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University of gothenburg. The University of Gothenburg today. 47 538 Students 200 Programmes. 6 415 Employees 1 800 Courses. Figures from 2018. Our vision. Four basic principles A Quality-Driven University Strong Civic Responsibility Global Engagement
The University of Gothenburg today 47 538 Students 200 Programmes 6 415 Employees 1 800 Courses Figures from 2018
Our vision Four basic principles • A Quality-Driven University • Strong Civic Responsibility • Global Engagement • Inspiring Work Environment
UGOT Challenges – Research to meet global challenges • The premise: A strong multidisciplinary research effort is needed to meet today’s global societal challenges. • Six research centres that cover many research disciplines. • All have significant multidisciplinary elements. • Some initiatives are new, others come from earlier research structures that have widened as a result of the global challenges perspective. • UGOT Challenges is a six-year initiative that started in 2016.
Ageing and Health Antibiotic Resistance CriticalHeritage Studies Collective Action Chemical Risk Assessment Marine Aquaculture UGOT Challenges’ six research areas
Internationally renowned research Examples: DemocracyBo Rothstein, Staffan I Lindberg Cell biologyRichard Neutze, Andrew Ewing, Gergely Katona, Sebastian Westenhoff Metabolic diseaseFredrik Bäckhed MedicinesJoakim Larsson Experimental physicsJohan Åkerman OdontologyAmelGritli Linde, Jan Wennström, TordBerglundh Language technologyAarneRanta, Lars Borin Digital mathematical evidenceThierry Coquand Metabolism and obesitySuzanne Dickson Health psychology and addiction psychology Claudia Fahlke Environmental economicsThomas Sterner Cultural heritageKristian Kristiansen
Excellent interdisciplinary research groups AgeCapCentre for Ageing and Health GPCCCentre for Person-Centred Care LinCSLearning, interaction and mediated communication in a modern society Marine Research Globalisation
Historically excellent researchers Current research ArvidCarlsson, Nobel Laureate in Physiology or Medicine 2000 Per-Ingvar Brånemark, the “father” of modern dental implantology Ruth Palmer – Awarded Swedish Cancer Researcher of the Year 2019
Meet some of our Excellent Researchers Elin Naurin wants to increase the awareness of the political consequences of pregnancy. Assistant Professor in political science and a Wallenberg Academy Fellow. Fredrik Bäckhed studies how the microbiota affects our metabolism. Professor in molecular medicine and receiver of ERC Consolidator Grant. Henrik Zetterberg wants to develop a simple blood test for Alzheimer's disease. Professor in neurochemistry and a Wallenberg Academy Fellow. Johanna Höög wants to understand how human sperm cells can swim. Assistant Professor in Cell Biology. Maria Falkenberg studies how mutations occur in our genome. Professor in Biomedical Laboratory Science, a Wallenberg Academy Fellow and has an ERC Consolidator Grant.
Meet some of our Excellent Researchers Mia Liinason researches how feminism can change various aspects of society. Professor in Gender Studies and a Wallenberg Academy Fellow. Staffan I Lindberg directs the world’s largest dataset on democracy. Professor in Political Science and Director of the V-Dem Institute (Varieties of Democracy). Wallenberg Academy Fellow and receiver of ERC Consolidator Grant 2017-2021. Thierry Coquandresearcheswith the goaltoproduce software thatascertainsmathematicalevidence. Professor in Computer Science (CS) at Department of Computer Science and Engineering.Emma Börgeson researcheshowobesepeoplecanstayhealthy. Assistant Professor, Principal Investigator, Department of Molecular and Clinical Medicine Adam Shehataresearches on media use, news consumption and media effects. Postdoc at JMG focusing on journalism, media och communication.
Educationthat breaks new ground • Broad rangeoffields • Multidisciplinaryeducation • Lifelong learning – an opportunity to come back and learn more • Many study programmes that lead to a profession • 2 200 international students • 75 Master programmes in English
Education We have a wide range of programmes and courses, with almost every available subject there is, to give our students the opportunity to get a unique and comprehensive education. • Business administration, economics and law • Health, medical care and odontology • IT • Fine, applied and performing arts • Culture, religion, history and philosophy • Education, teaching and learning • Natural sciences and mathematics • Social sciences and behavioural science • Languages
Someeducationsthatstandout Liberal ArtsHumanities and natural science combined International Master’s programmein Educational Research Child Culture Design Marine SciencesA unique combination of chemistry, biology, geology and oceanography Teacher EducationThe University offers the broadest range of teacher education in Sweden in terms of available programmes and subjects Master Programme in Literary Translation The Gothenburg Executive MBAInternational management training focusing on Asia Software Engineering and ManagementInternational programme in close cooperation with the industry From Research to Policy for Sustainable Development
International publications 8 500 joint publications with researchers from other countries during the last 5 years. Mostly with USA, England, Germany, Norway, and Denmark. Most frequent subjects are Neurosciences & Neurology, Science & Technology, and Environmental Sciences & Ecology
International students and international cooperations • 1 100 Exchange students • 75 Master’s programmes in English • Cooperation with universities all over the world in international networks and projects • Since 2013, the University of Gothenburg is a member of the international network Scholars at Risk (SAR), which works to promote academic freedom around the world
The University of Gothenburg has almost 1 100 active exchange agreements
SustainableDevelopment In 2004, the University of Gothenburg became the first university in the world to be environmentally certified under both ISO14001 and EMAS. Education and research are the University of Gothenburg’s most important contributions to a sustainable development, and the University aims to become a European leader in the area. The University offers a broader range of courses and study programmes related to the environment and sustainable development than any other Swedish higher education institution. Environmental research is conducted in a large number of subject areas.
The University of Gothenburg's environmental and sustainability work is based on a number of environmental goals that are identified in the University's action plan for the environment and sustainable development: Research in environment and sustainable development Education in environment and sustainable development Student participation Purchase and procurement Travels Energy and buildings Chemical substances and environmental risks Reuse and waste Environmentalgoals
Sustainability labelled Courses where at least one of the learning goals clearly shows that the course content meets one of the current sustainability criteria. Sustainability must also constitute the main focus of the course.Sustainability related Courses that are sustainability-related, where at least one of the learning outcomes clearly shows that the course content meets one of the current sustainability criteria. Sustainability labelling of courses and programmes
Facilities 2018: 390 000 square meters in Gothenburg, which is equivalent to 54 football pitches. • Also facilities in Mariestad, Tjärnö outside Strömstad, Kristineberg in Lysekil, Steneby in Dals Långed and Jonsered Manor. • And facilites at the Sahlgrenska University Hospitals
A briefhistory • When Gothenburg needed a university college, several of the city's wealthy commercial and industrial families donated large sums to a college so that their children could be educated in Gothenburg. • In 1891 a college with a philosophical faculty was formed. • In 1907 the University building in Vasaparken was inaugurated, fully funded by a single donor: industrialist and politician Oscar Ekman. • In 1954 the University of Gothenburg is formed by merging the University of Gothenburg and the University of Medicine. • Many individual universities are now included in the University of Gothenburg, for example Valand Academy, Academy of Design and Crafts (HDK) and the School of Business,Economics and Law, as well as those that were previously called the School of Nursing, the School of Journalism and the Teachers' College.
Cooperation– everywhere and all the time Collaboration is part of the University's social responsibility, and is based on the task of creating, developing, utilizing and disseminating knowledge.Research on global challengesCooperation with the healthcare systemResearchers collaborate nationally and internationallyStudents do internships, project work, degree projectsMore than 19,000 alumni contribute from an outside perspective, which strengthens the quality of education, development and professional relevanceDialogue on current research issues is held with politicians and other decision makersA large number of researchers are frequently present in the public debate: Sören Holmberg, Marie Demker, Ulf Bjereld, Bo Rothstein, Henrik Oscarsson, Agnes Wold, Eva OssianssonThe University also produces parts of Högskoleprovet (Swedish Scholastic Aptitude Test, SweSAT), as well as the school’s national exams, the Swedish Academy's glossary, and researchers are experts in government investigations.
Popular Science • Concerts, lectures, exhibitions • The Academy of Music and Drama presents more than 200 performances every year • Jonsered Manor – Intellectual Center and Venue for Cooperation • The International Science Festival in Gothenburg • The Political Week in Almedalen • Women’s Day, 8 March • West Pride • The Book Fair • Science lectures open to the public • Experts in media, for example during the elections to the Swedish parliament
Ranking among the universities in the world One of the 150 best Universities worldwide (Shanghai Ranking)21 in Dentistry and Oral Science, 33 in Clinical medicine, 40 in Biological sciences, 50 in Political sciences; (Shanghai Ranking) Quotations: number 96 in the worldThe School of Business, Economics and Law at the University of Gothenburg is the only Triple Crown-accredited Business School in Sweden. Samarbetar med universitet över hela världen i internationella nätverk och projekt. Bland annat koordinator av den svenska sektionen av nätverket Scholars at risk, som ger skydd åt forskare som inte kan vara verksamma i sina hemländer. Collaborates with universities all over the world in international networks and projects. Among other things, coordinator of the Swedish section of the network Scholars at risk, which provides protection for researchers who cannot be active in their home countries.
AcademicCeremonies – A part ofourhistory • Ceremony for Students • RetirementCeremony • Lectures • OfficialGuests Conferment of Doctoral Degrees The Inauguration of New Professors
Every year since 2009, one of the Nobel Laureates of the year has visited the University during the Nobel Week and given a lecture open to staff, students and the public. Nobel Laureates visits the University of Gothenburg Frances H. Arnold, from Caltech, USA, was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2018 “for the directed evolution of enzymes”. She visited the University of Gothenburg in December 2018.
Gender Equality – Always topical • Long-time work with creating a more equal gender balance • Action plan for gender mainstreaming • Analyses of salaries • Differences between men’s and women’s prerequisites for research meriting • Newly recruited women professors have during the last 3 years been around 50 per cent • Work with gender mainstreaming in assessment and recruiting processes
Education at third cycle levelDoctoral level students 1 710 Active research students 240 Doctoraldegreesawarded 269 Newly enrolled research students The statistical data is taken from the Annual Report 2018.
Education at first and second cycle level 47 538 Students 26 037 full-time students 200 Programmes 1 800 Courses 6 198 Degreesawarded The statistical data is taken from the Annual Report 2018.
Staff 6 415 employees5 825 full-timeemployees 2 816 teaching staff/researchers 861doctoral students 2 148 technical/administrative staff The statistical data is taken from the Annual Report 2018.
Finances Directgovernmentfunding 4 156 Million SEK Revenues offees 496 Million SEK Revenues ofcontributions 1 886 Million SEK Financialrevenues 11 Million SEK Revenues 6 546 Million SEK The statistical data is taken from the Annual Report 2018.
Staff 4 183 Million SEK (63%) Facilites 607 Million SEK (9%) Otheroperationalcosts 1 596 Million SEK (24%) Financialcosts and depreciation 222 Million SEK (4%) Total 6 608 Million SEK Universitetets costs The statistical data is taken from the Annual Report 2018.
External contribution to our research Thesenumbersare from 2017
External contribution to our research 2008 – 2018 1 885 mnkr
Many parts – one university School of Business, Economics and Law Faculty of Arts IT Faculty Faculty of Fine, Applied and Performing Arts Faculty of Science Sahlgrenska Academy Faculty of Social Sciences Faculty of Education University Library (UB)
Professor Eva Wiberg Vice-chancellorsince 1 July 2017
The Central University Administration is responsible for: the coordination and standardisation, as well as the efficient and professional planning and handling, of administrative operative procedures and systems. This organisation serves to support core activities at the University and to offer the University’s departments the support they need in the undertaking of administrative tasks. The Central University Administration is also responsible that the University’s function as a public authority is quality assured. Central University Administration