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A CONFEDERATION OF STATES. CREATING A NEW REPUBLIC. I. Key Facts A. Approved at 2 nd Continental Congress 1777 B. States approve in 1781 Definition: Confederation – A loose union of independent states organized to take action (on a few matters).

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  2. I. Key Facts A. Approved at 2nd Continental Congress 1777 B. States approve in 1781 Definition: Confederation – A loose union of independent states organized to take action (on a few matters). Definition: Constitution – A document that sets out the laws and principles of a government The Articles of Confederation

  3. II. Approval Process A. S L O W - 1777 - 1781 B. Need for states’ approval 1. Fear of limited state power 2. Fear of strong national gov’t C. Western Land Claims 1. States had large and small land claims 2. States had to give up claims. D. Unanimous approval needed The Articles of Confederation

  4. III. Description A. Unicameral legislature 1. Unicameral means one house 2. Bicameral means two houses B. 2/3 majority for most decisions C. Each state one vote The Articles of Confederation

  5. IV. Powers – A Weak National Gov’t A. Wage war/make peace B. Negotiate with foreign countries C. Control trade with Indians D. Organize Postal Service E. Borrow Money The Articles of Confederation

  6. V. Weaknesses A. No power to tax people or states 1. Must ask states for money B. No Executive Branch (President) C. No National Judiciary (courts) D. No draft of soldiers for army 1. Must ask states for men E. No power to regulate trade between states The Articles of Confederation

  7. VI. Trouble ! A. Little accomplished/gov’t weak B. Economic Depression C. Worthless national paper money D. Other countries take advantage 1. England kept soldiers in America (West) 2. Spain refused use of Port of New Orleans The Articles of Confederation

  8. VI. Trouble ! A. Little accomplished/gov’t weak B. Economic Depression C. Worthless national paper money D. Other countries take advantage 1. England kept soldiers in America (West) 2. Spain refused use of Port of New Orleans E. Shay’s Rebellion 1. Mass. farmers could not pay taxes 2. Farms seized by gov’t/farmers rebel 3. Led by Daniel Shays 4. Mass. Militia called out 5. National Gov’t powerless to enforce law The Articles of Confederation

  9. VII. Accomplishment – Northwest Territory A. Land Ordinance of 1785 1. Set up Townships/Land survey system 2. Orderly system of expansion The Articles of Confederation

  10. VII. Accomplishment – Northwest Territory B. Northwest Ordinance - 1787 1. Divided NW Territory into Territories 2. System of governing territories 3. Steps to establish new states from territories a. Popular vote b. 60,000 people 4. Abolished slavery in NW Territory 5. Established rights a. religious freedom b. trial by jury 6. Established Public Education in NW Territory The Articles of Confederation

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