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Comprehensive analysis of HR Key Performance Indicators for June 2014, including turnover, sickness, bank and agency usage, and vacancies, with insights into departmental performance and strategies for improvement.
Workforce Performance ReportJune 2014 Jayne HalfordDeputy Director of HR Caring, safe and excellent
Headline HR KPIs General Note: The new structures are reflected in this month’s report. Some minor refinements and adjustments may be necessary over the Coming weeks. Turnover – Target 12% - Actual 12.75% Overall wte figures dropped again in June to 4685.43 – a number TUPEs out – CASH, Crisis Reablement and Diabetic Podiatry amongst these have had an affect together with a small number of leavers under the MARS scheme and agreement not to recruit to posts particularly in the Corporate Directorate. However this does not affect turnover and so turnover is now at its highest for a considerable period of time. Reasons for leaving for the month show 20% of people not disclosing the reason but main known reasons for leaving for the month of June are relocation followed by promotion and work-life balance. There were 43 internal promotions over the last 12 month period - a rate of 0.7% of staff, the majority in clinical Posts band 5 to 6. Further analysis will be done. Sickness – Target 3.5% - Actual 4.03% Sickness absence has been generally static from November 2013 but above 4%; in previous years this has fallen in June and there does not appear to be a particular underlying cause – note that capability (ill-health) case management has increased in Older Peoples Directorate. Bank and Agency; Target 5% Actual 5.5% There was a significant increase in usage of both bank and agency in June – this may be linked to both the increase in turnover and increased sickness. It is most marked in Community Hospitals, Oxon Clinical Pathway, CYP Swindon/Wilts/Banes and in Corporate – CEO Office. Sessional usage remains reasonably stable. The June bank And agency figure is also out of kilter with June of previous years. Vacancies: Target 9% actual 5.1% Although recruitment activity is very high inflated by recruitment of seasonal trainees the vacancy rate against budget remains below target due to some recruitment being held back and difficulties in recruiting to some job types and geographical locations. .
Directorate Performance – Headlines Older People’s Directorate • The HR Department and Directorate SMT are working together to develop options and implement actions to try to overcome difficulties recruiting to a range of services (notably some Community Hospitals, District Nursing and some CPN posts). • Some services continue to report unsatisfactory performance from new agencies on the framework. In some areas block booking has been made with previous agencies – however this will not present a long term solution. Managers are aware of the Trust position on the new agency framework. HR and Procure 4 continue to monitor agency performance. • The team is managing 23 formal health capability cases. This is an increase and results from an additional staff member supporting the Older People’s HR team. • The team is in the process of training managers in timely and ongoing sickness absence management. • Absence levels continue to be monitored and managed in accordance with Trust policies. • Childrens and Young People • The HR team is currently managing 10 formal cases, which consist of 3 disciplinary matters, 5 capabilities and 2 allegations of Bullying & Harassment. • HR continues to work closely with managers and staff in all performance management matters, and have delivered bespoke performance management training to a number of services. Recruiting successfully training, which also includes Safer Recruitment has been rolled out across Oxfordshire, Buckinghamshire and Swindon for June/July and August. • Summary: All formal case work has associated action plans with either investigations underway or Hearing Panels arranged. There are no suspensions or ET claims in the Directorate. Partnership working continues to ensure formal case work is at a low level. Bespoke performance management training has received excellent feedback.
Directorate Performance – Headlines Children & Young People Directorate ctd Bank & Agency spend remains below trust target. Staffing establishments have been agreed within Highfield Oxford, a total of 16 posts have been recruited to. The resourcing project lead continues to monitor agency framework performance and feedback. Recruitment are managing a total of 192 vacancies with 121 offers accepted. Of the 121 candidates in the pipeline awaiting pre employment checks, 68 have been cleared. HR support Organisational Change/TUPE and tendering processes most recently the Bucks CAMHS tenderThe SHN consultation ends in July; 1:1s were conducted over 2 days in June. Adult Directorate Specialist Mental Health and Specialised Mental Health are now together in one Directorate and so the figure for bank and agency has increased together with Safer staffing level reporting leading to shifts being covered more consistently. Previously Adult inpatient wards were not on the agency framework but they are now so where NHSP cannot fill a vacancy it goes directly to an agency. In particular Oxon Clinical pathway is exhibiting a high vacancy rate, high bank and agency , high turnover and high sickness. Turnover is as a result of organisational change and decisions not to stay with the new structures and sickness resulting from the high turnover. To address vacancies a recruitment day is planned for in July and the results will be reported in September. Overall the highest users of Bank and Agency are those with vacancies; Allen Ward 29% The ward currently has 10 vacancies and interviews are taking place from the recruitment open day held on July 2nd. Phoenix 16% 5 staff recruited going through employment checks and interviews are taking place from the recruitment open day Vaughan Thomas 18% 7 staff recruited going through employment checks and interviews are taking place from the recruitment open day Wintle 16% 3 staff recruited going through employment checks and interviews are taking place from the recruitment open day
Directorate Performance –Headlines Harm Min 39% (currently in specialised services) 6 staff going through employment checks. This had been a difficult area to recruit to and has used long term agency staff. The service is out to tender North & West AMHT 24% 2 staff recruited and going through employment checks. An additional 2 staff have had offers made and an recruitment day has been organised for the 14th Aug. Difficult to recruit to in Banbury as a standalone unit Luther Street 15% (currently in specialised services) This service is always hard to recruit to as a homeless charity. Corporate There are some high levels of vacancies where post are not being recruited to as part of the CIPS programme; where teams are small and one or two vacancies make the vacancy rate look high and where engagement of one agency worker to cover sickness also skews figures.
Recruitment Data The overall recruitment activity has increased due to the seasonal advertising that occurs each year for our trainee/student posts where the courses start in September. Although the number of live adverts has increased we are still seeing a reduction in applications which indicates that the pre-application questions are continuing to make an impact as individuals who cannot confirm that they have the necessary qualifications or experience are unable to proceed to the stage where you complete an application form. We are planning a recruitment open day in August for Deputy Ward Managers for the Oxford Mental Health Inpatient Wards and Care Coordinators for the Adult Mental Health Teams in Oxfordshire all of which are paid at Band 6. We will also shortly be presenting a proposal to the SMT to introduce Apprenticeships for young people across the Trust, this will initially be for administration roles but if they prove to be successful we will then look to consider Health Care Apprenticeships. TVHE have advised the Trust that the DoH are pushing for all NHS Trusts to offer more young Apprenticeships over the forthcoming year. Across the region they expect the numbers of young people in apprenticeships to double and will be monitoring the Trusts to ensure that this is happening.
Casework Data The trend of increase numbers of cases closing continued in month. 16 cases were closed in June. This is as a result of HR team and Operations staff working together and reducing timescales.: • 3 in Older People • 8 in Adult • 3 in Corporate Overall in month the number of cases remained fairly static and are running at considerably lower than the high number of open cases at the start of the year. In Older Peoples Directorate the majority of cases in the Directorate are capability (ill-health). With additional HR resource in the team cases are now being progresses more intensely. Case length is continuing to decrease as revised policies have an impact and cases are more tightly managed. Numbers of staff on suspension reduced by 2 in month. Numbers of suspensions are kept under review and timescales for such suspensions a key consideration.
Friends and Family Test The Staff Friends and Family test was introduced on 1st April 2014. The aims as announced by the Prime Minister are: • To encourage improvements in the service delivery – by ‘driving hospitals to raise their game’ • To increase transparency by enabling patients and the public to readily access and compare scores for different providers and services. The two questions posed by the SFFT were: • How likely are you to recommend this organisation to friends and family if they need care or treatment? • How likely are you to recommend this organisation to friends and family as a place to work? Key messages from the test are: Quality of Care • + Staff felt that the Trust was forward-thinking and continually striving to do better, whilst learning from past mistakes. • - Staff were concerned that due to staff shortages, there was a danger of good quality care being spread too thinly. First hand / family / friend experience • + Staff want the best for their friends and family and those who had experience of using the services described the care as outstanding. • - Staff had experienced negative staff attitudes towards patients.
Friends and Family Test • Resources • + Staff were felt to be dedicated to patient care and to providing the best possible service. • - Staff felt that due to departments being short staffed, workloads were becoming unmanageable which could compromise the standards of care being given. • Service • + Staff felt that the Trust offered a broad range of services which were committed to excellence. • Due to recent restructuring, staff felt that areas of services felt stretched and fragmented. • Oxford Health as an employer • + Staff felt supported and valued, with clear support structures in place for staff. • - Due to the size of the Trust, staff did not feel valued as Individuals and a felt a lack of recognition of staff achievements. • Learning and Development • + Good training opportunities were highlighted and staff felt encouraged to develop their professional skills. • Staff felt there were limited career development opportunities for staff working in low bands.
Friends and Family Test • Wellbeing • + Staff described a great working atmosphere at the Trust, supported by a proactive approach to staff wellbeing and family support. • - Restructuring and heavy workloads has left staff stressed and with low morale. Next steps following this first test are: • Only 6% response rate • Communicating results to staff • Next survey commences on 28th July 2014 • Changing the method of raising staff awareness – emailing individuals