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Hygiene!. Good Hygiene Habits. Brush your teeth twice a day (or more) Floss once a day (or more) Wash your hair daily, or every other day if you have sensitive hair Taking a shower every day, and wash your underarms and genitals Applying deodorant daily Wash clothes regularly
Good Hygiene Habits • Brush your teeth twice a day (or more) • Floss once a day (or more) • Wash your hair daily, or every other day if you have sensitive hair • Taking a shower every day, and wash your underarms and genitals • Applying deodorant daily • Wash clothes regularly • Wash bedding weekly
How do Colds and Flus Spread? -Uncovered coughing and sneezing, and not washing hands after touching things like door knobs, shared items, etc..
A person may spread germs 1 day before feeling sick to 7 days after being sick. The Flu germ spreads …
This means you can give someone the flu before you know you are sick and while you are sick.
How do I keep from getting sick? Don’t share forks, spoons, knives, drinking glasses, pencils, or other things Don’t rub your eyes or touch your nose, or mouth Exercise and eat well. Get plenty of sleep each night
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZlDqcmY_EV8 Click on the link for a video on washing hands
Wash Your Hands! The easiest way to prevent colds and flus is to wash your hands with soap and water Alcohol based hand-wipes and gel sanitizers can be used when soap and water are not readily available SOAP & WATER = BEST CHOICE
Hand Washing Tips Use lots of soap and warm water Soap makes water wetter – give germs enough time to slide off of hands Get under finger nails and in between fingers Make sure you have a CLEAN towel to dry hands with Don’t touch faucet or door handle AFTER washing hands (use a paper towel to cover clean hands)
When to Wash? • As often as possible: • Before you touch your face • Before you blow your nose • Before you eat • As soon as you get home (so you don’t spread germs in your house) • After driving somewhere • After shaking hands with someone • Before preparing meals • Before and after playing with animals or babies
Cover your Nose and Mouth Always cover your nose and mouth when coughing or sneezing Use a tissue and throw away in trash can immediately after use If you do not have a tissue cough or sneeze into your upper arm not your hands Wash your hands after coughing or sneezing
Make sure to Clean/Sanitize: Computer electronics (special wipes available) Cell phones and home phones Shared equipment (like remote controls) Handles to toilets, refrigerator, cabinets, etc. Any place people touch often