Fire Kills Campaign Jaymi, Bob, Inaya, Matt
Brief Our brief is to come up with a campaign idea and visual theme based on the brand-image provided, consider innovative ways of delivering the message, and develop one ‘media’ solution to concept stage. (e.g. a viral video or game, a competition or quiz, a TV ad, poster series etc.)
Pac man Interactive YouTube video http://www.clickvid.co.uk/ Maze style game Ideas & Inspiration Third degree burn Tracking ad First person game Vector Art Mirrors Edge
Our idea.. • Interactive web based game, inspired by mirrors edge.
Choices and a Plan B • Within the game, the choices are highlighted in red. These would produce different outcomes..
iPhone Integration • Before the first person aspect of the game, you would plan your path, using and iPhone/android device. • This is where also you would choose your route in your Plan B, after your path becomes blocked.