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A n MCMC algorithm for haplotype assembly from whole-genome sequence data

A n MCMC algorithm for haplotype assembly from whole-genome sequence data. Vikas Bansal , Aaron L. Halpern, Nelson Axelrod, et al. Genome Research. 2008 Aug Presented by KWOK Tsz Piu (Bill) 5 /9/2013. Introduction.

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A n MCMC algorithm for haplotype assembly from whole-genome sequence data

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  1. An MCMC algorithm for haplotype assembly from whole-genome sequence data VikasBansal, Aaron L. Halpern, Nelson Axelrod, et al. Genome Research. 2008 Aug Presented by KWOK TszPiu (Bill) 5/9/2013

  2. Introduction • Genetic variation is present in the form of single nucleotide polymorphisms(SNPs), insertions/deletions, inversions, translocations, copy number variations, etc. • The abundance of SNPs in human genome and the development of high-throughput genotyping technologies have made SNPs the marker of choice for understanding human genetic variation.

  3. Introduction • Human genome contains a pair of DNA sequences : one from each parent called haploid sequences or haplotypes • Haplotypes differ at SNP/insertion/deletion… positions • SNPs (single nucleotide polymorphism) are single bpmutations (~0.1%; non-uniform) • SNP positions contain one of two possible alleles … ataggtccCtatttcgcgcCgtatacacgggActata … … ataggtccGtatttcgcgcCgtatacacgggTctata … … ataggtccCtatttcgcgcCgtatacacgggTctata …

  4. Haplotypes and Genotypes • Haplotype: description of SNP alleles on a chromosome • 0/1 vector: 0 for major allele, 1 for minor • Diploids: two homologous copies of each autosomal chromosome • One inherited from mother and one from father • Genotype: description of alleles on both chromosomes • 0/1/2 vector: 0 (1) - both chromosomes contain the major (minor) allele; 2 - the chromosomes contain different alleles 021200210 011000110 001100010 genotype + two haplotypes per individual

  5. Gene‐Disease Association Studies • Haplotypes increase power of association

  6. Goal of Haplotype assembly problem • Goal of haplotype assembly(phasing)is to use aligned sequence fragments to reconstruct the two haplotypes

  7. Haplotype assembly problem • For haplotype assembly to be feasible • High sequence coverage • Reads to be long enough to span multiple variant sites • However, even with paired ends, it is not possible to link all variants • A haplotype assembly for a diploid genome is a collection of haplotype segments.

  8. Haplotype assembly problem • In the absence of error in sequenced read, the correct haplotype assembly is unique. • In the real case, the problem become finding the haplotype assembly that optimizes a certain objective function • E.g., minimize the number of conflicts with the sequenced reads. (MEC)

  9. Input • Each sequenced read is mapped to the reference genomic sequence • For a variant, reads with sequence matching the consensus are assigned as 0, otherwise 1 • Each fragment i is represented by a ternary string Xi = {0, 1, -}n • ‘-’ corresponds to the heterozygous loci not covered by the fragment

  10. Error • For the jthvariant site of fragment i, • Quality scores si[j] • Which can be converted to error probability qi[j],

  11. Haplotype • Let H = (h, ) represent the unordered pair of haplotypes • where h is a binary string of length n • is the bitwise complement of h • i.e., h[j] = 1 - h[j]. • h = 100100... • = 011011...

  12. Probability X = input matrix H = H(h,) = pair of haplotype q = error probability matrix • Target: • By Bayes’ rule: • Assume variant calls are independent • δ(Xi[j],h[j]) = 1 if Xi[j] = h[j] and 0 otherwise

  13. Probability X = input matrix H = H(h,) = pair of haplotype q = error probability matrix • Assume each fragment is randomly generated from one of the two haplotypes • Assume fragments are independently generated

  14. MCMC algorithm • States of the Markov chain are the set of possible haplotypes • Transitions of the Markov chain are governed by subsets S of columns of the fragment matrix X.

  15. MCMC algorithm • Γ = {S1, S2, . . . , Sk} is a collection of subsets of columns of X • for each state H, there are k + 1 possible moves to choose from, including the self-loop. • E.g., Γ = {{3, 4, 5, 11}, {1, 2, 3, 4}, … } • Algorithm 1:

  16. MCMC algorithm • What should be Γ? • A natural choice for Γis Γ1= {{1},{2}, . . . , {n}}. • However, the mixing time of it grows exponentially with d, the depth of coverage • Choose by a graph-partitioning approach

  17. A graph-partitioning approach • Node: Variant site • Weight of Edge: +1 between two nodes if the phase suggested by the fragment is consistent with the current haplotype assembly, -1 if not.

  18. A graph-partitioning approach

  19. A graph-partitioning approach • Hence, a cut with low weight corresponds to a subset of columns whose current phase with respect to the rest of the columns is inconsistent with the fragment matrix • Partition the graph G(X) into 2 set of node using min-cut algorithm and add the two subsets to Γ. • Apply the same procedure recursively.

  20. MCMC algorithm • The collection of subsets is dependent upon the haplotype pair H. • Final Algorithm HASH (haplotype assembly for single human) Γ1 = {{1},{2}, . . . , {n}}.

  21. Result • Source: Human genome (HufRef genome assembly) • ~32 million reads, 7.5 coverage • ~1.8 million heterozygous variants • E.g., Chromosome 22 • 24,967 heterozygous variants • 103,356 rows (53,279 links two or more variants) • Partitioned into 607 disjoint haplotypes

  22. Result

  23. Result

  24. Summary • Describe a MCMC algorithm for haplotype assembly that samples haplotypes • Given a list of all heterozygous variants and sequenced reads mapped to a genome assembly • Graph-partitioning approach to make the Markov chain more efficient

  25. Thank you!

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