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1. Marsupials and Monotreme. By Max Ventura. Marsupials. Reason for name - derives from « marsupium » ( pouch in latin ). 334 extant species . Characteristics : Frontal pouch . Give birth to relatively undeveloped young . Ossified patellae is absent . Have epipubic bones .
1. Marsupialsand Monotreme By Max Ventura
Marsupials • Reasonforname- derives from «marsupium» (pouch in latin). • 334 extantspecies. • Characteristics: • Frontal pouch. • Givebirthtorelativelyundevelopedyoung. • Ossifiedpatellaeisabsent. • Haveepipubicbones. • Lack Corpus callosum. • Fossil record- 125 millionyearsago • Lifeexpectancy- variesgreatly, Ex: Virginia Possumlives 2-4 years, Kangaroolives 20.
Marsupialscontinued… • LifeCycle- Marsupials are bornveryundeveloped and evolve in theirmother’spouchforthenextweeksormonths. Motherscarefortheirbabiesuntilthey’re as big as they are. Whenthe «baby» abandonsitsmotherit mates withtheopposite sex. • Eating and Digestivesystem- Omnivores.
Marsupials and monotremes • Respiratory and CirculatorySystem- have ancestral conditionmammallungs at birth. 4 chambers in heart. Havetheright and left ventricles of the heart separated, so that lung and body circulations are independent from each other. The oxygenated blood from the lungs passes into the left atrium and enters the left ventricle, where it is forced through the aorta and into the systemic circulation. Deoxygenated blood from the tissues returns to the right atrium via the vena cava, and is pumped to the pulmonary capillary bed.
Marsupials and monotremes • SensorySystem- Relymostlyonsmell, havegoodhearing, rudimentaryeyes and taste isusedsuch as humans.
monotremes • Reasonforname- derives fromGreek monos-single, trema-hole, referingto cloaca. • 5 extantspecies. • Characteristics- • Warm-blooded. • Lack Corpus Callosum. • Cloaca. • Produce milk. • Lay eggs. • Fossil record- 123 millionyears ago.
Monotremescontinued… • LifeExpectancy- someover 50 years • LifeCycle- Live long, don’t reproduce much and parentshaveprolongedcare of theiroffspring. • Eating and Digestivesystem- Platypus, carnivore. The platypus gathers food with its bill and moves it to the cheek pouches. Then, the food will be moved back to its mouth where it is munched before being swallowed. Inedible products such as shells or mud are then expelled through serrations on the sides of the jaw during the grinding process. Once in the stomach, the platypus doesn’t produce acids or enzymes to help digest like other mammals; instead the stomach has a horny lining which further grinds the food before absorption.
bibliography • http://honorsbiologyp7.wikispaces.com/P7+Monotremes+and+Marsupials+Sensory+Systems • http://www.newworldencyclopedia.org/entry/Monotreme#Physiology_and_behavior • http://www.helium.com/items/1096293-eating-habits-of-the-platypus • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marsupial • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monotreme