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Resource Development And Dissemination. AIHE Web - http://www.americaninstituteforhistory.org.
Resource Development And Dissemination
AIHE Web - http://www.americaninstituteforhistory.org Jersey City Public Schools and Bayonne Public Schools , a New Jersey consortium of urban districts, accepts the Department of Education’s invitation to create a professional development program to teach traditional American History to history teachers, most of whom have had very little exposure to American historical content in their education background. The William Livingston Liberty Fellowship will deepen the Fellows’ comprehension of traditional American history, through the use of primary sources, the study of historical events, issues, personalities, turning points, and interpretations of events by coeval contemporaries, along with the study of modern historiographies. The Fellowship will investigate traditional American history in a systematic, chronological, and thematic fashion, as part of the Binary Paideia method of teaching history. Teachers will use these methods when teaching, so students can more fully comprehend this rich American tradition. Partners will show Fellows how to prepare unit lessons as historical experts do. Participants will learn to research history, write historical narratives, create substantive lessons, and generate vivacious, web-based history activities from the NJ History standards. Educators will be able to write classroom-appropriate lessons, making salient connections with earlier historical precedents, much as Abraham Lincoln and Martin Luther King made these types of correlations in their own writings. They will infuse their lessons into a larger Weblessons program, and their lessons will augment the colloquia-based CD lessons they will receive throughout the grant. Both teachers and students will begin to see American history as a continuum, not as a series of disconnected events. The Fellowship has collaborated with the Seton Hall University history department, the American Institute for History Education and other scholars from places like Temple University along with prominent history education specialists and master teachers to help create the Fellowship. The AIHE has created and conducted many History programs throughout the United States and has brought in many quality contacts to collaborate with the Livingston Fellowship. The Livingston Fellowship has also partnered with the NJ Historical Society, the Constitution Center , Gunston Hall, the Cold War Museum , and The Civil War Institute, among others. This Fellowship will be structured with 6 seasonal colloquia, a field trip series, and 3 summer institutes, over 3 years. Partners have expressed a willingness help sustain the program after the grant. Fellows will be trained to train all history teachers within their districts and beyond, in much needed turnkey replication programs and to establish traditional American History curricula for all districts. Trainers will form core vertical-teams that will review their district’s history curricula for gaps and overlaps. Consequently, both teachers and students will be immersed in the contents of this program. The AIHE will help facilitate the vertical team events throughout the year. The Fellowship will publish a compilation of all of the Fellowship’s events, materials, scholars’ discussions, and notes, along with the Fellows’ work, on 3 interactive CD-ROMs and on a website, using experienced multimedia personnel with national credentials and award-winning portfolios. The CDs will be used in later turnkey professional-development replication sessions, and then disseminated throughout NJ and nationally, so other districts may replicate this program. The consortium accepts the invitation to employ a quasi-experimental design. Evaluation Solutions, a firm experienced with TAH grants, has developed a detailed, sophisticated multi-level evaluation strategy that includes regular scheduled reporting and review with the consortium. Objective performance measures are custom designed to determine the extent to which the William Livingston Liberty Fellowship meets stated objective and activity goals, and its impact student and teacher history learning and knowledge outcomes.
Effective Lessons Procedures andAssessments What is the purpose of a Lesson Plan?
To Whom? To You! • To Assist You in Organizing: • content • materials • procedures • In order to develop the best route to your destination – Assessment of Student Outcomes
Thinking About It Determine content, concepts and skills DEVELOP ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS How will they be assessed? Planning methods of assessment first clarifies the types of activities you might use in the lesson.
ASSESSMENT FIRST What content or skill do you want students to gain by the end of this lesson? Content/Skill Assessment • Knowing how you are going to assess students: • Clarifies the development of your methods and activities • Focuses the teacher on the development of critical thinking questions and closure • Assists students in being successful
The Lesson Model INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES: A statement that defines the learning and describes the student’s overt behavior, which validates the learning. Objective • Focuses teacher and students on what they will KNOW (CONTENT/SKILL) • And what they will SHOW (ASSESSMENT) BY THE END OF THE LESSON
Objectives • What will the students learn or be able to do as a result of this lesson? • Objectives are not a description of the methods and activities that will be used in the lesson. • Objectives are not what the teacher will do in the class. Objectives should be something that can be measured or observed. For example, it’s hard to assess whether students “appreciate” something, but you can assess how well a student can “explain” or “describe” something.
Grade Level What age or grade are the students? You are the experts! Is what you’re planning appropriate for students at that age or grade level? You might consider making them Elementary/Middle Middle/Secondary
Binary Paideia The Binary Paideia is the unifying theme of AIHE’s approach to unit and lesson planning. Historical change is the result of conflicting and/or evolving values among cultures. The Binary Paideia allows us to easily identify the main features of a culture or subculture and compare/contrast it with one or more others. It also helps us to understand why things happen in a particular culture in a certain way.
BINARY PAIDEIA The Civil War – 1860-1865 "I have never had a feeling politically that did not spring from the sentiments embodied in the Declaration of Independence." Lincoln at Independence Hall 1861
PREREQUISITES FOR STUDENTS • Do Now Develops readiness for instruction. • Anticipatory Set Provide ties to prior learning and shows it is related to the new lesson objective. • Key Terms Without an understanding of key terms how is the student supposed to participate in the dialogue in the classroom? Some research indicates that as much as 70% of learning is dependent on students having the appropriate prerequisites.
Background for Teachers Background: A historical narrative supporting the content of the lesson. Should include some interesting anecdotal and controversial information that students would find interesting. This really assists the non-content specialist. You are writing substantive history that is research based. It is crucial that the teacher have a clear and detailed understanding of the topic to be able to teach it well and respond to student questions accurately, at all grade levels and content areas. IMPORTANT - Please be sure to avoid plagiarism in any background material you submit to AIHE for publication.
Activities • Activities should all relate to the objectives of the lesson. If a procedure doesn’t tie into an objective, why are we doing it? • If there’s a good reason, add an objective that addresses it. • If there is no reason, drop the activity.
Modeling: Shows the process or product of what students are learning. Checking for Understanding: Allows teacher to verify if students understand. Guided Practice: Gives students the opportunity to try the new learning with teacher guidance. Independent Practice: Gives students the opportunity to try the new learning on their own to develop fluency. Some Important Elements in a Lesson This list is notcomplete. The teacher must be creative in designing interesting and effective activities that elaborate the objective/s and meet the needs of a diversity of learning styles and abilities.
Lesson Interaction Teacher Reinforce Objective/ Check for Understanding Teacher Collective Review/ Check for Understanding Teacher Clarifies Objective Assessment of Objective Closure Small Group Or Independent Work Students Entire Class StudentsGuided Practice
Assessment • Assessment can help evaluate both the students’ progress and the teacher’s effectiveness. • Assessment helps the teacher to know what learning took place as a result of a lesson. • The question assessment tries to answer is simple: Did the students achieve the lesson’s objectives? • Assessment efforts that don’t answer that question miss the mark. • Do your assessments accurately reflect students’ mastery of the lesson objectives?
Closure • Reviews the objective, draws the learned material together, assist students in internalizing the new learning and prepares students for what is to come. • Exit Cards • Think/Pair/Share • The “CLIFFHANGAR” • Posing a Question for the Next Lesson’s Do Now and Assigning it for Homework
Homework • Homework should: • Reinforce learning of a previous • lesson, or • Help prepare the student for an upcoming lesson, and • Relate directly to one or more of the lesson objectives.
Extension How do students take a topic a bit further? • Pose and answer open-ended interpretive questions. • Go into greater detail in topics of interest. • Make connections between historical events and current topics and trends. • Relate historical events to other subjects and disciplines. • Follow their interests.
Resources • Some suggested websites, media or primary source material you’ll find useful. • All available at “www.americaninstituteforhistory.org”
SAMPLE LESSON "TITLE“ Grades Subjects Confederate Army Life Danielle Kutcher, Natalie Michael, Kenneth Heim Monroe Township, New Jersey Grade Level: Elementary School /Middle School New Jersey Social Studies Content Standards: 6.1, 6.2, 6.4 Objectives One to three Objectives • Objectives: • Students will be able to: • discuss key elements of daily life of a Confederate and/or Union soldier. • analyze primary documents in order to gain a more accurate view of historical life. • compose letters from Confederate soldiers to their family members. • share their PRE and POST perceptions of the actual experiences of the Civil War soldier.
Disseminating the Teaching American History Grant Resources and Content Training? Recommendations
DEVELOPNG THE DISTRICT VERTICAL TEAMS Vertical Team Teachers: • Five Elementary • Five Middle • Three High School • Vertical Team Meetings: • Lesson Development • Turnkey Training • Curriculum Articulation
Some Questions Who Will Develop the Turnkey Package? • Teachers • Project Directors When Will the Turnkey Package be Developed? • During the Colloquia • Vertical Team Meetings on School Days • After School and/or Saturdays
HOW AND WHERE WILL TURNKEY TRAINING TAKE PLACE? IN DISTRICT Teams of TAH fellows turnkey lessons and content training to district teachers. LOCAL – STATE – NATIONAL SOCIAL STUDIES CONFERENCES Teams of TAH fellows travel to conferences and present to workshop participants, and possibly department or faculty meetings.
Considerations Grade Level or Curriculum Based Content Training Is this About Pedagogy? Content Training? Should the Training Vary Dependent Upon Audience? Elementary – Middle - Secondary Should Turnkey Trainers be On the Same Grade Level as the Audience?
Two Models that Have Worked District In-service Days and Conferences Grade Level Meetings Using the TAH Resources Develop a PowerPoint and Additional Support Materials that Train a Specific Group of Teachers in the Content of the Curriculum at that Grade Level • Mixed Grade Levels • Historical Dialogues • Content Focus • 18th-19th-20th Century • Present Lessons • Discuss content and research that supports the lesson
YEAR TWO Fall Topics • Nativist Riots--Philadelphia (and others) • Irish Immigration from the Great Hunger • Industrialization of the Northeast (1820-1860) (Lowell Mill girls?) • German Catholic immigration (1840s & 1850s) and American reactions • The Know-Nothings (especially the “Native: American Party and political activity) • Robert Fulton & the Steamship • War with the Barbary Pirates • Commodore Perry’s trip to Japan • The Panic of 1837 • Ordinance of Nullification(Calhoun vs. Jackson and the reasons for high tariffs) • Embargo Act (Northeast reaction) • Missouri Compromise (Jefferson’s opinions vs. John Jay’s opinions?) • Compromise of 1850 (as a cause of the Civil War) • The Embargo Act • The Travels of Alexis De Tocqueville • The Second Great Awakening • Free African American communities in the North • The Underground Railroad • The Gangs of New York (or Philadelphia) • The Mexican War • Transcendentalism American Antebellum Literature • The Know-Nothing Movement • The Abolition Movement • The Southern Slave Economy • The Whig Party • Henry Clay