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PERSONAL GOALS. DO YOU KNOW WHAT YOU WANT?. Knowing what you want is very important for your future job yet, you should answer these questions first : What do you want to do in the future ? What are your goals ? Which job would you like to do?
DO YOU KNOW WHAT YOU WANT? • Knowingwhatyouwant is veryimportantforyourfuturejob yet, youshouldanswerthesequestionsfirst: • What do youwantto do in thefuture? • Whatareyourgoals? • Whichjobwouldyouliketo do? • Youshouldknowyourselfverywellin ordertoanswerthesequestions.Youshouldknowyourskills, too.Yourskillsandyourinterestsareveryimportantforyoursuccess.You can get a goodjobwiththehelp of yourskills.Agoodjobshouldprovideyourfinancialneeds.Atthesame time, it shouldmakeyouhappy,too.Ifyouare not happy at yourwork, you can not be successful.
Here are some questions to help you to decide on your ideal job.Answer these questions and get some help from ypur guide teachers • 1-What is your ideal work environment? Inside an office or in the open air? • 2-What is your ideal location? A village, a town or a city? • 3-What do you enjoy doing? A physical job or a mental job? • 4-what kind of rewards are important for you? • Money, happiness at work, or enjoyment at work • 5-What are you good at? Numbers or words? • After you get the answers of these questions, you can make your future plans and you can decide on a job more easily
Choosethecorrectdefinitionforthesewords 1- «toprovide» means …………………. a-togiveadvicetosomeone b-togivesomethingtosomeone 2- «todecide» means …………………… a-tomake a choiceaboutsomethin b-tothinkaboutsomething
Answer these questions 1-What does a good job provide? 2-Why is happiness at work important? 3-Who can help you decide on your future job? A-A good job provides your financial needs and makes you happy B-Because if you are not happy at work, you can not be successful C-Your guide teachers can help you to decide on your future job
TAPESCRIPT • My name is RickandI’dliketo talk toyouaboutmyschooldays.Ididn’treallylikemyschoolverymuch.Itwas a nice school, therewere a lot of brightstudentsandteachers, but I wasn’tveryhappythere. • OurmusicteacherwasMrAllenand I likedhimverymuch.Hewasyoung, he enjoyedmusicand he likedteachingit.Istartedtakingguitarlessonsand I wasveryinterested in playingtheguitar.MrAllentaught me threetimes a week.Wetalkedaboutmusicandabouteverythingafterthelessons.Iwasn’tdoingverywellwithothersubjects.Myfamilywas not pleased, but I lovedlearningtheguitar.Iknewmygoaland I became a goodplayer.Now I am a professionalmusicianand I am veryhappy.Mymusicteacherhelped me torealisemygoal.
Listen tothestory of Rick.Findanswerstothequestions 1-Was Rick happy at school? 2-How many times a week did he get music lessons? • No,he wasn’t happy at school. • He got music lessons three times a week
Write true(T) or false(F) A-Rick was a successful student at school B-He wasn’t very good at music C-Mr Allen was his school director D-Rick is a musician now • (F) • (F) • (F) • (T)
Read the dialogue and practise it Mark:Why do youalwaysgotothelibraryafterschool? Pam:Becausethereare a lot of interestingbooks in thelibrary Mark: Why do youreadthosebooks? Pam:Ireadthem in ordertogetknowledgeformyfuturejob Mark: Whatwouldyouliketo be? Pam:I’dliketo be a scientist.It is mygoal. Mark:It’sinteresting.Why do youwantto be a scientist? Pam:I’dliketofindsomethingnewandhelppeople Mark:Isee.Scientistsareveryclever.Areyoucleverenoughto be a scientist? Pam:Ithinkso,but I mustworkveryhard.Thereare a lot of thingstolearn
LET’S LEARN! • I’d like to be a doctor in order to help people • Give me your e-mail address in order to send an e-mail
What are Quotes and Slogans? SOME QUOTES SOME SLOGANS 1-Know your goal and achieve it.It is not far away 2-Everything starts with you 3-You can make things better 4-Do the right thing at the right time 5-Be patient.You will win at last 6-Believe in success.It is in your ………………………………. 1-Science is themostrealiableguide in …………………………… M.K.ATATÜRK 2-A goalwithout a plan is just a wish ANTONIE DE SAINT EXUPERY 3-Success is simple.Dowhat is right,therightway,attheright time ARNOLD H.GLASOW 4-Give a museumandI’llfill it PABLO PICASSO 5- Do or do not.There is no «try» YODA 6-You willfindthekeytosuccessunderthe alarm clock BENJAMİN FRANKLİN
Write true(T) or false(F) A-You can achieveyourgoal B-Whenyouaresuccessful, thingsgetworse C-Whenyou do something, youshouldchoosetheright time D-Planning is not importantto be successful • (T) • (F) • (T) • (F)
Read thedialogueandanswer:What’sPatricia’s problem? Charles:Ihavejustread an articleabout a girlwithDown’sSyndrome.Itsays: «She has had hard days,butshe has beenreallysuccessful» what is Down’sSyndrome, dad? Father:It is a kind of illness.If a person has Down’sSyndrome,DSforshort,therearesomeproblems in his or her mentalandphysicalbody.Hisor her physical body andmental body can’tdevelop in a normal way Charles: What do youmean? Father: I meanthesepeopleareslow in doingsomephysicalactivities.Theyareslow in learning,too. Theyare not cleverenoughtolearneasily
Read thedialogueandanswer:What’sPatricia’s problem? • Charles: I thinktheirlivesaredifficult • Father:Yes, youareright.Life is difficultforboththesechildrenandtheirparents, but iftheyarehopeful, they can achieve a lot of thingsandreachtheirgoals.Peoplewith DS can haveverygoodlives • Charles:Yes,Iagreewithyou.Patricia is a goodexampleforthem.Ilike her story.She has beenmoreactivethanmost of us.She has a lot of interestsandhobbies • Father: It is verygoodforher.Ithinkshe has somepersonalgoals.Shemusttryharderthaneverybodytoachievethem • Charles:Yes,dad.Herfamily,herteachersand her friendsshouldhelp her all her life
Learn these words Knowledge Bilgi Quote Aktarılan söz Reliable Güvenilir Wish Dilek Simple Basit Fill Doldurmak Achieve Başarmak Down’sSyndrome Down sendromu Choose Seçmek Article Makale İllness Hastalık Develop Gelişmek Slow Yavaş Hopeful Ümitli Reach Ulaşmak Try Çabalamak,uğraşmak