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Synthesis Using Synopsys Design Compiler: ECE 111 Set_max_delay Command

Explore the optimization process in Synopsys Design Compiler for a 32-bit adder, compare delay and area using different commands, remove combinational loops, detect latches, and enhance design efficiency.

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Synthesis Using Synopsys Design Compiler: ECE 111 Set_max_delay Command

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  1. Synthesis using Synopsys Design Compiler ECE 111

  2. Set_max_delay command • For a 32-bit adder using the + operator without using the command: delay=13.06; area=1071; type=ripple-carry. • Using, set_max_delay 3.0 –to {c}, where c is the output of the adder: delay=2.98; area=2462; type=carry-lookahead.

  3. Using, check_design –loops, with this design will detect the combinational loop module cl ( A,B,Y,W); input A,B; output Y,W; reg Y,W; always@(A or W) Y=A ! W; always@(B or Y) W=B & Y; endmodule

  4. Adding a register to the previous design,the loop is removed. Module clocked_loop (A,B,CLK,Y,W); input A,B,CLK; output Y,W; reg Y,W; always@(posedge CLK) Y <= A | W ; always@(B or Y) W= B & Y

  5. Use, all_registers -level_sensitive, to detect latches in this design. module latch_example(A,B,Y,Z); input A,B; output Y,Z; reg Y,Z; always@(A or B) begin: p0 if (A) begin Y=B; Z=~B; end else Z=B; // Y is a latch since it’s not assigned end // to in the else branch. endmodule

  6. Assigning a value to Y in the else branch removes the unwanted latch module no_latch_example(A,B,Y,Z); input A,B; output Y,Z; reg Y,Z; always@(A or B) begin: p1 if (A) begin Y=B; Z=~B; end else begin Y=B; Z=B; end end endmodule

  7. If statements without the else branch in an unclocked always block will generate unwanted latches module latch_example(A,B,Y); input A,B; output Y; reg Y; always@(A or B) if (A) Y=B; // Y is a latch . endmodule

  8. Adding the else branch in the unclocked always block removes the unwanted latch Module no_latch_example(A,B,Y); input A,B; output Y; reg Y; always@(A or B) if (A) Y=B; else Y=1’b0; endmodule

  9. Report_resources command This design uses two adders, area=634, delay=3.34 module nrs(A,B,C,D,E,F); input A; input [ 7:0] B,C,D,E; output [8:0] F; assign F = (A==1) ? (B+C) : (D+E); endmodule

  10. Use an if statement instead of the conditional operator ? to share adder This design uses 1 adder, area=473, delay=3.29. module share (A,B,C,D,E,F); input A; input [ 7:0] B,C,D,E; output [ 8:0] F; reg[ 8:0] F; always @ (A or B or C or D or E) if (A) F=B+C; else F=D+E; endmodule

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