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Access Services and the Traveler with Visual Impairment: A Help or Hindrance to Independence?

This article explores the role of ADA Paratransit services in providing transportation for individuals with visual impairments and the potential impact on their independence. It also discusses the eligibility process, appeal procedures, and the role of Orientation and Mobility (O&M) specialists in supporting individuals.

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Access Services and the Traveler with Visual Impairment: A Help or Hindrance to Independence?

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  1. Access Services and the Traveler with Visual Impairment: A Help or Hindrance to Independence? Vince Fazzi, Sr., MA, COMS Brenda Naimy, MA, COMS CTEBVI Conference – April 24, 2010

  2. What is ADA Paratransit? • A complementary transportation service for people who cannot use public buses or trains because of functional limitations caused by their disability. • Access Services, Inc. operates the ADA Paratransit service in Los Angeles

  3. Who is Eligible for ADA Paratransit? Based upon functional abilities: Category 1 – Get to and from the bus? Category 2 – Get on and off the bus? Category 3 – Understand which bus to get on and When to get off the bus?

  4. Factors NOT considered for Eligibility: Not based solely on age, disability, or medical diagnosis Convenience Unfamiliar with buses, routes Need to carry items Restroom needs Availability of local bus routes to destinations Bus schedules

  5. Applying for Access Services Complete the Transit Evaluation Information Sheet Call Access Customer Service and obtain an ID number. Call Access Services Eligibility Center and make appointment Access Services will provide transportation to and from appointment Interview and Functional Assessment is completed Eligibility determination is made within 30 days

  6. Eligibility Determinations Unrestricted Restricted Allowed at Night Allowed to specific destinations Not allowed to specific destinations Temporary Not Eligible

  7. Disagree with the Eligibility Decision?The Appeal Process: In person More in depth functional assessment, based upon nature of appeal O&M Medical Psychiatric Physical therapy

  8. An O&M Paradox? Does eligibility for Access Services reduce a student’s motivation to develop the skills needed to become an “independent” traveler?

  9. The Role of the O&M Specialist Make student aware of services and eligibility requirements and process Discuss benefits and limitations of using Access Services Discuss possibility of using ADA Paratransit to supplement use of public transportation

  10. Application & Information for Access Services Paratransit Application: www.asila.org Customer Service (for ID #): (800) 827-0829 TDD 800-827-1359, Access Transit Evaluation Center (to schedule appointment): (323) 780-9777 TDD (323) 780-9977

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