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Nuclear Data Development and Dissemination at IAEA

Nuclear Data Development and Dissemination at IAEA. Paraskevi (Vivian) Dimitriou Nuclear Data Section, Division of Physical and Chemical Sciences, International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, Austria. Outline. Introduction to NDS/IAEA LiveChart Nuclear Structure and Decay Data Network

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Nuclear Data Development and Dissemination at IAEA

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  1. Nuclear Data Development and Dissemination at IAEA Paraskevi (Vivian) Dimitriou Nuclear Data Section, Division of Physical and Chemical Sciences, International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, Austria

  2. Outline • Introduction to NDS/IAEA • LiveChart • Nuclear Structure and Decay Data Network • CRP on Monitor Reactions and Decay Data for Medical Applications • CRP on Beta-Delayed Neutron Emission • Summary Workshop on Improved Nuclear Decay Data 19-6-2013

  3. International Atomic Energy Agency • Mandate to promote and support the safe, secure and peaceful application of nuclear technologies Nuclear Sciences and Applications: Physical and Chemical Sciences Isotope Hydrology Radioisotopes and Radiation Technology Physics Nuclear Data Workshop on Improved Nuclear Decay Data 19-6-2013

  4. Nuclear Data Section • is responsible for the development and dissemination of atomic and nuclear data for applications through specific actions -Data compilation and evaluation -Data services, Data Networks and User Support (documents, CDs) -Nuclear Data Standards and Evaluation Methods Data : Workshop on Improved Nuclear Decay Data 19-6-2013

  5. Nuclear Data Services Webpage Workshop on Improved Nuclear Decay Data 19-6-2013

  6. Nuclear Database: LiveChart of Nuclides

  7. P. Demetriou, DDEP Meeting, Paris 8 Oct. 2012

  8. Search and Filter on ground states, levels, bands, gammas, radiations

  9. Mass Chain Chart of Nuclides With isotope structure and decay data.Click on a nuclide to get detailed information

  10. Thermal neutron cross sections

  11. Radiation spectra Workshop on Improved Nuclear Decay Data 19-6-2013

  12. Nuclear Structure and Decay • Nuclear Structure & Decay Data Network (NSDD) The International Network of Nuclear Structure and Decay Data (NSDD) is an international team of experts who provide recommended nuclear structure and decay data to be used in basic and applied research. Data include: -bibliographic information: Nuclear Science References (NSR) -evaluated numerical data: Evaluated Nuclear Structure Data File (ENSDF) Network scientists evaluate nuclear structure and decay data for all isotopes on an agreed basis; they also compile the most recent experimental results in the Unevaluated Nuclear Data Library (XUNDL).

  13. Nuclear Structure and Decay The NSDD network was established in 1974 under the auspices of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), and includes 18 data centres and groups located in laboratories, institutes and universities within 10 countries. IAEA Role: Coordination • NSDD Annual Meetings (supported by IAEA) Recent: 20th NSDD Meeting, Kuwait, from 27-31 January 2013 • Biennial IAEA/ICTP Workshops on "Nuclear Structure and Decay Data: Theory and Evaluation" Recent ICTP Workshop from 6 to 12 August 2012. OUTCOME: Evaluation of the 211 mass chain (to appear in Nuclear Data Sheets June-July) Next workshop: 2014

  14. NSDD Network(http://www-nds.iaea.org/nsdd)

  15. Nuclear Structure and Decay Data Conclusions from 20th Meeting 2013 : • need to recruit new evaluators and support and supervise their evaluation work • need to develop stronger links between key financial organizations and research facilities • European effort: IAEA is keen to support european evaluation groups in their effort to organize themselves regionally and get financial aid (EU, EURATOM, IAEA-Technical Cooperation) Workshop on Improved Nuclear Decay Data 19-6-2013

  16. IAEA Coordinated Research Projects • An important IAEA mechanism for organizing international research work to achieve specific research objectives • Bring together researchers in both developing and developed countries to address a problem of common interest • Improve research capacity in Member States (MS) – (IAEA favors participation of developing countries) • Duration is normally 3 to 5 years • Results are available, free of charge to scientists, and other users from all MS Workshop on Improved Nuclear Decay Data 19-6-2013

  17. Nuclear Data for Charged-particle Monitor Reactions and Medical Isotope Production • IAEA CRP (2012-2016) PO: R. Capote-Noy Based on conclusions and recommendations from a) IAEA TECDOC-1211 “Charged Particle Cross-Section Database for Medical Radioisotope Production: Diagnostic Radioisotopes and Monitor Reactions” b)Summary Report of the Consultants Meeting on “Nuclear Data for Production of Therapeutic Radioisotopes”, INDC-NDS-0591 Database: http://www-nds.iaea.org/medportal/ Workshop on Improved Nuclear Decay Data 19-6-2013

  18. Nuclear Data for Charged-particle Monitor Reactions and Medical Isotope Production Objective: Update beam monitor data, include data for emerging diagnostic and therapeutic radionuclides, re-evaluation of decay data, measurement of new decay and cross-section data 1st RCM: 3-7 December 2012 (Summary Report INDC-NDS-0630) Workshop on Improved Nuclear Decay Data 19-6-2013

  19. Data needs • Monitor reactions (charged-particle) • Production of diagnostic gamma emitters (123,121I, 123Cs, 123Xe, 51Cr, 186,188Re, 99m,gTc, 90m,gY, 99Mo) • Production of novel positron emitters (52Fe, 55Co, 61Cu, 66,68Ga, 90Nb, 89Zr, 73Se, 76Br, 86Y, 89Zr, 94mTc, 110mIn, 120I) • Production of generator isotopes (62Zn/62Cu, 68Ge/68Ga, 72Se/72As, 82Sr/82Rb) • Production of α emitters (225Ra, 225,227Ac, 230U, 227Th) • Production of electron and X-ray emitters (131Cs, 178Ta) Workshop on Improved Nuclear Decay Data 19-6-2013

  20. Data needs cont’d • Decay data - 61Cu, 62,63Zn (evaluate decay schemes) - 99mTc, 111In (Auger data) - 52Fe, 64Cu, 66Ga, 72As (evaluations, measure positron intensities as needed) - 73Se, 76Br, 86Y, 89Zr, 94mTc, 120I (measure positron intensities and evaluate as needed) - 230U decay chain - 103Pd (evaluation of decay scheme + Auger data) Workshop on Improved Nuclear Decay Data 19-6-2013

  21. Consultant’s Meeting on Auger Electron Emission from Nuclear Decay: Data Needs for Medical Applications9-10 May 2013 • New prospects in medical applications • High LET agents such as composite particles and Auger electrons most effective • Need for reliable data on Auger electrons has emerged • Exploratory meeting to assess needs and recommend ways of dealing with them Workshop on Improved Nuclear Decay Data 19-6-2013

  22. Beta-Delayed Neutron Emission Sn Important nuclear structure information t1/2(AZ+1): sensitive to low-lying b-strength Pn : sensitive to b-strengthabove Sn Workshop on Improved Nuclear Decay Data 19-6-2013

  23. Beta-Delayed Neutron Emission: Motivation Energy production (Nuclear Reactors): Pndetermines the delayed neutron fraction effimportant for reactor kinetics. Decay Heat Calculations: Delayed neutron data are necessary for summation calculations to determine the decay heat produced by the γ-rays and β-particles emitted by β-decaying fission products. Non-invasive reactor monitoring (Safeguards): Knowledge and quantification of the antineutrino spectra produced as a result of beta-decaying fission products. Significant asset in non-invasive monitoring of reactor operations and possible application in safeguards. Nuclear Astrophysics: Far from the stability, -delayed neutron emission becomes the dominant decay process and Pnprovides the only nuclear structure information, also important for r-process nucleosynthesis. Workshop on Improved Nuclear Decay Data 19-6-2013

  24. Beta-Delayed Neutron Emission: Motivation • Since the last evaluation in 1993 (Rudstam et al., ADNDT 53, p. 1) and the last compilation in 2002 (Pfeiffer et al., Prog. Nucl. Energy 41, p.39) progress has been made in the production/identification of delayed neutron precursors • Over 60 papers have been published which are not yet included in any evaluation of beta-delayed neutron emitters • New experimental facilities are available which will be able to produce new precursors in the neutron-rich region • There is no database that compiles/evaluates all relevant data Workshop on Improved Nuclear Decay Data 19-6-2013

  25. Beta-Delayed Neutron Emission: History • Consultants Meeting: 10-12 Oct. 2011 (IAEA) participants: D. Cano (Spain), I. Dillmann (Germany), B. Pfeiffer (Germany), B. Singh (Canada), A. Sonzogni (USA), J. Tain (Spain), D. Abriola (IAEA), M. Kellett (IAEA) reviewed the status of the field: theory, measurements, compilations and evaluations and recommended a CRP on the topic (outlined methodology and specific objectives) →Summary Report (indc-nds-0599) • Workshop at McMaster Univ., 22-23 May 2012 participants: D. Abriola (IAEA), M. Birch (Canada), I. Borzov (Russia , A. Chen (Canada), I. Dillmann (Germany), P. Garrett (Canada), T. Johnson (USA), G. Loruss (Japan), K. Rykaczewski (USA), E. McCutchan (USA), N. Scielzo (USA), K. Setoodehnia (Canada), B. Singh (Canada), A. Sonzogni (USA), J. Tain (Spain), reviewed the status of the field and further supported the need for a related CRP • Proposal submitted to IAEA CCRA: 10 Aug. 2012 → Approved: 29 Aug. 2012 (Project Officer: D. Abriola, Secondary Officer: P. Dimitriou). As of 1 April 2013 PO: P. Dimitriou Workshop on Improved Nuclear Decay Data 19-6-2013

  26. IAEA CRP (2013-2017)http://www-nds.iaea.org/beta-delayed-neutron Objective: createa Reference Database for Beta-Delayed Neutron Emission that contains both a compilation of existing data and recommended data 1st Research Coordination Meeting: 26-30 August 2013 Workshop on Improved Nuclear Decay Data 19-6-2013

  27. IAEA CRP (2013-2017) TO DO LIST - Methodology 1. Compile the existing beta-delayed neutron data, in particular half-lives, neutron emission probabilities and neutron spectra for individual precursors compiled neutron spectra data should be provided to EXFOR 2. Provide priority list for new measurements 3. Define and document the evaluation methodology and the "Standards" for delayed neutron emission in different mass regions 4. Perform evaluations of existing data 5. Produce tools to extrapolate results to unknown nuclei by use of theoretical models or systematic trends 6. Create a reference database of evaluated data for beta-delayed neutron emission evaluated data should be provided to ENSDF, ENDF, JEFF 7. Re-evaluate the beta-delayed neutron reactor constants in suitable group format for energy applications and include them in database Workshop on Improved Nuclear Decay Data 19-6-2013

  28. http://www-nds.iaea.org/beta-delayed-neutron Workshop on Improved Nuclear Decay Data 19-6-2013

  29. Summary • Continued effort to improve dissemination tools (LiveChart, new databases) • New CRPs on charged-particle reactions and decay data for medical applications and beta-delayed neutron emission data • Emphasis: on coordinating and supporting regional groups in effort to get financial support from key financial organizations Workshop on Improved Nuclear Decay Data 19-6-2013

  30. Thank you Workshop on Improved Nuclear Decay Data 19-6-2013

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