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SPECIAL ENGLISH FOR ENTOMOLOGY. Dr. CEN Yijing 岑伊静 Lab. of Insect Ecology, South China Agricultural University 85283915 13392495586 Email: cenyj@scau.edu.cn. 昆虫学专业英语教学进度表. 2 昆虫学常用专业词汇 3 阅读和理解 ( 自学 ) 4 阅读和理解 Insects and their ways
SPECIAL ENGLISH FOR ENTOMOLOGY • Dr. CEN Yijing 岑伊静 • Lab. of Insect Ecology, South China Agricultural University • 85283915 13392495586 • Email: cenyj@scau.edu.cn
昆虫学专业英语教学进度表 • 2 昆虫学常用专业词汇 • 3 阅读和理解(自学) • 4 阅读和理解Insects and their ways • 5 阅读和理解Ecological of Insect-plant Interaction • 6 科技交流、讨论(in English) • 7 科技英语中的英译汉 • 8 阅读和理解(英译汉) • 9 如何写科技英文摘要 • 10 科技英文摘要写作 • 11 科技英文全文写作 • 12 科技交流、讨论(in English) • 13复习 • 14期终考试
第一讲 昆虫学常用词汇 Entomology/Insectology • General entomology/Basic entomology • Applied entomology/Economic entomology • Entomology technology • Palaeoentomology 古昆虫学 • Cultural entomology
第一讲 昆虫学常用词汇 General entomology/Basic entomology • Insect morphology • Insect biology • Insect taxonomy • Insect physiology • Insect ecology
第一讲 昆虫学常用词汇 Applied entomology/Economic entomology • Agricultural entomology • Apiculture • Sericulture • Resources entomology • Insect toxicology • Plant chemical protection • Insect pathology • Biological control of insect pests • Forest entomology • Stored products entomology • Medical entomology • Urban entomology • Veterinary entomology兽医昆虫学 • Forensic entomology法医昆虫学 • Environmental entomology
第一讲 昆虫学常用词汇 Insect morphology • Head—antenna, compound eyes, ocellus, mouthpart (chewing/biting mouthpart; piercing-sucking mouthpart), sensory organ • Thorax—prothorax, mesothorax, metathorax fore legs, middle legs, hind legs, fore wings, hind wings, veins, venation walking, jumping, digging, grasping, pollen-carrying, swimming, clasping, climbing legs membranous, piliferous, lepidotic, fringed, tegmen, hemielytron, elytron, halter wings • Abdomen—ovipositor, copulatory organ, cerci • Appendage附肢
Egg, nymph, larva, larvae, stage/stadium instar pupa/pupae, adult, male, female, Hatch, Growth Moult Exuvia蜕 Pupating Emergence/eclosion, mating, duration, oviposition, fecundity, reproduction, 第一讲 昆虫学常用词汇 Insect biology
Metamorphosis—incomplete metamorphosis; complete metamorphosis Life history—annual life history, generational life history life cycle, generation, life-span, generation overlap dormancy diapause overwinter 第一讲 昆虫学常用词汇 Insect biology
Integument 体壁 Digestive system Circulatory system Excretory system malpighian 马氏管 Respiratory/tracheal system呼吸(气管)系统 spiracle气门 Reproductive system Nervous system nerve cell,central nervous system,electrical transmission,chemical transmission, cholinesterase(胆碱酯酶,Ache) Hormone昆虫激素 molting hormone MH蜕皮激素 juvenile hormone JH保幼激素 Ectohormone昆虫外激素-semiochemical信息化学物质 pheromone信息素, allelochemical异种化感物 第一讲 昆虫学常用词汇 Insect physiology
生物因子 biotic factor, biotic component 非生物因子 abiotic factor, abiotic component 食物链 food chain 食物网 food web 负二项分布 negative binomial distribution 营养级 trophic level 生境 habitat 小生境 microhabitat 生境选择 habitat selection 生态分布 ecological distribution 嗜食性 food preference 生态阈值 ecological threshold 生态适应 ecological adaptation 生态对策 ecological strategy 生态演替 ecological succession 昆虫群落 insect community 种群结构 population structure 种群密度 population density 种群增长 population growth 第一讲 昆虫学常用词汇 Insect ecology
竞争 competition 食物竞争 food competition 限制因子 limiting factor 密度制约因子 density dependent factor 非密度制约因子 density independent factor 种群动态 population dynamics 生命表 life table 年龄特征生命表 age-specific life table 时间特征生命表 time-specific life table factor-specific life table 逻辑斯谛增长 logistic growth 生态型 ecotype 死亡率 mortality 存活率 survival rate 存活曲线 survival curve 关键因子分析 key-factor analysis 世代时间 generation time 周限增长率 finite rate of increase 内禀增长力(率)innate capacity for increase 世代重叠 generation overlap 第一讲 昆虫学常用词汇 Insect ecology
均匀分布 uniform distribution 随机分布 random distribution 泊松分布 Poisson distribution 核心分布 contagious distribution K选择 K-selection K对策昆虫 K-strategist R选择 r-selection R对策昆虫 r-strategist 捕食作用 predation 捕食者 predator 猎物 prey 发育起点温度threshold temperature, thermal threshold, development zero 有效积温法则 law of effective temperature 功能反应 functional response 寄生 parasitism 内寄生 endo parasitism 外寄生 ecto parasitism 重寄生 epi parasitism 宿(寄主)主 host 二次寄生 secondary parasitism 社会性昆虫 social insects 第一讲 昆虫学常用词汇 Insect ecology
优势种dominant species 地方种 endemic species 本地种 indigenous species 外来种 exotic species 关键种 keystone species 入侵种 invasive species 濒危种 endangered species 稀有种 rare species 共生 symbiosis 过冷却点 supercooling point 迁飞 migration 迁出 emigration 迁入 immigration 第一讲 昆虫学常用词汇 Insect ecology
抗生作用antibiosis 异种化感 allelopathy 又称“他感作用”。 虫瘿 gall, cecidium 有害生物综合治理 integrated pest management IPM 经济阈值 economic threshold 生态治理 ecological management 自然控制 natural management 自然抑制 natural suppression 助增释放 augmentation release 保育 conservation 检疫 quarantine 检疫区 quarantine area 第一讲 昆虫学常用词汇 Insect ecology
Lepidoptera worm, butterfly, moth, leaf rooler bag worm Cutworms夜蛾 caterpillar fruit-piercing moths leafminer Coleoptera beetle, Weevil象鼻虫 chafers elephant beetle longhorn longicorn/ long-horned beetle 第一讲 昆虫学常用词汇 Agricultural entomologyPests
fruit fly, gall midge leafminer thrip, mite, termite, locust Stinkbug/bug cricket, Mole cricket Grubs 第一讲 昆虫学常用词汇 Pests Homoptera • scale, • armoured scales • whitefly, • mealybug, • aphid, • psyllid/psylla • Plant leafhopper • cicada,
Predator : Ladybird bettle Predatory/ predacious/ mites/ thrips Green lacewings Antlions Parasite: Parasites/Parasitoid wasp Pathogen/Entomopathogen: bacteria Fungi White-muscardine Green-muscardine virus nematode parasitism 第一讲 昆虫学常用词汇 Natural enemies
Quarantine Cultural control interplant, rotation, windbreak, plant vigour, resistant variety,field sanitation Artificial and mechanical control Biological control Predators, Parasites / parasitoids, Pathogens Chemical control “3R” problems (resurgence, resistance, residue) sustainable pest management action level, economic threshold peak 第一讲 昆虫学常用词汇 Integrated pest management(IPM)
Chemical insecticide Pyrethroid Organophosphorous organochlorine insecticides broad spectrum insecticide synthetic insecticide Bordeaux mixture Natural pesticide biology original pesticide(biological pesticide)—animal, plant and microbe original pesticide mineral original pesticide—such as horticultural mineral oil biorational insecticide phytotoxicity 第一讲 昆虫学常用词汇 Insecticide/ pesticide