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Working Together to Support Your Child

Work together to create a study plan and conducive conditions for effective learning. Tips, evidence banks, and support resources provided for successful study habits. Contact us for more assistance.

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Working Together to Support Your Child

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  1. Working Together to Support Your Child

  2. Work together to:- Create a Study Plan (preferably in the form of a timetable)

  3. Suggestions… • Nat 5 subjects: 2 hours per subject, per week • H subjects: 3 hours per subject, per week • Break study time down to 30 minute study slots • Build into the Study Plan fixed times that you know about eg. Sporting activities, clubs, work etc • Keep Friday evening and all day Saturday FREE! • Do study on a Sunday – build this into planner

  4. Suggestions… Once it has been set up :- Stick to it

  5. Work together to:- Create conditions conducive to study

  6. How to Study • Dedicated room / space • Keep study materials at hand • Desk / table and chair • Turn off phone and TV • Don’t eat sweets • Drink water • Ventilate room

  7. How to Study – Words of Caution Dedicated room / space - bedrooms are not always best!!

  8. How to Study – Words of Caution Working with friends – not always focussed!!

  9. How to Study – Words of Caution Working with technology - not always a wonderful thing!!

  10. How to Study – Words of Caution Don’t always believe what you see – Young people are “Masters of Illusion and Multi – tasking”

  11. How do we know effective learning has taken place?

  12. Evidence

  13. “I’ve been reading over my notes” Reading is not enough!!! Pupils require to be active in their learning (particularly in Maths)

  14. Evidence Banks

  15. Evidence Bank – Study Techniques Read notes (6-8 pages) x3 Highlight important points after third read

  16. Evidence Bank – Study Techniques then…. • A4 paper: Write summary of notes • A4 paper: Write bullet points with sentences • A4 paper: Write bullet points • A5 Paper: Condense Bullet points • Condense further to create study cards

  17. Evidence Bank • Try past paper question relating to topic • Hand in for marking • Re-do answer based on feedback • Repeat process till full marks are awarded • Learn Answer • Staple all workings and file into Evidence folder

  18. Benefits of Evidence Banks • Teach organisational skills • Foster good work habits • Develop life – long learning skills • Allow pupils to enter into assessment secure in the knowledge that they have worked hard and are fully prepared • Allow parents to evaluate learning

  19. Help Is At Hand We are here to help - particularly with additional tutoring at Supported Study. Offered at least on a weekly basis by most departments. Some departments have an open door policy Some also offer help during Easter break. See hand out or link for details http://stirlinghigh.co.uk/pupils/supported-study

  20. Help Is At Hand Keeping you informed: School website – www.stirlinghigh.co.uk Twitter The Stirling High App

  21. Help Is At Hand Edmodo is a secure, social learning platform for teachers, learners, schools and parents. They provide an environment to allow learners to connect with teachers, share content, access homework, grades, teacher comments and school notices. Keeping you informed:

  22. Help Is At Hand Keeping you informed:- Business Education

  23. Help Is At Hand Keeping you and your child informed:- Google Classroom • School recently launched Google Classroom • Via GC we share learning materials, set questions and give online feedback. • Live process - we can see the progress a pupil is making even before it is handed in, the time they takes to complete a task and the time when it is completed. • Comments can be made privately or directed to class. • Parents can support this process by asking to see Google Classroom activity.

  24. Help Is At Hand Provide general study advice - PSE Provide subject specific study advice: e.g. Maths All revision notes / extra practice / homeworks on Edmodo (codes leaflet) Can do sheets Individualised Targeted Study Support Parent /Pupil Response Booklets

  25. Help Is At Hand Keeping you informed: – English Department

  26. Help Is At Hand Online links for additional/home study:- e.g. Science suggests: - evans2chemweb, Bright Red, ISAAC Support All subjects - SQA past papers/SCHOLAR/ BBC Bitesize Our school website has an exam revision page: http://stirlinghigh.co.uk/pupils/exam-revision National Parent Forum for Scotland “National 5: Revision in a Nutshell” (National 5 subject guides covering 20 subjects to supplement learning and revision in class) http://www.npfs.org.uk/national-5-revision-in-a-nutshell/ Parent information leaflet http://www.npfs.org.uk/wpcontent/uploads/2013/12/pointersforparents_E1.pdf

  27. Help Is At Hand We can act as mentors: Initial meeting to discuss Study Plan Meetings to present / assess Evidence Forum to discuss studies / areas for improvement Identify areas of improvements / successes

  28. When the going gets tough…..

  29. and they feel like giving up…….. Make sure they are eating properly Make sure they get enough sleep Set goals jointly Proof read / Go over study cards Encourage / Be positive Talk about their day/show them you care Sometime it’s just about being there!

  30. Warning !!! This is not an easy road but it’s one worth travelling

  31. Growth Mindset

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