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Dissemination Strategy for Making Economic Census Widely Available in Korea

This strategy aims to make Economic Census data readily available in Korea through user-oriented dissemination plans, aligning with global standards and enhancing statistical access for various sectors. The focus is on understanding the diverse users of this data, implementing effective dissemination approaches, and fostering a more user-centric statistical framework.

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Dissemination Strategy for Making Economic Census Widely Available in Korea

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  1. Dissemination Strategy for Making Economic Census Widely Available in Korea Seong Ho, Han Statistics Research Institute Korea National Statistical Office The 2nd International Workshop on Economic Census Seoul, Republic of Korea July 6 – 9, 2009

  2. Content Toward More User-oriented Statistics Ⅰ Goals of Economic Census Ⅱ Users of Economic Census Data Ⅲ Basic Direction for Successful Dissemination Ⅳ Some Suggestions for Dissemination Ways V

  3. Ⅰ. Toward More User-oriented Statistics

  4. From Words to Actions Producer- Oriented Statistics User- Oriented Statistics Words “New statistical era is a great opportunity for users” Keith Dugmore, Chair of the Statistics User forum with the formal establishment of the UK Statistics Authority, on 1 April 2008 Actions • It is not well-known who are users of statistic and how are used statistcs • Absence of marketing function by statistics producers 4 KNSO Korea National Statistical Office

  5. Dissemination Strategy as Marketing • To figure out the strategies which enable Economic Census more widely available • To focus on the Dissemination Plans as a kind of Marketing strategy User_1 Official Statistics Producers Economic Census User_2 User_3 Dissemination Strategy 5 KNSO Korea National Statistical Office

  6. II. Goals of Economic Census 6

  7. 1997 Economic Census : U.S.A Primary Purposes and Uses of Economic Census Data • to serve as framework and statistical benchmark for current economic surveys • To provide source data for calculating composite measures of the national economy • To plan and monitor economic policies and programs in the public sector business - Improving production strategy - Improving marketing strategy • To plan and manage in the private sector • To measure and track changes in economic activity Mark E. Wallace(1998), Public and Private Sector Uses of Economic Census Data, Government Information Quarterly, Vol. 15, No. 3 7 KNSO Korea National Statistical Office

  8. 2002 Economic Census : U.S.A Uses of Economic Census Data http://www.census.gov/econ/census02/guide/index.html 8 KNSO Korea National Statistical Office

  9. 2004 Economic Census : China Purposes of Economic Census • To collect the information on the second and tertiary industries • in terms of their development scale, • structure and economic benefit • To establish and perfect the business register and database system • To lay a solid foundation for research and formulation of the national economic and social development plan and for improving decision-making and management • To reform the statistical system, perfecting the national economic accounting system and perfecting the statistical monitoring, warning and forecasting system Li DeShui, China’s Economic Census : Speech on the International Workshop on Economic Census, July 26, 2005, Beijing 9 KNSO Korea National Statistical Office

  10. 2010 Economic Census : Japan Objectives of Economic Census • To produce comprehensive statistics on industrial structure • To provide basic information for policy making • To develop systematic statistics on service sector • To provide data for input-output tables • To provide regional statistics • To provide business frame Takami Akira, Implementation of the Economic Census, 12th East Asian Statistical Conference, November 14, 2008, Tokyo 10 KNSO Korea National Statistical Office

  11. 2010 Economic Census : Korea Uses of Economic Census • To provide benchmark data to other monthly and annual statistics • To be a population statistics of various sample surveys • To provide small area statistics • To provide data for policy establishing and research by industry KNSO, The Basic Plan of Economic Census 2010 11 KNSO Korea National Statistical Office

  12. For More User-oriented Goals • Presented goals are mainly related to “What Economic Census gives” - Reform of the existing Statistical System - To construct the Business Register(Frame) - To provide regional or small area Statistics • It is very important to figure out who users of Economic Census are and how it used concretly - Categorization of Users - Information about Usages and Users 12 KNSO Korea National Statistical Office

  13. III. Users of Economic Census 13

  14. Identification of User • Difficulty of Identifying Economic Census Users - Users are spread very widely - Users rarely represent their statistical Needs clearly - Not easy to know how Users use Economic Census (Simple Citation>Making Basic Tables>for Analysis) • “Statistical capacity building in the field of user oriented dissemination is all about identifying user needs, designing products which best serve these needs, anticipating future demand and utilizing all means of data publication and presentation as effectively as possible, and always in close contact with the user community” ·Guenter Kopsch(2002), German FSO 14 KNSO Korea National Statistical Office

  15. Who are Demanders on Econmic Census? Media Public Government Decision Makers Policy Researchers Private Sector Business Leader Scholars Other User Other producers Students 15 KNSO Korea National Statistical Office

  16. User_1: Media or Public • Users - Newspapers - Broadcasting - Public Citizen - Journalist • Usage Form - Statistics Press Release - Click or Access to Website - Citation - Interpretation

  17. User_2: Government or Economic Policy Researchers • Users - Decision Makers of Government Department - Policy Planners - Researchers of Government Think Tanks - Researchers of Legislation Institute - Professors • Usage Form - Policy Press Release - Issue papers or Working Papers - Research Reports - Articles in Newspapers, Magazines and Journals - Laws 17

  18. User_3: Private Sector : Business or Academy • Users - Business Manager and Planners - Consultants and Consulting Company - Analysts of Stock Market - Professors/Students - Advertising Company • Usage Form - Market Trend Reports - Working Papers or Articles - Consumer Reports - Business Strategy Building - New Products Development 18

  19. Other Users • National Accounts - Input-Output Table - GDP - Regional Statistics • Users of Micro Data - Construction of Longitudinal Data - Small and Medium Enterprises Statistics - In-depth Analysis 19

  20. IV. Basic Direction for Successful Dissemination 20

  21. Principles of Dissemination ★ Recognizing the User/Better Explanation/Better Accessibilities • For users, comprehensive and as detailed as possible in statistical terms • Accurate, reliable, consistent and comparable in space and time • Up-to-date and timely and punctual manner • Independence of deciding the content and timing of statistical releases • Pre-announced schedule • Presented in a clear and understandable form • Available on an impartial and objective basis • Statistical confidentiality • All users must be treated equally • Provided free of charge <Statistics Portugal> • Relevance to policy issues • Reliability and Timeliness • Transparency • Responsiveness to User Requirements • Promotion of Data <Singapore Department of Statistics> 21 KNSO Korea National Statistical Office

  22. Basic Directions • Basic directions of dissemination - More user-oriented - R&D for users - Marketing mind - Communication and feedback between producers and users 22 KNSO Korea National Statistical Office

  23. Direction_1: User identification and frequent exposure • Should know What kind of users exist and how they use Economic Census in concrete • Economic Census to be exposured frequently to users and to be accessed more easily by users Direction_2: R&D for Users • To develop tools for catching needs of users • To conduct researches of reconciling Economic Census and other statistics 23

  24. Direction_3: Strengthening of Marketing Mind • To provide usage examples of Economic Census • To develop ways how to enlarge Users more • To hold various events to make an use of Economic Census(seminars/workshop/conference) Direction_4: Enabling communication among Stakers • Producer’s participation in policy task force • To organize users’ forum by themes 24

  25. Benefits of user-producer collaboration • Identify and prioritize key issues and data needs • Identify relevant policy documents • Improve relevance of data collected • Identify strengths and weaknesses of data • Improve quality of data collected • Improve relevance and quality of statistical publications • and other products • Improve users’ understanding of data collected • Develop more realistic expectations among users • Improve use of data in the design, monitoring • and assessment of policies and programmes • Promote partnerships for data analysis UNSD, Identifying Data Needs: User-Producer Collaboration, 2008.4 25 KNSO Korea National Statistical Office

  26. V. Some Suggestions for Dissemination Ways 26

  27. Paths to Disseminate Economic Census * In addition to Press Release, • To construct an individual website • To give information on how to use Economic Census • To provide related researches and researchers group • To make customized data • To hold conference and seminars • To link related statistics and so on… 27 KNSO Korea National Statistical Office

  28. Information on How to use Economic Census Cases of 2007 U.S. Economic Census By User - By Usage 28 KNSO Korea National Statistical Office

  29. Listing up Articles and Researchers to Use Economic Census Data Articles referring Economic Census • To make tables from Database of Economic Census • To analyze in-depth subjects using Micro Data Key Researchers and Analysts • Government Department • Researchers in Private Sectors • Professors 29 KNSO Korea National Statistical Office

  30. Customizing Data(Case of METI, Japan) Order-made Data • To supply the data to be processed by customers(statistics users) • Survey on Demand · Researchers: 69.1%, · Business: 44.4%, · Media: 48.7%, · Think-Tank: 64.4%, · Other Business: 54.3, · Internet Questionnaire: 83.8%, METI homepage: 76.2% Masked Data • Uses of masked data - Researchers: to write research papers - Business: to analyze business trends - Media: the basic data of press release results - Think-tank: to do research and consulting - Public: to obtain knowledge for job METI(2009), The Survey Research on statistical needs and Uses in economic statistics 30 KNSO Korea National Statistical Office

  31. Conference or Forum for Communicating Between Producers and Users Case of 2002 U.S. Economic Census Conference • To make the attendees aware of the range of data about businesses available from the Census Bureau, including both the Economic Census and more frequent data sets. • To give attendees confidence approaching the Census Bureau website looking for answers to their own questions about business. • To elicit exchange of information about practical applications of census data http://txsdc.utsa.edu/EconomicCensus2002Conf.pdf` 31 KNSO Korea National Statistical Office

  32. Thank You !!!

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