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Review of the Work and Functioning of the HRC The UPR mechanism

This presentation discusses the progress and proposals discussed in the UPR faciliation, evaluating their acceptability based on informal consultations. It covers general issues, the process and modalities of the UPR, and the follow-up of the review.

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Review of the Work and Functioning of the HRC The UPR mechanism

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Review of the Work and Functioning of the HRCThe UPR mechanism Presentation by the facilitator Mr. Omar HILALE Bangkok, December 8, 2010

  2. Introduction • Last Friday, I made a short briefing during the President’s informal consultations on the progress achieved on the UPR facilitation. • In today’s presentation, I envisage to go into more details of the different proposals discussed. • In this regard, I will try to give my evaluation of the degree of acceptability of each of these proposals, based on the discussions we held during the three informal consultations and the three “informal informals”: • Issues upon which there is a large convergence of views will be identified in green. • Issues that require further discussions will be represented in orange. • Issues with deep divergences will be identified in red.

  3. Topics of the presentation • Our discussion will be divided into three sections, following the same structure of the discussions during the consultations of the UPR facilitation: • The general issues; • The process and modalities of the UPR; • The follow-up of the UPR.

  4. I. The general issues • Basis of the UPR. • Principles of the UPR. • Objectives of the UPR. • Order of the review of States.

  5. 1. basis of the review

  6. 2. Principles of the review

  7. 3. Objectives of the review

  8. 4. Order of the review

  9. II. The process and modalities of the UPR • Periodicity of the cycle and the gap between the 1st an 2nd cycles. • Duration of the review. • HRC plenary for outcome adoption. • UPR Voluntary fund for participation. • Focus and content of the reports of 2nd cycle. • Recommendations. • Role of Troika, OHCHR and other stakeholders.

  10. 1. Periodicity and gap

  11. 2. The interactive dialogue

  12. 3. HRC plenary for outcome adoption

  13. 4. UPR voluntary fund for participation

  14. 5. Focus and content of reports of 2nd cycle

  15. 6. Recommendations

  16. 7. Role of Troika, OHCHR and other stakeholders

  17. III. The follow-up of the review • Follow-up by SuR. • Voluntary Fund for financial and technical assistance. • Role of OHCHR and other UN mechanisms

  18. III. The follow-up of the review

  19. Conclusion • As you might have noticed, we have been able to build a large space of convergence on many issues thanks to your flexibility, your spirit of openness and your readiness to compromise. • However, we still have much work to do, obstacles to overcome and divergences to resolve. • The international community is following closely the review of the UPR. Thus, it is important to preserve the UPR achievements, which has the noble mission of improving the Human rights situation on the ground and everywhere in the world. • Therefore, I would like to call for the continuation of our discussions without conditioning the flexibility or the concessions to the progress on the other clusters. The UPR cluster should be considered as a stand alone package. • The UPR mechanism is very noble to be taken hostage by our debates in the other clusters. Not only our respective Governments, but also thousands of women and men are awaiting for the outcome of the review of the UPR. • I would like to urge you to engage in concluding this review of the UPR as if the other clusters do not exit, while continuing the negotiations in the other clusters as if the UPR does not exist.

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