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LABOUR MARKET COMPETENCES FOR ENTREPRENEURSHIP. Labour Market Competences for Entrepreneurship. Short Introduction Legal frame for development enacted in early 1990’s The Entreprise Law launched the first entrepreneurial wave Previous studies: entrepreneurs represent various social groups
Labour Market Competences for Entrepreneurship Short Introduction • Legal frame for development enacted in early 1990’s • The Entreprise Law launched the first entrepreneurial wave • Previous studies: entrepreneurs represent various social groups Former employees of medium and large state-owned companies; established private business to capture business opportunities, which could not be achieved through former employers Former top and middle managers seeking profit in a private company without the burdens of the socialist past (over-employment, indebtedness, etc.) Successful craftsmen with established circles of customers and accumulated capital Graduates of self-employment programmes (government programmesprovided training, consulting and financial funds for unemployed interested in starting their own business “free lance” (accountants, lawyers, business consultants,..) – individuals decided to obtain legal status of entrepreneur to enabled commercialisation of their services • Variety in profiles of entrepreneuers resulted in various types of small firms (small business)
Labour Market Competences for Entrepreneurship • Dinamic small business are generally led by formr managers with leadership experience, market knowledge and ability to take risks • An MBA Entrepreneurship study called attention to the many obstacles to grow and risk taking, which included: An unwilingness to seek external financing (pressure on cost reduction, profit and external control) A lack of leadership skills, limited delegation of authority, underdeveloped motivation system and little experience in teamwork (thus Slovenian entrepreneuers appeared to prefer family-type business despite the frequent Insufficient professional skills of family members A lack of use of strategic business practicies – limited innovation in all areas of business, an underrestimation of the importance of business planning, lack of communication with their employees about vision, goals, etc. • significant factor in the development of business sector and entrepreneurship was a dissatisfaction with management styles, bureaucracy, and lack of innovation within large companies • Prevaling type of leadership tended towards authoritarian
Labour Market Competences for Entrepreneurship In order to foster future growth of business and Entrepreneurship, for Slovenia was important to: • Stimulate young generations to obtain higher levels of education – graduate • Promote entrepreneurial education through adult, continuing education programmes • Train and consult entrepreneurs who lack formal education • Focus on specific social groups (women, new graduates, ..) • Developed entrepreneurial networks in order to share experiences and resources
Labour Market Competences for Entrepreneurship The concept of support network was based on the idea of partnership among present institutions: • Chamber of Commerce • Chamber of Craft networks • Local administrative units • Information, consulting and training institutions • Private consultants wotking within the network The concept demanded a strong co-ordination centre and jint programme of business services and associated government funds, which served local communities and entrepreneurs Prominent entrepreneurial projects to support infrastructure for entrepreneurs were developed primarily from private initiative
Labour Market Competences for Entrepreneurship • Many institutions for entrepreneurial training were developed – including GEA College, with its prominent founders of chambers, government and universities • The practice of busines and entrepreneurship consulting began (the government made considerable investments in training, subventions and vouchers) • Entrepreneurial education developed at the university (specialised post-graduate programmes) • Government of Slovenia accepted Measures and Provision programme /Entrepreneurship development/ • Strategic documents : Developing strategy of Slovenia Economical and Social Reforms Framework to enhance welfare in Slovenia National Research Development Programme Lisbon Strategy according Programme of Reforms
Labour Market Competences for Entrepreneurship Gea College “Training Exellence for Social Entrepreneurship
Labour Market Competences for Entrepreneurship GEA College of Entrepreneurship • Slovenian leading privat (under public concession) Business School in Central, Eastern and Southern Europe on Entrepreneurship and Small Business Studies • Practically oriented / undergraduate, graduate, executive education/ entrepreneurial studies and small business management • Wide range of entrepreneurial programmes – all accredited through the Ministry of education- recognised worldwide under the EU directive • Full member of various leading international associations of management schools
Labour Market Competences for Entrepreneurship CASE 1: Leonardo da Vinci Pilot project: Training Exellence for Social Entrepreneurship • Social entrepreneurship as an essentila part of European economic model • Action in promotingsocial cohesion and democracy • Important source of employment • Efficient and effective use of humna resources • Qualitative and sustainable VET • Become more competitive/ able to follow the global changes
Labour Market Competences for Entrepreneurship • Training programme response on deficiency of training content in the social entreprenurship sector • Programme is intended mostly for: mentors and tutors potential new social entrepreneurs managers of various types of institutions in the field of SE managers of public and non-governmental institutions Other subjects acting in support environment • Consists 5 individual modules and the train the trainers module
Labour Market Competences for Entrepreneurship The modules are: • Project management • Business Ethics, CSR and Social Accounting • HR & Leadership Development • Strategic Management • Marketing and Fundraising • Train the Trainers Module (pedagogical skills and e-skills only for selected e-mentors) In Slovenia the training was held using forms of blended learning (traditional and e-learning) • Selection and qualification of adequate e-mentors • GEA college announced 2009/2010 first edition of the European MBA in Social Entrepreneurship
Labour Market Competences for Entrepreneurship • Innovative and unique MBA in Entrepreneurship • Moder teaching approach • Advanced postgraduate education in social entrepreneurial studies • Topics are focused on Social Entrepreneurship and European legal and business environment • Based on real business life experience problem solving www. gea-college.si
Labour Market Competences for Entrepreneurship CASE 2: IEDC – Bled School of Management “ International Summer Schools” • Designed for young paritcipants • Organised in two types • First type is intended for young Managers, Entrepeneurs and Professionals who have already begun their careers • Second target are young graduates who are about to finish their studies and have not yet acquired any working place
Labour Market Competences for Entrepreneurship Young Managers and Entreprenuers Programme • Two weeks Course sessions are tailor-designed by individual instructors to respond to particular needs and requirements of participants • Enhance management knowledge • Entrepreneur skills and practice • Combination od case studies, discussion, role-play and group work • Applying newly-learning concepts to practical business situations • Sharing experiences and building of professional and personal networks
Labour Market Competences for Entrepreneurship CASE 3: GMP – General management programme From specialist to manager in 5 weeks www.iedc.si
Module 1 (2 weeks) Developing Competitive Advantage Leading People Measuring Organisatinal results Creating and Capturing Value Managing GMP Projects Successfully Module 2 (3 weeks) Customers and Markets Business process Excellence Communication Skills Development Managing Change Processes Sustainable Development Benefits Labour Market Competences for Entrepreneurship
Labour Market Competences for Entrepreneurship CASE 4: Enterprising Workshops for the Future of our Children www.sun.si
Labour Market Competences for Entrepreneurship “Enterprising workshops for the youth of primary schools are intended for the pupils of 7th and 8th class, to form essential business culture among youth and indirectly help them at choosing thir own professional ways”. Objective-direct goals: • Stumilating group work of children on the same chosen project • role playing in a factitious enterprise • Learning business handling and solving the problems • Recognising some of the fundamental economic phenomena – useful for those that make decissions about the continuation of schooling in economic ways • Raising the self-confidence (co-operation in group) • Introducing the project on the final enterprising forum
Labour Market Competences for Entrepreneurship Co-financer of the enterprising workshop programme is the Promoting centre for small business which units the resources of: • Slovenian Central Labour Office • Ministry of Work, Family and Social Affairs • Ministry of Economics • Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Nutrition
Labour Market Competences for Entrepreneurship CASE 5: “Entrepreneurial Growth – Top Class Program” Center for Enterpreneurship and Executive Development www.en.ceed-slovenia.org • Top Class supports young entrepreneurs in their personal, professional and busisness growth, motivating them to develop the mentaly of globally successful entrepreneurs
Labour Market Competences for Entrepreneurship Program overview: • Montly practical training led by successful entrepreneuers – mentors and professional about the topics of entrepreneurial development and growth – mentorship program • Training topics Entrepreneurial leadership Different strategies for growth Entrepreneurial HRM Sales and negotiations Entrepreneurial finances and tay optimization Financing growth presenting yourself to investors How to expand internationally How to sell your company
Labour Market Competences for Entrepreneurship CASE 6: PODIM – Selling Innovative Ideas • Entrepreneuers, managers, academics, policy makers – discuss challenges discovering commercial potential and selling innovative ideas
Labour Market Competences for Entrepreneurship Mission Encourage entrepreneurship and innovation as two important sources for development and higher life quality in the business and university environment Aims • Raise awareness – innovation, entrepreneurship, effective management for economic growth of SLO • Establish effective communication between university and economic environment • Improve performance of Slovenian enterprises • Systematic and countinuous support in transfering novelties into business practice
Labour Market Competences for Entrepreneurship • Consulation is a basic feature of PODIM • Presentation of status, experience and cases of good practice in Slovenia and abroad • Round tables - represent thematic continuation of consultations – discussion with the audience • University business arena – makes possible enterprises, university institutes, inventors, innovators to present themselves/establish new business contacts • Social contacts
Labour Market Competences for Entrepreneurship CASE 7: Business Incubators Enterprise Found RDA Regional Development Agency National government TIA Technology Development Agency SMEs LBC Local Business Center JAPTI Public Agency for Entrepreneurship And Foreign Investments Chambers Other partners
Labour Market Competences for Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship support Infrastructure • Academic pre-incubation Centres • Centres for Technology transfer, IRC, Innovation • Business incubators • Science / Technology Parks • Business/Enterprise/Crafts Zones • Centres for Exellence • Clusters, mini-clusters • Networks • Financial Insituttions
Labour Market Competences for Entrepreneurship Incubator provides organisation and environment for the development of technology based entrepreneurship. It motivates, verifies, and assist in the realisation of entrepreneurial initiatives through a high concetration and higher growth potential Services provided • Phase of conceptualizing the business idea: motivaion, training, finance, legal, business, plan preparation • Phase of business operations: training, legal services, prmises. IP, internationalization, 2nd stage financing • Phase of maturing: finding skilled staff, marketing, training management, new premises
Labour Market Competences for Entrepreneurship Case of University Ljubljana Incubator Why entrepreneurship? • Economic growth, productivity improvement, innovation • Job creation • Poverty alleviation and social opportunities
Labour Market Competences for Entrepreneurship Why Entrepreneurship Education • Graduate students lack basic entrepreneurial and managerial knowledge • Universities as main generators of highly perspective business ideas • Contributor to the quality to start-ups • Influencing societal and intellectual attitudes to entrepreneurship
Labour Market Competences for Entrepreneurship Incubator is a facility designed to encourage entrepreneurship and minimaze the obstacles to the new business formation and growth • Spatial infrastructure (office space, equipment) • Business coaching, mentoring, consulting • Financial support • Entrepreneurshisp promotion among target groups Spread entrepreneurial culture and positive image of the entrepreneur Highlits the benefit of self-employment Provide basic entrepreneurial education A bridge between education and economy
Labour Market Competences for Entrepreneurship UIL Today 17 working teams Workshops and seminars – business plan writing, market research, Finance Cash Flow, etc. Business Idea Competition Networking – mentors, venture capitalists, business angels, sponsors, etc. Strong promotion – media, presentations at faculties and high schools
Labour Market Competences for Entrepreneurship JAPTI – The Public Agency of the RS for Entrepreneurship and Foreign Investmentswww.japti.si • Agency acts in two sectors Sector for entrepreneurship Sector for foreign direct investments and internationalisation • Japti’s mission is to improve Slovenia’s economic comptetitivness through technical and financial assistance to entrepreneuers and investors • Works closely withSlovenian Government, local authorities, as well as business, trade and professional associations • Implements programmes and measures aimed at promoting entrepreneurial development
Labour Market Competences for Entrepreneurship Some of attractive good practice examples by JAPTI Entrepreneurial e-learning portal: Podjetniško e-učenje www.eucenje.si Portal for Entrepreneuers: Podjetniški portal www.podjetniski-portal.si I have an idea – www.imamidejo.si
Labour Market Competences for Entrepreneurship CASE 8: Entrepreneurial e-learning portal: Podjetniško e-učenje is a special programme run by JAPTI, financed by the Slovenian ministry of the Economy, Ministry for Informational Society nad Faculty of Electrotechnics; additional financial support came from the programme PHARE • 17 programmes e-learning developed and intended to entrepreneuers in small and medium Entreprises • Website is an interacitve tool for entrepreneuers and innovative users • Many E-learning categories – based on Entrepreneurial skills and new methods • Special programme: Countryside and Entrepreneurship (based on useful marketing tools) and Career strategy develoment – European career passport • One-stop-shop for entrepreneurs, inventors, tailor- made problem solver with a substantial educational component
Labour Market Competences for Entrepreneurship CASE 9: LLP Programme: YES – Youth Employment Support http://www.yout-employment-support.eu The need for YES To employ young people brings various assets to a company: fresh ideas, high motivation, flexibility, applicable knowledge related to the educational level The main aim of YES is to respond to the clar need in Europe in general in paricular to strengthen staff managers’ skills to interact with youth, who will make up a consideralbe proportion of the future skilled work force.
Labour Market Competences for Entrepreneurship YES is specially designed for: • Recruiters selecting job applicants and introduce them into their company • Mentors, in-company trainers of apprentices, instructors and other senior members of staff who superwise young people at work Pilars of the YES system: • Five blended learning modules to develop specific knowledge and competences to cope with “difficult” young trainees or employees • Coaching supportto assist individually in the selection of job aplicants and in the first phase of employment, and mediate in conflict cases • A virtual platform including peer support facilities, e-learning material and useful resources
Labour Market Competences for Entrepreneurship CASE 10: E-Counselling – Development of integrated e-informing and counselling support to job seekers Project www.ess.gov.si Project is being implemented Within “Modernisation of Public Employment Services” Programme by which the Direcorate-general for Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities at the European Commision is encouriging this development
Labour Market Competences for Entrepreneurship Prime E-counselling Project Objectives • To provide electronically supported counselling to the unemployed and others when makinf decissions about their career path and job search activities • To provide personal electronically supported counselling to the unemployed and other job seekers – identifying an individual’s needs • To ensure a comprehensive system of careers advice service and counselling • Also employers access the services
Labour Market Competences for Entrepreneurship CASE 11: Meeting Challenges – Creating Opportunities (Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia) www.gzs.si Unit for professional education and training www.cpu.si Provide education and training events on the next thematic fields and economic: • taxes and finances • HRM • Marketing and commercial activity • Leadership and management • International trade • Organization of work process • Business communication, personal development • Law and legislation • Accounting and bookkeeping • Private entrepreneurship • Entreprenership skills
Labour Market Competences for Entrepreneurship • Assessment and certification of National Vocational Qualifications (NVQ) • From the field of entrepreneurship: • Project task manager • NVQ bookkeeper • NVQ accountant of • small businesses • private entrepreneurs • and institutes
Labour Market Competences for Entrepreneurship Seminar: Finance for Non-Financial Managers – Empower your Entrepreneurial skills Fill the gaps in financial knowledge quickly, effectively, relate to day-to-day opeartions. The course is designed o give non-specialists a rapid appreciation of the fundamentals of finance and the impact of management/entrepreneurial decisions in business • understand the language and concepts of financial and management accountingas well as its application in the company’s everyday practice • Evaluate and interpret the usefulness of different costing approaches • Use learned tecniques and information in practice
Labour Market Competences for Entrepreneurship Topics covered • Accounting reports of a company • Interpret the financial statements • Breaking even and making profit • Sales mix and cost allocation • Business entity as an investment enterprise and user of capital • Management control and budgeting
Labour Market Competences for Entrepreneurship Chamber of Crafts and Small Business of Slovenia associatescraftsmenand other small businesses. Every craftan is an entrepreneur, as in his/her activity, he/she uses a lot of entrepreneurial skills. Both entrepreneurs and craftsmen are searching for business opportunity being created for them in their environment and they take the responsibility fro their enterprise and their employees. Certified programme “Želim postati podjetnik” (I want to become an Entrepreneur) – with final exams /national examination board/
Labour Market Competences for Entrepreneurship Slovene Enterprise Fund SEF is a public body, established with purpose of improwing the access to finacial resources for different development – business investments of micro, smal and mediumsized enterprises (SMEs) www.podjetniskisklad.si
Labour Market Competences for Entrepreneurship Best practice case: 4th Quality Conference for Public Administration in the EU – One stop shop – eVEM • Follows the strategic goals – focus on users , creating friendly environment for the development of entrepreneurship • Basic purpose of the e-VEM project is to provide a suitable information support for the future entrepreneur and enable him/her to start with business operations in the shortest time possible • Unification of the procedures is achieved/all information is gathered in one spot • In the moment there are over 200 active local entry points
Labour Market Competences for Entrepreneurship • For the needs of authentication and electronic signature all qulified digital certificates that are registered in Sloveniawere used at the e-VEM project • Portal for legal persons (http://evem.gov.si) offers: Registration of entrepreneur and entry into the Business register of the RS Sending tax data to register into the Tax register Registration of entrepreneur into obligatory health insurance Registration of entrepreneur’s children into obligatory health system Entry of changes of the company Closure of the natural person
Between stone and stone Bread. Between bread and bread Word. Between word and word Thirst. Between thirst and thirst Flower. Between flower and flower Name. Between name and name Bridge Who stole the hills? Rrahman Dedaj Faleminderit Labour Market Competences for Entrepreneurship