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Compliance made easy. 5 technologies and strategies to transform your business!

Compliance made easy. 5 technologies and strategies to transform your business!. Ben Stoneham, NowWeComply.com. About me. Founder of NowWeComply.com 20 years in technology Specialist in supply chain and business s trategy.

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Compliance made easy. 5 technologies and strategies to transform your business!

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  1. Compliance made easy. 5 technologies and strategies to transform your business! Ben Stoneham, NowWeComply.com

  2. About me Founder of NowWeComply.com 20 years in technology Specialist in supply chain and business strategy. Worked with lots of recruitment businesses over the last 12 years from SME to FTSE100. All about SaaS! www.linkedin.com/in/benstoneham E: ben@nowwecomply.com

  3. About NowWeComply ‘NowWeComply is software from the cloud that automates admin processes to simplify and streamline compliance, cutting cost and reducing risk.’ Come see us at Stand 94

  4. My Goal here today What does Compliance mean to you? How does it impact your business? 5 Technologies you should be thinking about

  5. Compliance is important to recruitment businesses Source Compliance in recruitment 2013

  6. And 70% say it’s getting more critical Source Compliance in recruitment 2013

  7. What is compliance to you? ‘Compliance’ means different things to different people. • Regulatory : Right to work, EAA/ AWR etc ? • Reputation: Following industry bestpractice? • Requirements: Delivery of Client SLAs? • Risk: Protecting your business? • Return: Maximising value (on exit!)

  8. How Compliance Affects you Business Competitiveness • Growth restrictions– structural costs, limits • Ability to compete • Audit Costs Exposure to Risk • Business, Professional and Commercial risk

  9. How can Technology help? • Traditionally, focus has been on ‘Sell side’ technology – CRM, ATS etc • Ability of front office to ‘Add value’ is limited. • When everything is about process though, opportunity to leverage technology is huge.

  10. How do you manage today? • No technology – ‘we do everything on paper’ • We use Excel and save files locally(40% do!) • ‘It’s in our…’ CRM / ATS etc (Vendors ‘It’s a workflow system’)

  11. Truthfully? They are poor solutions • People driving process is expensive and doesn’t scale • Workflow is either inflexible, or too flexible to be robust • How do you show evidence over time? Auditing is at best a manual ‘assembly’

  12. Technology #1 – BPM Systems ‘Business process Management’ Systems. ‘Intelligent Engines’ - drive the process, not people. Define the processes. Who, what, when and how. Typically with visual ‘models’ of the process. Processes can change as your requirements change.

  13. What can BPM systems do? BPM Systems can replace manual processing for many things. They can: • Communicate with people you deal with. • Gather evidence, request data, generate documents and perform checks with other systems. • Match the complexity of the real-world (if they are good!)

  14. BPM for Recruitment Agencies Next generation of SaaS/ Cloud offerings are simpler and much more affordable to SME. NowWeComply is a BPM platform with ‘Compliance’ focus. BPM will integrate with all your other systems

  15. Technology #2 Online Signing ‘Getting the signature’ is key objective. Contracts are the most tangibleevidence of value. Despite this, how often will a signature will be missed? Online signing of documents solves all of these problems, its easy to do - yet 79% of staffing agencies don’t do it!

  16. You need this now. This is one of the quickest wins! Opportunity to standardise your terms – addendums for back-offs etc. Good BPMs will handle variations Integrate! Find a way to drive documents production automatically. Explicitly tie documents to records and process

  17. Technology #3 Data and Services Data to help you establish who you are dealingwith and what you are being told is readily available. • ID Checking – Digital analysis of ID documents becoming best practice ‘reasonable steps defence’ • Address verification – Utility Bills, electoral roll, credit history • Qualifications and background checking • Industry and professional Web-Checks

  18. Technology #4 Call integration Call integration allows you to ‘evidence’ calls as part of compliance. Permission not usually needed if contents are not passed to 3rd party. No hardware to buy, works right alongside whatever you already have.

  19. Has a lot of applications • When you start to think about the uses… • Referencing • Academic and professional qualifications • Decision evidencing • Quality management and training

  20. Technology #5 - Share the work! Strategy and approach as much as technology. Move to devolve tasks to the people (admin, consultants, candidates, clients) who are best able to do them. Use online systems to track and manage tasks (BPM, website integration etc)

  21. To get it right Make it simple to understand Make it easy to use – Single sign on between system is obvious (OpenID, Social Media). Mobile is key flexibility. Engage with the stakeholders Consultants, Candidates, Clients

  22. …to wrap up • Compliance means different things to different people • Implies costs and constraints on business • Compliance is not just screening or regulation.. It is about the processes you use to attain objectives • Of all the areas in recruitment that technology can make a real difference this is it.

  23. Thank you! (Swing by the stand and pickup a sunflower of you own!) www.linkedin.com/in/benstoneham E: ben@nowwecomply.com

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