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Mentor Update 10/11. University Campus Suffolk. Triennial Reviews. The majority of mentors/sign off mentors at must have had their first TR by September 2010 This will be done by your line manager alongside your annual appraisal Documentation for some Trusts are available on Intranet
Mentor Update 10/11 University Campus Suffolk
Triennial Reviews • The majority of mentors/sign off mentors at must have had their first TR by September 2010 • This will be done by your line manager alongside your annual appraisal • Documentation for some Trusts are available on Intranet • You must provide evidence that demonstrates how you meet the NMC mentor requirements to remain on the local mentor register • Once completed your mentor register record will be updated
Stage 1: Associate mentor – can confirm learner’s aims and objectives. Must be counter signed by a Mentor. Stage 2: Mentor – assesses achievement of learning objectives & signs off competencies Stage 3: Practice Educator / Lecturer – Manages a network of mentors / supervising mentors. 6 months post registration experience Must have met section 4.1 of CODP Mentor standards. To attend update every 2 years Hold a mentor qualification at degree level. Updates every 2 years Evidence of development every 2 years Mentor qualification must be at same of higher level than learners. Must meet all sections of CODP standards. ODP Mentor Requirements-
Beginner (B) • The student has no experience of the presenting clinical situation and operate by closely following rules laid down by others. • They perform a series of tasks without understanding, or referring to, the context in which they are working. Developing Learner (DL) • The student demonstrates a degree of flexibility in their practice • Interprets the rules to meet the needs of the situation, maintaining the safety of the patient, others and themselves. • They are able to relate to the current situation, based on prior learning. Competent (C) • The student is consciously aware of the long-term effects of their actions. • They are able to plan the most satisfactory outcome of a situation and take the necessary actions in order to meet the required aims. • In order to successfully achieve this conscious, abstract and analytical contemplation of the situation is required. ODP Grading
Started September 2009 2 semesters per year Diploma and Degree-Adult and Childrens Nursing Intakes September and February-Adult Dip. And Degree No Home Wards Less weeks without students on placement! Community experience in each year Credits awarded for practice each year Practice assessed differently in each year-skills, reflections, OSCE, Portfolio Grading of practice in 3rd yr-sample tri-partite meetings Nursing 2009 Curriculum
Yr 1-Skills assessment and 4 reflective accounts Yr 2-Skills Assessment and OSCE Yr 3-Skills Assessment, graded proficiencies and Portfolio Skills within the Practice Assessment document signed off by mentor Reflections, OSCEs and portfolio graded by academic staff with practice input 3rd yr only: NMC Four domains of practice graded by Sign off Mentor Sign off Mentors award N,C,B,A Practice Assessment-Nursing 2009 curriculum
Practice Assessment – Midwifery 2009 curriculum • Skills within the Practice Assessment document signed off by mentor (Internalisation for ALL years) • Reflections, OSCEs and portfolio graded by academic staff with practice input • In each year: each student has a tripartite assessment to award a % grade focused on NMC 4 domains of practice (student, mentor, tutor) • Yr 1-Skills assessment and 2000 word reflection on the woman’s story • Yr 2-Skills Assessment and OSCE • Yr 3-Skills Assessment, graded proficiencies and Portfolio
Sign off Mentor Revisions • Three supervised ‘signing off’ has been reviewed • NMC is suggesting supervisions 1 & 2 can be replaced by: • OSCEs • Role Play • Simulation • Use of interactive electronic resources • For the final supervision all sign off mentors must be supervised signing off proficiency of a student undertaking a NMC approved programme
Service Improvement • Improvement in practice is embedded in the NHS as part of the modernisation and quality agenda. • Pre-reg Nursing Students from 2009 are required to undertake a project in their third year to identify and plan a service improvement • Your role is to support them in practice throughout this. • You may be familiar with such initiatives as part of local project work, service innovation and productive ward. • The next few slides are intended to remind you of the process and help you to guide your student • Please contact your CPF, PEF or University in the usual way if you have any questions
Select a process Map the process Analyse the current situation Identify opportunities to improve Process mapping …
Overview of Improvement Success is defined as improving how we safely meet the needs of our patients Focus on processes, not blaming others Success depends on gathering and using data and information to identify changes and to learn from testing them out Using rapid small changes engages staff and creates continuous improvement Success requires collaboration and innovation from team members working together Combining professional knowledge with improvement knowledge is very powerful for providing safer and better care
Consultation with HEIs, mentors, key stakeholders Standards of education are mandatory and are supported in law Divided into 2 parts Standards of education Standards of competence 10 Key standards Safeguarding the public Equality and diversity Selection, admission, progression and completion Support of students and educators Structure, design and delivery of programmes Practice learning opportunities Outcomes Assessment Resources Quality Assurance NMC Pre-reg Nursing Review
Four Domains professional values communication and interpersonal skills nursing practice and decision making leadership, management and team working Introduces generic competencies all students must achieve and field specific competencies Essential Skills Clusters remain and includes numerical assessments in practice Proposed Standards of Competence
Group Activity • Over to you: • Choose a scenario • Discuss the main issues as a group • List the actions you would follow • Identify a spokesperson to feedback
Useful Resources • UCS Link Lecturers / Personal tutors / Programme Leader • Allocations Office tel: (01473 338475) • Clinical Practice Facilitators & Practice Education Facilitators • UCS Mentor Newsletter – published Jan and July and available on the Trust intranet • UCS dedicated placement/mentor website – http://www.ucs.ac.uk click on Schools and Centres, following ‘Supporting students in practice’ link • www.practicebasedlearning.org.uk • RCN (2007) Guidance for Mentors of Nursing & Midwifery students. RCN London • AODP (2009) Standards and Guidance for Mentors. AODP, London • NMC (2008) Standards to support learning & assessment in practice 2nd Edition. NMC, London