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The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership: Building a Foundation for Effective Leadership

Discover the fundamental laws of leadership that determine a person's level of effectiveness. Learn how influence, process, navigation, addition, solid ground, respect, and more shape successful leaders.

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The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership: Building a Foundation for Effective Leadership

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  1. About the book… The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership is merely an instruction manual that will allow you to get to know the individuals who did–or some who didn’t–obey the law in question. As you follow along, keep in mind: 1. The laws can be learned. 2. The laws can stand alone. 3. The laws carry consequences with them. 4. These laws are the foundation of leadership.

  2. #1: THE LAW OF THE LID Leadership Ability Determines a Person’s Level of Effectiveness The lower an individual’s ability to lead, the lower the lid of his potential. The higher the individual’s ability to lead, the higher the lid on his potential.

  3. #2: THE LAW OF INFLUENCE The True Measure of Leadership is Influence – Nothing More, Nothing Less “ You have achieved excellence as a leader when people will follow you everywhere if only out of curiosity.– Colin Powell ”

  4. #2: THE LAW OF INFLUENCE Five Myths About Leadership 1. The Management Myth The best way to test whether a person can lead rather than just manage is to ask him to create positive change. Managers can maintain direction, but they can’t change it. The only thing a title can buy is a little time — either to increase your level of influence with others or to erase it. 2. The Entrepreneur Myth People may be buying what they sell, but they’re not following.

  5. #2: THE LAW OF INFLUENCE Five Myths About Leadership 3. The Knowledge Myth IQ doesn’t necessarily equate to leadership. 4. The Pioneer Myth Being first isn’t always the same as leading. 5. The Position Myth “It’s not the position that makes the leader; it’s the leader that makes the position.” – Stanley Huffty

  6. #3: THE LAW OF PROCESS Leadership Develops Daily, Not in a Day Becoming a leader is a lot like investing successfully in the stock market. If your hope is to make a fortune in a day, you’re not going to be successful. Leaders are Learners Successful leaders are learners. And the learning process is ongoing, a result of self-discipline and perseverance. The goal each day must be to get a little better, to build on the previous day’s progress.

  7. #3: THE LAW OF PROCESS Five Phases of Leadership Growth 1. I don’t know what I don’t know A person that doesn’t know what he doesn’t know, doesn’t grow. 2. I know that I need to know. Being put in charge is not the same as being a leader. 3. I know what I don’t know. Seek valuable experiences from other great leaders. 4. I know and grow, and it starts to show. One must be prepared for his time when it comes. 5. I simply go because of what I know. Leadership becomes automatic and instincts are sharpened.

  8. #4: THE LAW OF NAVIGATION Anyone Can Steer the Ship, but It Takes a Leader to Chart the Course Envision What’s AheadControl your direction instead of being controlled by it.Draw on Past Experience If you fail to learn from your mistakes, you’re going to fail again and again.Rely on both Faith and Fact Maintain a balance between optimism and realism.

  9. #4: THE LAW OF NAVIGATION Prepare a Navigation Strategy Create a blueprint to navigate change in your organization. Predetermine a course of actionLay out your goalsAdjust your prioritiesNotify key personnel Allow time for acceptanceHead into actionExpect problemsAlways point to successDaily review your plan

  10. #5: THE LAW OF ADDITION Leaders Add Value by Serving Others What’s the Bottom Line?Does a leader’s motive matter, or is it simply getting the job done that’s important? The Bottom Line in Leadership isn’t how far we advance ourselves but how far we advance others Are you making things better for the people who follow you?

  11. #5: THE LAW OF ADDITION Leaders Add Value by Serving Others Adding Value Changes LivesAdding value to others through service doesn’t just benefit the people being served, it allows the leader to experience fulfillment along the way. We Add Value to Others When We… 1. Truly Value Others 2. Make Ourselves More Valuable to Others 3. Know and Relate to What Others Value 4. Do Things That God Values

  12. #6: THE LAW OF SOLID GROUND Trust is the Foundation of Leadership How Important is Trust For a Leader?It is the most important thing.Trust is the Foundation of Leadership A leader builds trust by consistently exemplifying competence, connection, and character.Character Makes Trust Possible And Trust makes leadership possible.

  13. #6: THE LAW OF SOLID GROUND Trust is the Foundation of Leadership Character Communicates RespectLeaders earn respect by making sound decisions, by admitting their mistakes, and by putting what’s best for their followers and the organization ahead of their personal agendas.It’s Never to Late to Regain Trust If you have broken trust with others in the past, then your leadership will always suffer until you try to make things right. Commit to working on re-earning that trust.

  14. #7: THE LAW OF RESPECT People Naturally Follow Leaders Stronger Than Themselves “ The leader must know, must know he knows, and must be able to make it abundantly clear to those around him that he knows. – Clarence B. Randall ”

  15. #7: THE LAW OF RESPECT People Naturally Follow Leaders Stronger Than Themselves

  16. #7: THE LAW OF RESPECT People Naturally Follow Leaders Stronger Than Themselves

  17. #7: THE LAW OF RESPECT Measuring Your Level of Respect AttractionIf you want to measure how much respect you have as a leader, look at who you attract.Caliber One measure of leadership is the caliber of people who choose to follow you.

  18. #7: THE LAW OF RESPECT Measuring Your Level of Respect Doubt When leaders who are not respected ask for commitment or change, people doubt, they ask questions, they make excuses, or they simply walk away.Knowing The leader must know, must know he knows, and must be able to make it abundantly clear to those about him that he knows.

  19. #8: THE LAW OF INTUITION Leaders Evaluate Everything with a Leadership Bias The best leaders read and respond. The great ones can see things others can’t, make changes, and move forward before others know what’s happening. Leaders know the situation before they have all of the facts and they rely mainly on

  20. #9: THE LAW OF MAGNETISM Who You Are Is Who You Attract Effective leaders are always on the lookout for good people. Who you attract is not determined by what you want, it is determined by who you are. People attract and are attracted to others of similar backgrounds.

  21. #10: THE LAW OF CONNECTION Leaders touch a Heart before they ask for a Hand • Leaders must connect with people in a group, but relate to them as individuals • Leaders must touch the heart before the head. Relationship precedes results. • Leaders must initiate connections with others, do not wait for them to do it. • Leaders can’t move people to action until they first move them with emotion. • Leaders should first give before they demand others to give.

  22. QUESTIONS FOR REFLECTION What people in my past have practiced the law of connection with me? How did this impact me? When have I failed to practice this law? Remember to communicate with openness and sincerity, and to live your message

  23. #11: THE LAW OF THE INNER CIRCLE A Leader’s potential is determined by those closest to him “ • You can do what I cannot do. I can do what you cannot do. Together we can do great things. • -Mother Teresa ”


  25. #11: THE LAW OF SOLID GROUND QUESTIONS FOR REFLECTION… Who makes up my inner circle? Do I have an inner circle by accident or on purpose? Do I have exceptionally gifted people in my inner circle? Do they compliment my gifts? How am I stronger because of them? Who else needs to be in my inner circle for it to be complete?

  26. #12: THE LAW OF EMPOWERMENT Only Secure Leaders Give Power to Others “ • Great leaders gain authority by giving it away. • - James B. Stockdale • . ”

  27. #12: THE LAW OF EMPOWERMENT Only Secure Leaders Give Power to Others Learn toC.O.P.E. To be Creative, you must reduce Overload. To be Progressive, you mustEmpowerothers. Know that there are Barriers to Empowerment 1. Desire For Job Security 2. Resistance To Change 3. Lack of Self-Worth

  28. #12: THE LAW OF EMPOWERMENT Only Secure Leaders Give Power to Others • How well do I empower others? How do I do it? • When I fail to empower others, how much does it have to do with my own insecurities as a leader? • What have been empowering experiences in my life? • How can I better empower those who work beside me?

  29. #13: THE LAW OF THE PICTURE People Do What People See Followers may doubt what their leaders say, but they usually believe what they do!

  30. #14: THE LAW OF BUY-IN People Buy into the Leader, Then the Vision As a leader, your success is measured by your ability to actually take the people where they need to go. You can do that only if the people first buy into you. You must: 1. Develop good relationships with people 2. Be honest and authentic and develop trust 3. Hold yourself to high standards and set a good example

  31. #14: THE LAW OF BUY-IN People Buy into the Leader, Then the Vision As a leader, your success is measured by your ability to actually take the people where they need to go. You can do that only if the people first buy into you. You must (continued): 4. Give them tools to do their jobs better 5. Help them achieve their personal goals 6. Develop them as leaders

  32. #15: THE LAW OF VICTORY Leaders Find a Way for the Team to Win “ Leaders who practice the Law of Victory have no Plan B. That is why they keep fighting. You’ve got to have great athletes to win, I don’t care who the coach is. You can’t win without good athletes, but you can lose with them. This is where coaching makes the difference. - Lou Holtz ”

  33. #16: THE LAW OF THE BIG MO Momentum Is a Leader’s Best Friend Momentum is the Great Exaggerator Momentum is like a magnifying glass; it makes things look bigger than they really are. Momentum Makes Leaders Look Better Than They Are People forget the mistakes and focus on the success. Momentum Helps Followers Perform Better Than They Are People are motivated to perform at higher levels.

  34. #16: THE LAW OF THE BIG MO Momentum Is a Leader’s Best Friend Momentum Is Easier To Steer Than To StartGetting started is a struggle, but once you’re moving forward amazing things will happen. Momentum Is The Most Powerful Change AgentMomentum puts victory within reach. Momentum Is The Leader’s ResponsibilityMomentum requires someone who has a vision, can assemble a good team, and motivates others. Momentum Begins Inside The LeaderIt starts with vision, passion, and enthusiasm.

  35. #17: THE LAW OF PRIORITIES Leaders Understand That Activity Is Not Necessarily Accomplishment • THE THREE Rs • What is required? What must I do that nobody can or should do for me? • What gives the greatest return? Leaders should get out of their comfort zone but stay in their strength zone. • What brings the greatest reward? What brings you personal satisfaction? Always make time for the things you love.

  36. #17: THE LAW OF PRIORITIES Discipline of Prioritizing RETHINK YOUR PRIORITIES Reevaluate your priorities. Do you live and work according to your priorities? Are there areas that need revision? REORDER YOUR PRIORITIES How are you spending your time? Is most of your time spent in areas that represent your greatest strengths? REFOCUS YOUR PRIORITIES Never mistake activity for accomplishment. Success comes only when you focus your people on what really matters.

  37. #18: THE LAW OF SACRIFICE A Leader Must Give Up to Go Up There Is No Success Without Sacrifice Effective leaders sacrifice much that is good in order to dedicate themselves to what is best. Leaders Are Often Asked To Give Up More Than Others The heart of leadership is putting others ahead of yourself. It’s doing what’s best for the team. You Must Keep Giving Up To Stay Up Today’s success is the greatest threat to tomorrow’s success. Sacrifice is an ongoing process, not a one time payment.

  38. #18: THE LAW OF SACRIFICE A Leader Must Give Up to Go Up The Higher The Level Of Leadership, The Greater The SacrificeLike an auction, the higher you go the more it’s going to cost you. There can be no success without sacrifice. Do Not Get Trapped In The Mindset Of “Destination Disease” – The Idea That You Can Sacrifice For A Season And Then “Arrive”.

  39. #19: THE LAW OF TIMING When to Lead Is As Important As What to Do and Where to Go Timing is often the difference between success and failure in an endeavor 1. The wrong action at the wrong time leads to disaster 2. The right action at the wrong time brings resistance 3. The wrong action at the right time is a mistake 4. The right action at the right time is success

  40. #20: THE LAW OF EXPLOSIVE GROWTH To Add Growth, Lead Followers –To Multiply, Lead Leaders Help others to lead (Empowerment) It takes a different mind-set, focus, and attitude to be a leader who develops leaders! Leaders who develop leaders: 1. Want to be Succeeded 5. Invest time in others 2. Develop the Top 20 Percent 6. Grow by multiplication 3. Focus on Strengths 7. Impact People Beyond4. Treat Individuals Differently Their Reach

  41. #20: THE LAW OF EXPLOSIVE GROWTH To Add Growth, Lead Followers –To Multiply, Lead Leaders There are CHALLENGES to leading leaders 1. Leaders are hard to find 2. Leaders are hard to gather 3. Leaders are hard to keep Develop YourselfDevelop your TeamDevelop Leaders

  42. #21: THE LAW OF LEGACY A Leader’s Lasting Value Is Measured by Succession Develop a Life Sentence Know the legacy you want to leave Live the legacy you want to leave Choose who will carry on your legacy Make sure you pass the Baton

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