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入国管理局神戸支局 Osaka Immigration Office, Kobe Branch. 区役所 The city /ward /town or village office. 諸 手 続 Procedure as of March,2007. 在留期間の更新 Extension of Period of Stay 在留資格の変更 Change of Status of Residence. 国民健康保険 National Health Insurance 外国人登録 Alien Registration. 一時出国及び再入国
入国管理局神戸支局 OsakaImmigration Office, Kobe Branch 区役所 The city /ward /town or village office 諸 手 続 Procedure as of March,2007 在留期間の更新 Extension of Period of Stay 在留資格の変更 Change of Status of Residence 国民健康保険 National Health Insurance 外国人登録 Alien Registration 一時出国及び再入国 Temporary Leave and Re-entry 銀行 Bank 学生証・身分証明書 Student ID Card and Identification Card 在学証明書 Certificate of University Registration 成績証明書 Certificate of Academic Records 帰国手続き Return Travel Procedure その他の証明書 Other Certificates 医療費補助 Reimbursement of Medical Fee 奨学金 Scholarship 宿舎 Accommodation 保証人 Guarantor 資格外活動 Activities other than those designated under residence status アルバイト Part-time Jobs 口座開設 Opening a Bank Account 健康 Health 神 戸 大 学 Kobe University 留学生センター 保健管理センター Medical Center For Student Health Service 学部・研究科 Faculty 留学生課 International Student Division
国民健康保険へ加入手続き Application to join the National Health Insurance System 日本に1年以上居住する留学生は全員,国民健康保険に加入しなければなりません。 また,1年未満,居住する留学生も国民健康保険に加入することができます。 It is compulsory for all foreign students studying in Japan for a year or longer must join the National Health Insurance System. And, it is possible for foreign students studying in Japan less than 1 year to join it. 留学生 Foreign Students ① 加入申込 Apply to join the system ② 保険証の交付 Issue the insurance certificate 居住地の市役所 Local Ward Office ③ 保険料の請求 debit note for premium ④ 保険料の支払い Paying the premium 保険に加入していると・・・ With insurance… 医療費の30%だけ支払えばよい 医療費補助申請ができる Only pay 30% of actual medical fees. You can apply for the Reimbursement of Medical Fee.
医療費補助申請手続き Application for Reimbursement of Medical Fee 診療の前に 国民健康保険証をみせる 診療のあとに 診察料を払い,領収書をもらう Before receiving any medical treatment, You must show your medical healthinsurance certificate at the hospital reception When paying for the cost of treatment, you must receive a receipt or ask for filling in a special form. 病院 Hospital ・所属部局分仮受付 Tentative acceptance of your application documents ・留学生課へ送付 Sending the documents to the international student division 仮受付 所属部局 Your Faculty 留学生 Foreign Students 申請書類提出 Submit application documents ・JASSOへ医療費請求 Reimbursement of medical fee claims to JASSO ・JASSOから資金の受領 Receipt of the grant from JASSO ・留学生口座への振込 Paying the money into applicant’s account 受 付 留学生課 International Student Division ・医療費補助申請書作成 Fill in a Medical Fee Support Application ・診療費領収書添付 Attach a Hospital Receipt 振込確認 Check your bank account 留学生口座 Your bank account 口座振込 Direct deposit ・各大学へ資金の振込 Remittance of the Grant to the university ・留学生のための健康のしおり の配布 Distribution of Health Information for Foreign Students 日本学生支援機構 Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO) ・個人負担分の35%を補助 JASSO supports 35% of your payment for medical cost
奨学金の申請手続き Application for Scholarship 募集の確認は留学生課及び所属学部の掲示板 Information is posted on the notice board of international student division and the respective faculty. 留学生委員会 International Student Committee ・推薦者及び推薦順位の決定 Select applicants 留学生課 International Student Division ・奨学財団との受付・申請等の総合窓口 Serve as a contact with financial group ・奨学金の受領及び留学生口座への 振込 Receive the scholarship and pay the money into student’s account 提出書類 Documents to be submitted ・申請書 Application form ・指導教員の推薦書 Recommendation letter from your supervisor ・成績証明書 Certificate of academic record ・外国人登録証明書 A copy of Alien registration card ・健康診断書 Certificate of health check 留学生 Foreign Students 推薦 Recommendation 申請書類の提出 Submit application documents 留学生課 International Student Division 奨学財団 Financial Group 結果通知,奨学金交付 Result, scholarship 採択結果の通知は所属学部又は直接通知する The result will be notified the student directly or through the respective faculty. 留学生口座 Student’s Bank Account 口座振込 Direct deposit
留学生資格外活動について Activities other than those designated under residence status 1 留学生はアルバイトする場合、入国管理局で資格外活動許可が必要 Students under the status of a “student” visa wishing to engage in part-time work, must first apply to international student division and obtain permission from Osaka Immigration Office, Kobe Branch. 2 資格外活動許可範囲 ①正規生は1週間で28時間以内 Undergraduate and graduate students are permitted to work up to 28hours per week. ②研究生・聴講生は1週間で14時間以内 Research student and audit student are permitted to work up to 14hours per week. 3 風俗営業を行っているところではアルバイト禁止 Working in the adult entertainment and amusement industries is not allowed. 資格外活動許可の申請 Application for the permission アルバイト先の決定 Decide your part-time job 申請 Submits the application documents 代理申請 Applies for permission by proxy 留学生課 International student division 入国管理局 Osaka Immigration Office , Kobe branch 留学生 Foreign Student 許可証の交付 Issue the permission 資格外活動許可書の交付は学部から Obtain the permission from your faculty ★ アルバイト中は許可証の携帯 ★ Carry the permission with you during a part-time job
留学生用宿舎の申込手続き Application for Accommodation 募集時期 Application time 7月・1月 July, January 入居時期 Available time 10月・4月 October, April 募集通知 Information 社員寮 Company dormitories 募集の確認は留学生課及び所属学部の掲示板 Collection will be posted at each faculty and International Student Center 兵庫国際交流 会館 Hyogo International Student House 木下 奨学会館 Kinoshita kinen jigyo syougaku male dormitory 留学生委員会で選考 Winnow applicants in committee 留学生 Foreign Students 申請書類の提出 Submit application documents 推薦 Recommendation 留学生課 International Student Division 神戸留学生 会館 Kobe ryugakusei kaikan 神戸ポートアイランド 住宅 Kobe port island ryugakusei jutaku 結果通知 result 結果通知 result インターナショナルレジデンス Kobe University International Residence 住吉国際留学生宿舎 Kobe University Sumiyoshi International Residence
民間住宅賃貸契約時の連帯保証人(機関保証)Comprehensive Renter’s Insurance for Foreign Students 一般に,日本で民間アパートを借りる場合,入居のための保証人が必要です。自分で連帯保証人を見つけることが困難な場合,留学生課長が連帯保証人を引き受けます。 Generally speaking, in order to rent an apartment commercially offered in Japan, you will need a guarantor. The chief of international student division agree to serve as your guarantor if you can not find. 申し込み方法 How to apply for Insurance アパートを借りるために,保証人が必要 I need a guarantor at the time of signing a rental agreement. 留学生住宅総合補償 Comprehensive Renter’s Insurance for Foreign Students 不動産屋 Real Estate Agency 家主 Landlord ① 物件の内定 Select an apartment to rent at a real estate agency ③ 補償制度に加入しているかどうかの確認 Check whether you have joined the policy or not ② 申請書,契約書のコピーを提出 Submit an application form and your lease contract 留学生課 Internationalstudent division ⑤ 賃貸契約 Rental Agreement 留学生 International Student ④ 賃貸契約書に署名・捺印 Sign for your lease contract as your guarantor
外国人留学生後援会The foreign student assistance fund 敷金・入学料・授業料・生活費等に 必要なお金を借りたい・・・ I’d like to lend some money for Rental deposit, Admission fee, Tuition, Living expenses etc… ローンの申し込み Request a loan 留学生課 International Student Division お金の貸付 Lend money 留学生後援会 The foreign student assistance fund ローンの返済 Pay back a loan 教職員 University Faculty 年会費納入 Payment of annual charge