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Colombia Natural Gas Chevron, a Long History and a Bright Future in Colombia

Colombia Natural Gas Chevron, a Long History and a Bright Future in Colombia. Wes Lohec Managing Director Chevron Latin America III Oil & Gas Investment Conference Cartagena, Colombia February 4, 2008. Presentation Topics. Chevron Worldwide, Latin America and Colombia

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Colombia Natural Gas Chevron, a Long History and a Bright Future in Colombia

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Colombia Natural GasChevron, a Long History and a Bright Future in Colombia Wes Lohec Managing Director Chevron Latin America III Oil & Gas Investment Conference Cartagena, Colombia February 4, 2008

  2. Presentation Topics • Chevron Worldwide, Latin America and Colombia • Worldwide Energy Challenges • New Energy Equation • Global Energy Demand • Colombia Natural Gas Overview • Key Challenges Developing Gas • Future Challenges and Opportunities • Chevron Investing in Colombia

  3. A Global Energy Company

  4. Chevron Latin America and Caribbean • Chevron in 34 countries • Downstream • Upstream Operation Venezuela Trinidad and Tobago Brazil Argentina Colombia • Significant new investments • Heavy Oil – Deep Water Brazil • Light Oil – Argentina • Natural Gas Venezuela Trinidad and Tobago Colombia

  5. Chevron Colombia • Natural Gas Development • Supplies over 60% of natural gas to Colombia market • Growing production capacity by 25% in 2008 • Marketing, Lubricants and Aviation • Chevron and Texaco brands • Lubricants manufacturing and distribution • Aviation fuels distribution

  6. Chevron Colombia Gas Operations

  7. Worldwide Energy Challenges Geopolitical Dynamics The New Energy Equation Constrained Supply Growth in Demand Challenged New Resources

  8. Oil Oil 120 120 Natural Gas Natural Gas Coal Coal Oil (mmboed) (mmboed) Other Renewables Other Renewables Coal Nuclear Nuclear Hydro Hydro Natural Gas 0 1970 1990 2010 2030 Other Renewables 0 Nuclear 1970 1990 2010 2030 Hydro Global Energy Demand by Source mmboed Global Energy Demand

  9. mmscfd La Guajira Gas Production Key Challenges Developing Gas • Large gas reserves linked with markets • Infrastructure development • Stable regulatory environment • Value chain optimization

  10. La Guajira • Ecopetrol & Chevron • Reserves 12/06 ~ 2.8 TCF Punta Ballena RIOHACHA STA. MARTA BARRANQUILLA North Coast Market VALLEDUPAR CARTAGENA Venezuela Market SINCELEJO Curumani PANAMA MONTERIA CUCUTA Payoa BARRANCA BUCARAMANGA ARAUCA Sebastopol MEDELLÍN PTO. CARREÑO Vélez LaBelleza Vasconia Belén Yopal Interior Market TUNJA Morichal Mariquita QUIBDO ElPorvenir MANIZALES O c é a n o P a c í f i c o Cusiana BOGOTA PEREIRA Gualanday ARMENIA Montañuelo Apiay VILLAVICENCIO CALI Dina NEIVA POPAYAN Hobo Pitalito FLORENCIA PASTO Regional Gas Market Development Maicao MARACAIBO Maracaibo Guepajé Cerromatoso

  11. Future Challenges and Opportunities • Discovery of new gas resources • More natural gas penetration • Infrastructure optimization

  12. Proud to be in Colombia

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