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Community Development Initiatives by RANRRA Rawalpindi

Explore RANRRA Rawalpindi's impactful activities from 2007-2015, focusing on education, training, and health initiatives for marginalized communities.

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Community Development Initiatives by RANRRA Rawalpindi

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  1. RANRRA-RawalpindiFocal Persons:Latif Khan & M.FazilReporting period:2007-2015

  2. Major Activities Conducted by RANRRA Rawalpindi • 2005-2007: Establishment of Literacy Centre for bricks making families' Children in Khanna Dak Islamabad and 100 out of school working children were facilitated to get basic literacy skill. • 2007-2009: Establishment of Literacy Centre for Working Children in Khayaban-e-Sir Syed Rawalpindi and 150 out of school working Children were facilitated to get basic literacy skill.

  3. Major Activities Conducted by RANRRA Rawalpindi • 2009-2013: Establishment of Literacy Centre for low income group of community’s Children in Islam pura UC-09 Pirwadhai Rawalpindi and round about 170 students were facilitated to get basic education. • 2013-2014: Establishment of Literacy Centre for tent living’s Children in sector I-11 Islamabad and round about 70 out of school working children were facilitated to get basic literacy skill.

  4. Major Activities Conducted by RANRRA Rawalpindi • 2014-2015: Take over from UNHCR the Umeed Literacy Centre in Afghan Refugees Camp situated in Sector I-12 Islamabad. Round about 145 + working children were facilitated to get Basic Literacy Skill. • 2014 to date: Establishment of Literacy Centre under the title “Umeed Literacy Centre” for out of refugees camp families’ childern in the community mosque. At the moment round about 70 children getting Basic Literacy Skill.

  5. Major Activities Conducted by RANRRA Rawalpindi • 2013: Conducted a Survey to monitor & evaluate the progress of SMCs and present situation of the educational institutions i.e missing facilities, construction progress & quality education in 13 U/Cs of District Poonch AJ&K with Read Foundation for US-Aid.

  6. Major Activities Conducted by RANRRA Rawalpindi • 2009-2014: Provision of Technical & IT training to the students of 7 Schools & Colleges in district poonch AJ&K parallel to their formal education. Almost 1500 students were equipped with technical skills. • 2010 to date: In District Poonch AJ&K with 4xschools/colleges the provision of technical & IT skill training to their existing students are in progress. Almost 700 students were equipped with technical skills upto date.

  7. Major Activities Conducted by RANRRA Rawalpindi • 2014 to date: In District Mirpur AJ&K 2xtechnical, IT, Vocational and Languages Centres are working under the consultancy of RANNRA’s Project “Skill Development & Educational Program (SDEP)”. In different trades round about 30 students getting professional trainings quarterly.

  8. Major Activities Conducted by RANRRA Rawalpindi • 2012-2013: Under DTCE for UNDP RANRRA carried out the following activities in Rawalpindi promoting Local Govt. System: • Formation of Local Council Association in 81 U/Cs • Monitoring of different activities 30 U/Cs • E-Voting in 10 U/Cs • In PP-08 Wah Cantt RANRRA arrange E-voting election. During this process of e-voting the register voter cast their vote via their cell phone as well as land line phone. The turn out during this process of e-voting was recorded was 94%. Each & every register voter were provided their pin code for e-voting.

  9. Major Activities Conducted by RANRRA Rawalpindi • 2012-2013: KAP Base Line Survey “WASH” were conducted in 3 district of KPK (Swabi, Mardan & Peshawar) for Plan Pakistan with NATPOW Pakistan. • 2012 to date: Awareness Campaigns and Camping in Pirwadhai with Social Welfare Department Govt. of Punjab for “Dengue Awareness”.

  10. Major Activities Conducted by RANRRA Rawalpindi • 2015: With the “Glaxo Smith” pharmacuiticals & Al-mumtaz Cooperative Society under the EDO Health Rawalpindi, awareness campaign were organized. Under this campaign 750 ladies health workers form 8 Tehsil of District Rawalpindi were provide awareness against Dengue. • 2012: Awareness walk against HIV Aids were organized with “AAMAL Network” in Pirwadhai General Bus Stand. • Awareness Campaign in Refugees Camp for Polio Vaccination. • A list of 100+ Afghan Refugees Children were forwarded to UNHCR for provision of legal identification.

  11. Major Activities Conducted by RANRRA Rawalpindi • 2014: Construction of 2xadditional classrooms (18x32 each in size) in Govt. Elementary Middle School Bangash Colony U/C-09 Pirwadhai Rawalpindi with the support of World Vision International Pakistan.

  12. Major Activities Conducted by RANRRA Rawalpindi • 2015: Under the project “Provision of Safe Drinking Water at U/C-09 Pirwdahi Rawalpindi” RANRRA successfully provide safe drinking water facility at 10 places as it was a demand and on priority in Community Development Plan. 570 HH will be the direct beneficiaries of this project. This project save the risky lives of 3500 children and 500 females. • 2015: In the target community of U/C-09 RANRRA’s organized 8xHealth & Hygiene Awareness Sessions. During these sessions 300 females, 160 children 500 males were participated.

  13. Result of the activities • 2005-2007: 100 Students of RANRRA’s KhannaDak Literacy Centre were referred to NEF for further education. • 2007-2009: RANRRA’s Khayaban Literacy Centre referred 50 students to Govt. Schools with proper consultancy with the parents of these students. • 2013-2014: 70 children of tent living families were provide literacy facility, but unfortunately when the target area demolished by the CDA these families scattered to different areas. • 2014-2015: The working children form Afghan Refugees Camp I-12, are now regularly spent their some time to be literate parallel to their daily work/task.

  14. Result of the activities • 2013: Collect Information regarding Missing Facilities, Problems, Deficiencies& Role of SMCs from 26 Schools in 13 U/Cs of District Poonch AJ&K. The report than submitted to concern authority. • 2011-2012: KAP Base line survey were conducted in 3 districts of KPK (Swabi, Mardan, Peshawar) under the NATPOW & NIPS taking feedback from the House Holds of these FLOOD EFFECTED Districts. 1700 quires/forms were recorded/filled in each district. • 2012 to date: 20 awareness sessions & walks were conducted against Dengue in Pirwadhai.

  15. Result of the activities • 2015: From 8 Tehsil of District Rawalpindi 750 Ladies Health Workers were provide awareness trainings against Dengue with EDO Health Rawalpindi. These LHW are now able to provide awareness against Dengue parallel to their routine duty. • 2012: An Awareness walk were conducted at Pirwdhai against HIV Aids . 60 individuals participated in the walk. • 2015: Awareness session in Refugees Camp I-12 Islamabad for Polio Vaccination. • 2013: A list of 100 Refugees were forwarded to UNHCR for NADRA Refugees Identity.

  16. Result of the activities • 2011-2012: Under DTCE RANRRA carried out the following activities in District Rawalpindi: • Establishment of Local Council Associations (17 Executive Members & 100 General Body) in 81 U/Cs. • Conducting Election using Electronic Voting process. • Opening of Bank Accounts. • Developed Linkages between the elected body and DTCE.

  17. Result of the activities • 2009 to date: 2200 students were provide technical trainings in different trades i.e Computer, Safety, Civil Survey, Sewing, fashion designing, Disaster Management, First Aid & Fire Fighting at 10 School & Colleges in District Poonch AJ&K. • Achievements of RANRRA’s Project “SDEP”: In different departments i.e education, health, civil work 10 SDEP’s students are working successfully. While as Safety Officer , Civil Surveyor , AutoCAD & Computer Operator 27 students of SDEP’s are working abroad in different countries of GULF

  18. Result of the activities • 2014: Under the project “Child Wellbeing through Infrastructure Development” a better change were recorded in the study environment for 452 students in Govt. Elementary Middle School U/C – 09. The number of Direct Beneficiaries are 160 and 290 are in-direct beneficiaries. The better change in the teacher’s duty were also recorded. • Before the initiative the target school has: • Number of class rooms: 04 (18x26 Each) • Number of Students: 452 • After Completion: • Number of Class rooms: 06 • Number of Students: 160 students adjusted according to policy

  19. Result of the activities • 2015: Provision of Safe Drinking Water at U/C-09 Pirwadhai via 10 electric water pump installation. For Each Bore Mohallah Committee were organized. 570 House Holds including 3500 Children are direct beneficiaries of this project. • Health & Hygiene Awareness Session were conducted in 8 different locations at U/C-09. During these sessions almost 275 women, 118 children, 490 male were provide awareness regarding Health & Hygiene.

  20. Advocacy with Government department policy • Advocacy with Social Welfare Department for community welfare. • Advocacy with TMA for better environment & solid waste in pirwadhai. • Advocacy with Labour Department Govt. of the Punjab. • Advocacy with Education Department for child well being. • Advocacy with WASA for conflict issue in land for education project. • Advocacy & Interface meeting with WASA for provision Safe Drinking Water. • Advocacy with Child Protection Bureau Rawalpindi Govt. of Punjab.

  21. Impact of the advocacy on communities • Close relation of Social Welfare Department & Community is in-progress. • The stay on on-going construction of 2xadl class rooms were released on approval of TMO & Patwari. • Permission/NOC were granted by the Education Department for construction of 2xadl class rooms in Govt. Elementary Middle School U/C-09 Pirwadhai. • Permission was granted by the Education Department for Celebrating Universal Children Day in U/C-09 & U/C-10. • The conflict between education department & WASA has been resolved with effective advocacy of RANRRA, in the result the behaviour of WASA were very positive& cooperative during the up-coming CDI of clean drinking water. • WASA agreed to take over the responsibility of 10 x electric water pumps keeping these water pumps sustainable for long run at U/C-09 also WASA agreed to functionalize the damaged /closed tube well in the area.

  22. Impact of the advocacy on communities • The advocacy is in progress with Child Protection Bureau for “Child Protection” awareness campaign. • The AEO of education department start regular inspection/visits to schools of the vicinity for quality education, safe & healthy environment, dengue control, regularity in faculty attendance. • Deputy Director Social Welfare Department start regular visits under dengue task force to control dengue in the target residential vicinity. • A group of 25 women volunteer is organized in U/C-09 for onward effective and on-time volunteer work in the target vicinity for any arising problem. • The area has been included in watch list of the labour department.

  23. Impact of the advocacy on communities • During CDP practice community identified that tube well operators divert the residential lines of drinking water to commercial areas. Also the time for providing water to residential area were decreased. • RANRRA’s request to deputy director WASA for interface meeting and conduct an advocacy meeting for this serious issue. After this advocacy the time for provision of drinking water from WASA has been increased and it make a better impact upon community. • Better Change in life style and personal hygiene is also recorded that bring a positive and better change in behaviours of the children and community as they live and keep their area clean,

  24. Detail of beneficiaries (activity wise)(Gender Segregated)

  25. Detail of beneficiaries (activity wise)

  26. Detail of beneficiaries (activity wise)

  27. Detail of beneficiaries (Advocacy)

  28. Improvement in Child Wellbeing through inclusive urban community engagement and CDIs • CDI-2014:Before this initiative 100 students were studying in a single room capable hardly for 45 students. And after completion of the project students are now enjoying better, easy & healthy environment with learning facilities. The number of students increasing day by day in the campus. • CDI-2015:Before this Initiative un-clean, polluted & contaminated water were used by the target community. And on completion of this project Safe Drinking Water is now available at 10 spots via electric water pump facility. 570 House Holds including 3500 Children are the direct beneficiaries of this project.

  29. Improved service delivery and implementation of policies that impact CWBO • The problem identified by the community during first CDP & score card meeting “Missing Facility in School” that was a reality but were not matched with education policy. After completion of the project the education policy and reality were matched, that is a bright improvement in service delivery. And this completed CDI ensured the Child Wellbeing. • The representative of Labour Department regularly visits/inspection the area to monitor child labour in the target vicinity after celebration of the Universal Children Day by RANRRA in Pirwadhai jointly with Education Department the improvement in services of labour department is in progress.

  30. Improved service delivery and implementation of policies that impact CWBO • According to the policy it is the responsibility of state to provide clean drinking water to the citizen and this is the basic right of the citizen’s accessing to clean drinking water but the ground reality and pre-water test of the target area identified with a shock that the water using by the citizen and provided by the concern authority is highly polluted, un-clean & contaminated. After completion of this project the citizens have easy access to clean drinking water, enjoying good health and environment. WASA ensured the responsibility & sustainability of all the established electric water pump during improving the service delivery. • The PRA is reflected in the community, the community aware of their power of jointly working and participatory methodology during these two CDI. This is an improved self-mind set of the community.

  31. Sustainability • RANRRA’s Consultancy Services • Fund Generating Projects • Philanthropists. • Membership Fee • Saving • Hides “Khalain” collection.

  32. Networking with other stakeholders • In Coordination with concern Govt. Departments. • Member of “National Alliance on Youth Development” • Implementing Partner of “NATPOW” • Implementing Partner of “DTCE” • Partner with OPP RTI Karachi • Coordination with AJ&K NGOs Council.

  33. RANRRA’s contributes Gender Challenge RANRRA focused to arrange Separate Activities both for Male & Female, Boys & Girls Culture Family strictness Un-able to explain their point of view regarding any problem/issue in front of opposite gender. Time Adjustment. Time Consuming

  34. RANRRA’s contributes Protection Challenge The important component is Protection. Shelters for un-protect, orphans, working children, transgender, widows, most volunrables & deserving family specially women of the community. Financial & technical support problem IEC Material

  35. RANRRA’s contributes Disability Challenges RANRRA take initiative for PWD’s Livelihood programmes. Advocacy upon Friendly Infrastructure for PWD Financial Problems IEC Material

  36. RANRRA’s contributes Environment Challenges RANRRA working in the area to bring positive and better changes in the environment of the target area. Plantation Road side green area Promoting kitchen gardening General Clean up activity. Financial problem to purchase plants and establish road side green belts. Technical support IEC Material

  37. Major Financial issues • RANRRA’s have their own resources, but as RANRRA working in urban area that’s why the expenditures increases day by day: • Office Rent • Paid Staff • Operational Cost • Office Furniture & Fixtures

  38. RANRRA’s Innovation • CDP approach has been changed. • Separate CDP were conducted both for male & female. • The duration of CDP were increase up to 4 days, but the tools remains same & unchanged. • Increased the community participation. • Effective Committees Formation at local level & linked those committees for effective implementation of policies. • Female Mohalla’s Committees were organized. • Consumer Rights committees establishment is in progress on ward level. • Mohalla’s Committees were organized.

  39. Challenges • Conflict between two Govt. Departments (WASA & Education). • Environmental Issues. • The behaviours of partner CBOs. • Political Interference. • Political affiliation of faculty members. • Delay in Fund Transfer. • Delay in material delivery. • Procurement Policy.

  40. Challenges • Financial weakness of vendor. • Low quality material. • Out of jurisdiction interference of other CBOs (leg pooling). • Out of proposal & budget activities were forced. • Religious and Political wrong adaptation. • Dis-information by other CBOs & community regarding financial and implementation. • Some CBOs claims to answer them. • Some CBOs try their best to lose and brick the RANRRA’s temperament.

  41. Lesson learnt • In first CDI RANRRA complete the project with the joint collaboration of other CBOs. But during the 2nd CDI RANRRA decline to work jointly. • Ensuring the community shares that is vital. • Ensuring better relation to the CVA Officers and other WV staff.

  42. RANRRA-Rawalpindi Q & A Session

  43. RANRRA-Rawalpindi Thank You

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