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Joint Training Information Management System (JTIMS). LCDR Steve Jaureguizar Joint Staff J7/JETD JTIMS Program Manager 26 August 2009. JTIMS UAG Agenda. Welcome and Program Status Development Timeline JTIMS JMSEL JTIMS Coalition / JTIMS Lite Quarterly Newsletter Training Tutorial
Joint Training Information Management System (JTIMS) LCDR Steve Jaureguizar Joint Staff J7/JETD JTIMS Program Manager 26 August 2009
JTIMS UAG Agenda Welcome and Program Status Development Timeline JTIMS JMSEL JTIMS Coalition / JTIMS Lite Quarterly Newsletter Training Tutorial Joint Training System (JTS) Course Guidance for Employment of the Force (GEF) Process Force Sourcing Business Rules System Integration Initiatives V4.0 Capabilities WJTSC Issue Review 07-019 - Monthly Training Assessment Update Requirement 06-007 - Joint Training Trends and Assessment 09-005 - JTIMS and JLLIS Integration UAG Participant Open Forum
JTIMS Program Status Development Timeline • Major Milestones • 17 Jan 06 - v1.1 Deployed • 30 May 06 - v1.2 Deployed • 24 Oct 06 - v2.0 Deployed • 19 Dec 06 – v2.1 Deployed • 19 Mar 07 - v2.2 Deployed • 22 May 07 - v2.2 NIPR Deployed • Oct 07 – v2.3 Deployed • Apr 08 – v2.4 Deployed • July 08 –v2.4.1 Deployed • Sep 08 –v2.5 Deployed • Major Milestones • Jan 09 – v3.0 Deployed • Apr 09 – v3.1 Deployed (May 09 - v3.1.1 / Jun 09 - v3.1.2) • Jun 09 - V3.2 Deployed • Sep 09 – v3.3 Scheduled Deployment • Nov 09 – v4.0 Scheduled Deployment
Program Status • JTIMS JMSEL • JTIMS Coalition Instance • JTIMS Lite • JTIMS Quarterly Newsletter • JTIMS Training Tutorial (http://www.jtimsguide.us) • Joint Training System (JTS) Course (hosted by JKO)
JTIMS Guidance for Employment of the Force (GEF)Process • JTIMS v3.1 provided the capability to identify a recommended GEF Category for events that require STRATLIFT or are designated as CEP, JEP, or TSC events. • Process: • When published, the event is forwarded to the JS J7 for GEF review. • The JS J7 GEF Administrator will review and process the recommended categories. The coordinator will concur with the submitted category or request additional information from the submitter based on GEF guidance. • When complete, the system will publish the event data making it available for the public view and additional coordination. • Future JTIMS GEF modifications will include: • Display the GEF categories in a separate window so the overall event can remain unclassified. • Provide a link on the Event Details Tab to display (in a separate window) the recommended or assigned GEF categories. • Remove the actual assigned GEF category from the Event Summary and Event Details Report so that these may remain unclassified. Data will be visible from a separate pop-up window. • Provide the user the ability to include the GEF Categories in the Event Details Query, if these fields are selected as data to output.
JTIMS Force Sourcing Business Rules Objective To standardize requirements, procedures, and timelines for: JTIMS force/participation requests; review, acknowledgement, and development of sourcing solutions for these requests; and subsequent data entry in JTIMS.
JTIMS Force Sourcing Business Rules Goals The following goals should be met through establishment and implementation of these business rules. • To ensure every supportable force or participation request is entered, reviewed, acknowledged and sourced in sufficient time to support requesting organization, sourcing organization, and providing organization requirements. • To ensure all available potential sourcing solutions are investigated prior to rejecting a force or participation request as unsupportable. • To ensure that unsupportable force or participation requests are returned to requesting organization in sufficient time to enable pursuit of other means to meet their training event needs. • To eliminate whenever possible requirements to use multiple, disparate systems and methods for requesting and sourcing/providing exercise support. • To ensure that all information related to every force/participation request is fully and correctly entered within JTIMS to meet the following needs: • Determine demand signal on the force due to Joint/Major exercises and ensure this information is accurately depicted within the Joint Capabilities Requirements Manager (JFCRM) in support of the Global Force Management (GFM) process. • Ensure information is available to support determination of training/training events lost due to lack of available forces/participants and commensurate risk assumed. • Maintain historical request/sourcing information to ease future year request/sourcing burdens.
JTIMS System Integration Initiatives • Current System Integration • METL • Defense Readiness Reporting System (DRRS) development team posts the METL database each Friday • JTIMS development team pulls the database every Monday, performs sync process, and posts the update each Thursday evening • Task Proficiency Assessment (TPA) data • Published real-time to DRRS upon ‘approval’ in JTIMS • Training event force allocations (request/sourced) to support visibility and staffing of assigned forces between Force Management Integration Project (FMIP) /Joint Capabilities Requirements Manager (JCRM) and JTIMS • JTIMS posts event data every Friday for JCRM to consume • Future System Integration - Enhanced web services, to support VCJCS initiatives, will support near real-time exchange of: • DRRS (METL Structure/TPAs/MTAs/Service Tasks Lists) • JCRM (Event Data/Force Requests/Force Sourcing Solution) • UJTL Task Development Tool (UTDT) (UJTL Task Updates) • Joint Lessons Learned Information System (JLLIS) (LL Submissions/JLLIS Search) • Joint Planning and Execution System (JOPES) (Exercise FTN and force sourcing data/UTC data) • Army Training Information Management System (ARTIMS) ) (USA-specific force request and sourcing/event data) • Theater Security Cooperation Management Information System (TSCMIS) (TSC Training Event Data)
JTIMS Version Overview V4.0 Capabilities
WJTSC Issues • 07-019 - Monthly Training Assessment Update Requirement • 06-007 - Joint Training Trends and Assessment • 09-005 - JTIMS and JLLIS Integration
Monthly Training Assessment Update Requirement Briefer: LCDR Jaureguizar Issue 07-019: Inconsistent assessments in the Joint Training Information Management System (JTIMS) Discussion: JTIMS is an integral part of a larger system, including the Defense Readiness Reporting System (DRRS), that identifies readiness deficiencies and helps develop solutions. Policy states it is critical to have a linkage between Joint readiness and training; DRRS requires assessments every 30 days. Therefore it is necessary for JTIMS training assessments to match DRRS 30-day readiness assessment requirements. Update: JTIMS monthly Task Proficiency Assessments (TPA) and Mission Training Assessments (MTA) are sent to DRRS real-time. DRRS and JTIMS are integrated so that DRRS currently displays TPAs and will, in the future, display MTAs. CJCSI 3500.01E, Joint Training Policy and Guidance, requires monthly TPAs. Endstate: JTIMS assessments are synchronized with DRRS requirements. Endstate has been achieved, however, recommend the issue remain open until WJTSC 09-2. POA&M: JTIMS v3.1 (April 09) will include the capability to assess each task individually. Recommend retaining this issue until WJTSC 09-2. Monitor compliance with monthly assessment requirement in JTIMS through Sep 09 and provide update during the WJTSC 09-2 . OPR: Joint Staff J-7 JETD; OCR: OSD (Readiness and Training) / RTPP AUG 09 SEP 08 APR 09 OCT 08 - FEB 09 MAY – AUG 09 NOV 07 MAY 08 Combatant Command Update Monitored compliance with policy Monitor compliance with monthly assessment in JTIMS Briefed JTIMS V3.1 capabilities Proposed policy update to JTIMS UAG for review Briefed future JTIMS v3.1 capabilities JTP&G Updated
Joint Training Trends and Assessment Issue 06-007: Consensus has not been achieved in the joint training community regarding how joint training trends and joint training assessment taskers will be achieved. Discussion: JS J7 will develop an annual assessment of Joint Training trends to brief at the Worldwide Joint Training & Scheduling Conference (WJTSC). Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Instruction (CJCSI) 3500.01E was updated to require monthly Task Proficiency Assessment (TPA) reporting, which will help to support the development of training trend information. Endstate: Joint training trends (positive and negative) are identified, analyzed, and briefed (at fall WJTSC) annually. Analysis of training trends result in the identification of joint training/resource requirements for consideration/validation and advocacy in joint requirement/resource forums; reports to senior leadership; risk mediation forums; policy and doctrinal development; and for potential inclusion in the Chairman's Annual Joint Training Guidance and identification as a Chairman's High Interest Training Issue. POA&M: The Joint Training Information Management System (JTIMS) v3.1 (Apr 09) provides filters to enable collection of training assessment information during a desired assessment timeframe as well as the ability to perform individual task training proficiency assessments, enabling greater fidelity in the development of joint training trend data. Next trend analysis will use JTIMS capability and be briefed at WJTSC 09-2. OPR: JS J-7 JETD Briefer: LCDR Jaureguizar SEP 09 SEP 08 MAR 09 APR – AUG 09 Trend data collected and analyzed after JTIMS v3.1 release Select FY 08 trends binned to Working Groups and addressed during WJTSC 09-1 Trends briefed at WJTSC 09-2; issues linked to JLLIS/CAP/etc First trend brief at WJTSC 08-2
JTIMS and JLLIS Integration Briefer: LCDR Jaureguizar • Issue 09-005:No capability exists to automatically transfer data between Joint Training Information Management System (JTIMS) and Joint Lessons Learned Information System (JLLIS). • Discussion: • JTIMS and JLLIS are separate and complementary collection tools for observations. • Task Performance Observations (TPOs) submitted to JTIMS may have joint lessons learned applicability, requiring submission to the Joint Lessons Learned Program (JLLP) via JLLIS. • TPOs may identify an issue requiring joint issue resolution; per definitions of JLLP, final resolution of an issue would provide a lesson learned, which should be included in the joint lessons learned data base, provided by JLLIS. • JLLIS observations may provide additional information to better enable the development of a Training Proficiency Evaluation (TPE) or Training Proficiency Assessment (TPA). • DoDI 3020.47 states that each combatant command, CSA, and Military Department (Service) shall determine which performance observations [in JTIMS] should be elevated in status to a lesson learned, and that these lessons learned should be included in the JLLP through JLLIS. • The lack of this automated linkage hinders the transfer of data between JTIMS and JLLIS • Endstate: The capability to exploit the knowledge gained during an exercise to both enhance the training audience leaders’ assessment process and benefit the lessons learned community in the planning and execution of future exercises and events. • POA&M: • OPRs: OCRs: AUG 09 TBD 09 TBD TBD 15
Joint Lessons Learned Information System(JLLIS) Phase Approach to data integration with JTIMS
JLLIS Design Concept for Integration • Implement a phased approach for JLLIS and JTIMS Data Integration • Phase one: • JLLIS establish link to access other DoD systems (JTIMS, JDEIS) • Determine JLLIS requirements for enhanced integration capabilities
Phase One of Integration:The Initial JTIMS Link LINKS LINKS JTIMS DRRS JDEIS JTIMS DRRS http://userguide.drrs.org/Introduction/DRRS%20Applications/index.html JDEIS http://www.dtic.mil/doctrine/s_index.html
JLLIS Phase Two of Integration:Importing Data from JTIMS • Phase Two: JLLIS Import Capability • JLLIS develop capability for manual import of JTIMS LL Initial Observation Data (XML File) • Determine JLLIS requirements for enhanced integration capabilities (Web Services)
JLLIS JTIMS JLLIS Long Range Goaland Last Phase of Integration • Near ‘real-time’ data exchange • Seamless data sharing/integration between JLLIS and JTIMS • JTIMS LL Initial Observations, when approved, will automatically update the corresponding organization’s JLLIS with no manual effort
JTIMS #1395 • Requirements • Create a JTIMS Initial Observation for a Lesson Learned (LL) interface with the Joint Lesson Learned Information System (JLLIS) to support submission of a Lesson Learned Initial Observation. Users who do not have permissions will not see the LL link from the Execution Home Page. • Create a JTIMS Lesson Learned Analyst Role. The role has permissions to capture Task Performance Observation (TPO), Training Proficiency Evaluation (TPE), Task Field Observation (TFO), recommend or add an Initial Observation for a LL, generate the JLLIS XML Export file and run initial observation reports for any event or all events in the assigned User Group. • The user [User Group Lead, Execution Analyst, Event Team Lead, Sr Observer/Controller Analyst, and LL Analyst] will have the ability to enter an initial observation within a selected event or recommend an initial observation from a TPO, TPE, or TFO) – for example, when a user is entering a TPO they should have the ability to promote the Training Event raw observation to a Lesson Learned Initial observation format. The system displays a JTIMS initial observation worksheet (that matches the JLLIS worksheet), with most fields auto populated. User then has the ability to complete the worksheet and save the JTIMS LL Initial Observation. • System will send an email notification to the User Group Lead, LL Analyst, Event Team Lead, and Sr O/C Analyst when an event LL Initial Observation has been submitted.
JTIMS #1395 • Requirements • Develop a JTIMS LL Initial Observation Summary that is visible to authorized execution roles; User Group Lead, Event Team Lead, Sr Observer/Controller Analyst, LL Analysts, and Execution Analysts. All users have the ability to edit a recommended JTIMS LL Initial Observation. • Only the User Group Lead and LL Analyst have permissions to take the following actions across all events within their User Group Events: • Delete removes the JTIMS LL Initial Observation from the Event Summary view • Approve for JLLIS Export – makes the data available in the JTIMS LL XML export and future import into JLLIS. Link should provide a hover feature that states “Hover Text: Once approved the JTIMS LL Initial Observations are available for export. To import the data in JLLIS you must generate the JLLIS XML Export from the Welcome Page.” • The Sr Observer/Controller Analyst role has permissions to take the same actions but only for assigned events
JTIMS #1395 • Requirements • System will display in a report format all Lessons Learned initial observations captured and submitted for the event. User Group Lead and LL Analyst can generate a JTIMS LL Initial Observation Report for all events within User Group. Event Team Lead and Sr Observer/Controller Analyst can generate a JTIMS LL Initial Observation Report for assigned events only. • System will allow the generation of a JTIMS LL XML export file by exercise. User Group Lead and LL Analyst can generate the JTIMS LL XML export for selected or all events within their User Group. The Sr O/C Analyst can generate the JTIMS LL XML export for assigned events only. When generated , the JTIMS LL XML file can be saved to CD or as a file and is then available for future import into JLLIS. NOTE: JLLIS has a requirement to develop an import routine to support the JTIMS LL XML.
From the JTIMS Observation Collection Tool (OCT) capability the User Group Lead, Execution Analyst, Event Team Lead, Sr Observer/Controller Analyst and LL Analyst roles have the permissions to capture Task Performance Observations (TPOs), Training Proficiency Evaluations (TPEs), and Task Field Observations (TFOs). Once these are entered each has the permission to recommend the observation or evaluation as a JTIMS initial observation for a lesson. JTIMS #1395 JTIMS Observation Collection Tool (OCT) Module This presentation contains no classified information. Data displayed is for training/test purposes only and is notional data.
JTIMS #1395 View Task Performance Observation (TPO) Details Execution Module – Provide the capability to recommend an initial observation for a LL from the TPO Details page. This presentation contains no classified information. Data displayed is for training/test purposes only and is notional data.
JTIMS #1395 View Task Performance Observation (TPO) Page Execution Module – Provide the capability to recommend an initial observation for a LL from the TPO View page. This presentation contains no classified information. Data displayed is for training/test purposes only and is notional data.
JTIMS #1395 View Task Performance Observation (TPO) Page Execution Module – Provide the capability to recommend an initial observation for a LL from the TPO Details page. This presentation contains no classified information. Data displayed is for training/test purposes only and is notional data.
JTIMS #1395 JTIMS LL Initial Observation Worksheet Event Data displayed for reference Lesson Details Section This presentation contains no classified information. Data displayed is for training/test purposes only and is notional data.
JTIMS #1395 JTIMS LL Initial Observation Worksheet TPO Comments prepopulate the Observation field. Initial Observation fields that relate 1-to-1 with JLLIS fields When completed the user selects Save and Return to capture the Lesson Initial Observation. This presentation contains no classified information. Data displayed is for training/test purposes only and is notional data.
JTIMS #1395 Lesson Observation Summary The JTIMS LL Summary is visible to the User Group Lead, Event Team Lead, Sr Observer/Controller Analyst, Execution Analysts, and LL Analysts Edit link displays the Lesson Initial Observation Details. Once Edits are made and Saved the LL Initial Observation returns to a Recommended Status. Authorized users must Reapprove the entry to make it available for JLLIS. Approved Recommended Approve for JLLIS Export User Group Led, Sr O/C Analyst, and LL Analyst have the permission to Approve a JTIMS LL Initial Observation, making the data accessible to include in the JLLIS XML Export when generated. This presentation contains no classified information. Data displayed is for training/test purposes only and is notional data.
Training Proficiency Evaluation (TPE) JTIMS #1395
JTIMS #1395 Task Proficiency Evaluation (TPE) Page Execution Module – Provide the capability to recommend an initial observation for a LL from the TPE page. This presentation contains no classified information. Data displayed is for training/test purposes only and is notional data.
Task Field Observation (TFO) JTIMS #1395 LL Initial Observations can be submitted from either the TFO Details page or the TFO Summary Page.
JTIMS #1395 Edit Task Field Observation (TFO) Page Execution Module – Provide the capability to recommend an initial observation for a LL from the TFO page. This presentation contains no classified information. Data displayed is for training/test purposes only and is notional data.
JTIMS #1395 Task Field Observation (TFO) Summary Page Execution Module – Provide the capability to recommend an initial observation for a LL from the TFO page. This presentation contains no classified information. Data displayed is for training/test purposes only and is notional data.
JTIMS LL Initial Observation Summary JTIMS #1395
JTIMS #1395 Execution Module – Provide a LL link to display a summary of JTIMS Lesson Learned Initial Observations captured for a select exercise. This presentation contains no classified information. Data displayed is for training/test purposes only and is notional data.
Approved Recommended Approve for JLLIS Export JTIMS #1395 Lesson Observation Summary The JTIMS LL Summary is visible to the User Group Lead, Event Team Lead, Sr Observer/Controller Analyst, and Execution Analysts, and LL Analysts This presentation contains no classified information. Data displayed is for training/test purposes only and is notional data.
JLLIS XML Exports JTIMS #1395 User Group Lead and LL Analyst can generate the JLLIS XML Export for selected or all User Group Events. Sr Observer/Controller Analyst can generate the JLLIS XML Export for assigned Events only.
JTIMS #1395 User Group Lead and LL Analysts have the permissions to generate the JLLIS XML Export file for any User Group Event. Sr Observer/Controller Analysts can generate the JLLIS XML for only assigned User Group events. This presentation contains no classified information. Data displayed is for training/test purposes only and is notional data.
JTIMS #1395 System displays the Search Event page Export Information page. Note: Depending on the users permission the system will only display a list of assigned events (i.e. Sr O/C Analyst). User will then have the ability to select one or more events to include in the export. UGL and LL Analyst can select from all User Group Events. XML will not include Recommended submissions. This presentation contains no classified information. Data displayed is for training/test purposes only and is notional data.
JTIMS LL Initial Observation Report JTIMS #1395 User Group Lead and LL Analyst can generate a JTIMS LL Initial Observation Report for all events within their User Group. Event Team Lead and Sr Observer/Controller Analyst can generate a JTIMS LL Initial Observation Report for assigned Events only.
JTIMS #1395 Lesson Learned Report This presentation contains no classified information. Data displayed is for training/test purposes only and is notional data.
JTIMS #1395 Lesson Learned Report – Event Name This presentation contains no classified information. Data displayed is for training/test purposes only and is notional data.
JTIMS #1395 Lesson Learned Report – Advanced Search This presentation contains no classified information. Data displayed is for training/test purposes only and is notional data.
JTIMS #1395 Lesson Learned Report – MS Excel Output Sample Complete Report – displays multiple events selected as a filter Enlarged Sections of Excel Report. Ensure there are no Merged Cells and the large text fields are left justified. This presentation contains no classified information. Data displayed is for training/test purposes only and is notional data.
JTIMS #1395 Lesson Learned Report – MS Word Output Sample This presentation contains no classified information. Data displayed is for training/test purposes only and is notional data.