the journal as well as journal subscription and advertising information. • Journal of Science Teacher Education: The Journal of Science Teacher Educationserves as a forum for disseminating research and theoretical position statements concerning the preparation and inservice education of science teachers.
Geography / Geology • Journal of Geography in Higher Education: The Journal of Geography in Higher Education is devoted to geography teaching in all institutions of higher education throughout the world. It provides a forum for geographers and others, regardless of their specialties, to discuss common educational interests, to present the results of educational research, and to advocate new ideas. The online version of the journal provides inforamtion on the journal's editorial board, subscriptions, and the table of contents of recent issues. • Journal of Geoscience Education: The Journal of Geoscience Education, published by the National Association of Geoscience Teachers, publishes papers related to pedagogical, educational, historical, philosophical, and cultural aspects of all the geosciences, including such related fields as geophysics, geochemistry, oceanography, astronomy, meteorology, soil science, and environmental sciences. The aim of the journal is to improve geoscience instruction at all levels and in all settings. The web site includes information for authors and subscribers as well as the tables of contents of past issues and a subject index.
Physics • American Journal of Physics: The American Journal of Physics (AJP) is an archival journal targeted toward advanced-level physics and physics education. AJP is published monthly by the American Association of Physics Teachers. The web site for the journal includes table of contents information as well as a searchable index of AJP titles, authors, and abstracts. Of particular interest is the New Problems Department of AJP, which presents interesting, novel problems for use in undergraduate physics courses beyond the introductory level. • Physics Education: Published by the Institute of Physics, Physics Education provides a forum for ideas about new ways of teaching and presenting experimental and theoretical aspects of physics. Articles are chosen to support secondary school teachers and those involved with courses up to the introductory undergraduate level. The web site provides access to tables of contents and abstracts for current and back issues, and also, for a fee, the full text of articles. • The Physics Teacher: Designed primarily for those teaching the introductory physics course at any educational level, The Physics Teacher publishes articles and notes on physics research, the history and philosophy of physics, applied physics, curriculum developments, pedagogy, lab equipment, and book reviews. The journal's web site provides access to the table of contents of issues going back to October 1997.