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Asheboro High School. School Address: 1221 South Park St Asheboro, NC 27203 (336) 625-6186 Asheboro Website. AHS Literacy Goals. Goal 1: Every teacher and every classroom will use a reading summarizing strategy at least one time a week with content specific text .
Asheboro High School School Address: 1221 South Park St Asheboro, NC 27203 (336) 625-6186 Asheboro Website
Chameeka N. Smith, Principal Intern AHS Literacy Goals • Goal 1: Every teacher and every classroom will use a reading summarizing strategy at least one time a week with content specific text. • Goal 2: Every class will have a content specific writing exercise once a week using an AVID strategy to state and defend a position. Every English class will write and present a content specific argumentative essay once every grading period.
Chameeka N. Smith, Principal Intern June-October 2011 Preparation for Literacy • Summer PD incorporated: June 16-22, 2011 • Online Reading Comprehension-Dr. Lisa Hervey • Interactive Reading (Schmoker) and Writing to Learn- Crooks and Butler
Chameeka N. Smith, Principal Intern June-October 2011 Preparation for Literacy • Back to School Faculty Meeting- August 2011 • Interactive Reading (Schmoker)-Fitch • Lamb-Literacy Committee- September 2011 • School Leadership Team Subcommittee- Literacy Lesson Plan Template
Chameeka N. Smith, Principal Intern School Wide Summarizing Activity August 30, 2011 Each grade level has been given an article to read. Please complete the following activities based on your grade level’s assigned article. 1. Have students read the article independently. While they read students need to… underline/circle unfamiliar vocabulary words. write questions and main ideas in the margins of the article. 2. Place students into groups of two or three. Have groups re-read the article together. Groups should also discuss the unfamiliar vocabulary words they identified, clarify the questions they asked, and identify a few main ideas of the article. 3. Lead a classroom discussion of the article. Use a few of the questions provided on the Word document and feel free to add other questions you might create. 4. Have students write a one-paragraph summary of the article they read. There are two SMART Board slides for you to use: one provides the definition of summary and the other provides steps for students to use as they write their summary. 5. After students have completed their summaries, they should return to the group of two or three they were in earlier. Each member of the group should share his/her summary. Have group members make suggestions for revisions and provide time for students to make any corrections that are needed. 6. If time remains, here are writing prompts that can be used for each article. If additional time remains, you could have students share their written responses with the class. 9th grade article: If you could afford it, would you want to have a dog similar to the one described in the article? Explain your answer with reasons, examples, and details. 10th grade article: Do you agree with the State Department’s decision to deny the visas of some of the members of the Ugandan baseball team? Explain your answer with reasons, examples, and details. 11th grade article: Do you think the Agriculture Department should be allowed to control the content of school lunches? Explain your answer with reasons, examples, and details. 12th grade article: If you could design your own curriculum for one year, what would you choose to learn? Explain what you would like to learn and give reasons and examples why you want to learn this information.
Chameeka N. Smith, Principal Intern Video Welcome to Asheboro High School
Chameeka N. Smith, Principal Intern • Asheboro High School Moodle
Chameeka N. Smith, Principal Intern Expectations for PD for Fall Semester • Everyone is expected to attend 3 mandatory planning period PD • Oct 18, 2011- Butler: Vocabulary--mandatory • Nov 8, 2011- Crooks and Smith: Literacy Lesson Plan Template, Questioning Strategies, Journalist’s Questions--mandatory • Dec 6, 2011- AVID Site Team: AVID--mandatory
Chameeka N. Smith, Principal Intern Expectations for PD for Fall Semester • Each PLC is expected to attend at least 2 optional planning period PD • Oct 25, 2011- Lamb: Summary Frames, GIST, Somebody Wanted But So--optional • Nov 1, 2011- Lamb: Save the last word for me, 3-2-1, SQ3R-optional • Nov 15, 2011-Butler: Reciprocal Teaching, Don’t look back, 1 sentence paragraphs--optional • Nov 29, 2011- Butler: One word summary, Magnet summaries, Refine and Reduce--optional • Dec 13, 2011- Crooks: Marzano’s rule based summarizing, Jigsaw, Text Rendering, Say Something--optional
Chameeka N. Smith, Principal Intern Expectations for PD for Fall Semester • In the week following the PD, it is expected that teachers try out at least one strategy learned and share student samples with the administrative team.
Chameeka N. Smith, Principal Intern Expecting Great Things at AHS Any Questions??