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The status of Russian German in Siberia. A Case Study of Three Women Living in the Region of Krasnoyarsk (East Siberia, Russia ). Christiane Andersen Department of Languages and Literatures University of Gothenburg, Sweden.
The status of Russian German in Siberia. A Case Study of Three Women Living in the Region of Krasnoyarsk (East Siberia, Russia) Christiane Andersen DepartmentofLanguages and Literatures University of Gothenburg, Sweden
Map of RussiaSaratov at the river Volga and Krasnoyarsk in Siberiahttp://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Maps_of_Russia
Language map of the Volga German ”Mother colonies” by Georg Dinges, ca. 1922
Nordbairisch – Altai • Oberhessisch – Siberia • Schwäbisch – Kazakhstan, Tadshikistan • Niederdeutsch – Ural, West Siberia • Wolhynisch – West Siberia, Kazakhstan The study of German dialects in RussiaGerman dialects in Siberia
Word mapof Volga Republic: Bretterzaun (timberfence)(1927)16 lexeme variants incl. the Russianloanword Sabor, Saborwand
Village in the region of Krasnoyarsk, East Siberia, June 2010 The study of language islandsA language island is an exclave of a language that is completely surrounded by another language. (Auer, Hinskens, Kerschwill1996: 221)Sprachinselnsindräumlichabgrenzbare und intern strukturierteSiedlungsräumeeinersprachlichenMinderheitinmitteneineranderssprachlichenMehrheit. (Hutterer 1982: 178)The term 'Sprachinsel' was used for the first time in 1847 to designate a Slavonic community surrounded by a German-speaking population close to Konigsberg, East Prussia. (Mattheier 1996: 812)
The status of the Russian German variety (RGV) in our case study * L1 as spoken language, none or very little written language proficiency * Russian (L2) as spoken language, hardly no written communication in Russian * limited spoken language proficiency in L1: childhood, cooking, household, biography, private communication * none or few dialect awareness: “daitsch” Syntax in contact. The Siberian case studyHow language proficiency figures in* RGV as L1 in their birth village, Volga Republic (first years in a German speaking Elementary school)* since 1941, Russian gets L2 during deportation to Siberia (at the age of 4 to 14)* after 1941, Russian becomes the dominant language in everyday life; German village community is dissolved; RGV only in private discourse; their children do not speak RGV* today, living isolated in Russian villages (rarely use of RGV)
Our analysis approach is based “on the notion that production procedures begin at the conceptual level, well before procedures set in motion the projection of surface structures. […] Bilingual speakers have even more to consider at this level. […] If they do engage in codeswitching or other forms of contact language, they will have to select – again generally unconsciously – a Matrix Language to provide morphosyntactic structure for bilingual speech.” (Myers-Scotton 2002: 23) Carol Myers-Scotton (2002) Contact Linguistics. Bilingual Encounters and Grammatical Outcomes. Oxford University press. NY. Analysis of contact phenomena in the Spoken Language Corpus of the Russian German varieties in SiberiaLanguage proficiency and codeswitching
The codeswitching case of Emma German and Maria Kadotchnikova – two women living in the village Krasnyj Paxar, East Siberia (Russia)day of documentation: 2010-06-06
Russian discourse markers The entire discourse structure is running in Russian. hierhaben se einezeitlangalle deutsche zusammengenomme. da? Here have they a time long all Germans together take. Da? (yes, conversation particle) nu, war ichauchdort. Un da warenkein, die was singen auf deutsch nu (well, conversation particle) was I too there. And there were nobody, who something sing in German konnten. wiesich’sgehört. ja? nu vot– <stammelt, gestikuliert> could. ´as is right and proper`(idiom) Yes? Nu vot ( there you are!) <stammers, gesticulates> verwechseworden ( ) bei der deutsche, wie die deutsch so sind. das bei changed been ( ) at the (det, fem. - dat.)Germans, how the German (adj.? noun?) like are. That at dene, wowirjetztsind. nu,wieichhin bin ko ( ) äh, äh, pervy. un da them, where we now are. Nu (well, conversational particle), how I up to am ca( ) (came, discontinued) ah yes, ah yes (conversational particle), pervy(first). And like habe se gleich, hier war eine, die hat deutsch ( ) war – i( ) njet – lidjaivanovna. ona ( ) onaranshe– have they at once, here was one, who has German ( ) was - i (and) ( ) njet(no, conversation particle) – lidijaivanovna(Sg. – nom- -fem., first name, fathers name).Onaranshe(she before) • Discourse markers assign discourse-level thematic roles in the sense that they restrict the interpretation of the CP of which they are a part. • We are careful to distinguish discourse markers as content morphemes from content morphemes that participate in the thematic grid of the CP. (M-S 241) Discourse markers Syntax in contact. The Siberian case study
‘sufficient congruence’ njet(-) in vinotsinsk, in vinotsinske(-) <schütteltmitdem Kopf> in (-) am sever. Njet(no, adv.) in vinotsinsk(Sg.- Nom., geogr. name), in vinotsinske (Sg.-prepositive, geogr. name) <shakes her head> in (-) at (+ det.) sever (the north, sg.- nom. – masc.). njet a jagavaryu von dort, wiewirdortwaren in dem ( ) ivinotsinsk, nje njet a jagavaryu(no but I say) from there, how we there in this ( ) i(and)vinotsinsk (sg.-nom.-mask., geogr. name), nje (no) vinotsinsk in dem (-) kakzheeë (-) nawo die großmutter war auch (-) nigolina ( ) vinotsinsk(sg.-nom. – masc., geogr. name) in this kakzheeë(how is this?) well where the grandma was too nigolina(sg.- nom. - fem., name) dortseindasheeto in demdorf in demstadt, in der bamberg, amerikansketsone, there be (infinitive) dasheeto(even that) in the ( dem, det masc. – dat.) village in the city, in the (der, det.-masc.) Bamberg, amerikansketsone(mixed adjective, mixed noun) in vinotsinsk in vinotsinske ivinotsinsk njevinotsinskin demkakzheeë(how is this?) [Russian - vovinotsinske (in + prepositive)] in sever am sever in demdorf in demstadt, in der bamberg, amerikansketsone German standard - amerikanischeZone (fem., nom., sing.) Russian - amerikanskayazona(fem., nom., sing.) Compromise strategiesSyntax in contact. The Siberian case study
V2 Ungrammatical ? V2, V1 Spoken language standard ? emma(-) ich bin geb=geborein engelswol (-) au an der wolga. Unne (-) Emma I am born in engelskvol- and at the volga. And habenwirgewohnt in vinotsinske. In vinotsinskehabenwirgewohntneunmonat. a have we lived in vinotsinske(Sg.-prepositive, geogr. name). In vinotsinske(sg.-prepositive, geogr. name) have we lived nine month. (sg.?) A (but, conversation particle) [In vinotsinske] [haben] [wir] [gewohnt] [neunmonat] ADV – FINIT – SUBJ – V – ADV vinotsinsk in dem (-) kakzheeë (-) nawo die großmutterwarauch (-) nigolina ( ) vinotsinsk(sg.-nom. – masc., geogr. name) in this kakzheeë(how is this?) well where the grandma was too nigolina(sg.- nom. - fem., name) mitgeholfen. Aber (-) die wolltehaben, ichsollte ALLEIN singendas. <lacht> helped. But they wanted have, I should ALONE sing that. < laughter> [ich] [sollte] [allein] [singen] [das] SUBJ – FINIT – ADV – V – *OBJ Word orderSyntax in contact. The Siberian case study
Russian German in East Siberia (case study) Split ethnic and L1-identity None or few reading and writing skills in German German standard unknown No language transmission to next generation Codeswitching to Russian - dominant on the conversational level Typical compromise strategies on grammar level Matrix Language structures in word order The Case Study of three Women Living in the Region of Krasnoyarsk (East Siberia, Russia)The status of Russian German in Siberia?