Charge • The Accessibility subcommittee is charged with developing recommendations to address the accessibility of the state’s system of higher education. It is tasked with developing a clear standard for accessibility and goals to meet and maintain that standard. In addition, it will recommend goals to close achievement gaps and clearer pathways to success for students of all interests and backgrounds. • How should Colorado define accessibility? • What should be the accessibility standard for the following state categorizations of higher education institutions? • Research institutions • State colleges • Community colleges • Technical schools • How can the system and individual institutions be held accountable for maintaining accessibility? • Colorado has the nation’s largest gap between the college attainment of its largest ethnic group and other ethnicities and the nation’s second largest gap between low and high income groups. What should be Colorado’s 5 and 10 year goals to address this gap? DRAFT May 25, 2010 1
What problems are we trying to solve? DRAFT • Higher education historically and increasingly leads to better jobs and a higher quality of life. • In Colorado, we have a highly educated citizenry, most of whom were not educated in Colorado. We need to educate our own. • Our “own” demographics are telling: • 70% of Colorado 9th graders are graduating from high school four years later; 63% of the graduates are going right on to college • While Colorado exceeds the percentage of adults with at least an associates degree for all age groups, 35 and higher, it is on par with the US for the 25-34 age group at about 40% and trails many industrialized nations • In 2008, 33% of the population 20 and under were ethnic and racial minorities compared to 23% over the age of 20. • In addition, Colorado has the nation’s largest gap between the college attainment of its largest ethnic group and other ethnicities and the nation’s second largest gap between low and high income groups. DRAFT May 25, 2010 2
White Hispanic/Latino African-American 60% 50.8% 50% 39.8% 40% The Largest Gap of Any State in the U.S. 30% 26.3% 22.2% 20% 15.5% 14.9% 10% 0% 1990 2000 Change in the Percent of 25 to 34 Year Olds with College Degrees by Race/Ethnicity – from 1990 to 2000 Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Public Use Microdata Samples (based on the 2000 and 1990 decennial census)
Who is being served today and where? Draft • NCHEMS data and conclusions re: flow of funds • Geography data – where is need • Distance and ability – two key factors on where students go to school • Conclusion? – Hispanic, first generation not being served. Barriers need to be addressed Review state demographer presentation on website: take away - 1/3 of H pop attain less than HS, ½ attain HS only, 2/3s do not attain college DRAFT May 25, 2010 4
Access Defined • How should Colorado define accessibility? • From a student perspective, Colorado provides an integrated higher education system which delivers viable post-secondary educational opportunities for all Coloradoans regardless of income level, geographic location, historic underrepresentation, and non-traditional background. • Accessibility must address the following components: • Awareness of the promise and possibility of higher education • Academic preparation • Financial affordability • Remediation capacity • Geographic considerations DRAFT May 25, 2010
Access Standards in Policy What should the accessibility standards be for the following state categorizations of higher education institutions? Colorado School of Mines Highly Selective Research CU (Boulder, Denver, Co Spgs) Selective CSU (FC) UNC Fort Lewis State Colleges CSU (Pueblo) Mesa Adams Moderately Selective Western Metro* 13 Community Colleges in CC System Open Community Colleges Aims Colorado Mtn College Technical Schools * Metropolitan State College is considered a modified open enrollment institution 6 Draft May 25, 2010
Access Standards DRAFT What should the accessibility standards be for the following state categorizations of higher education institutions? Research Colorado School of Mines Highly Selective CU-B CSU-FC CU-D CU-CS Selective State Colleges UNC CSU-P Mesa Adams Moderately Selective Fort Lewis Western Metro* 13 Community Colleges in CC System Open Community Colleges Aims Colorado Mtn College Technical Schools * Metropolitan State College is considered a modified open enrollment institution Draft May 25, 2010 7
Principles Draft Need to add/revise. Also include regional responsibilities, collaboration/cross institutional responsibilities, “need to get more people through”, need to “educate our own”, needs to be viable aspiration to attend and complete, mentoring/advising work well Draft May 11, 2010 Access to Colorado’s public higher education is based on student merit and desire Access translates into and is measured by the completion of a higher education degree or certificate Access recognizes that students begin higher education with different advantages and disadvantages Access requires removing various barriers to higher education completion including awareness, academic preparation, affordability, and mobility Access anticipates differences among institutional missions and capacities 8
Recommendations Draft May 25, 2010 9
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