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NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS: What’s in it for Colleges, Learners and Employers? MARIAN HEALY Sector Manager Lifelong Learning UK, Scotland IAIN McCASKEY Qualifications Manager Alliance of Sector Skills Councils, Scotland. Alliance of Sector Skills Councils.
NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS:What’s in it for Colleges, Learnersand Employers?MARIAN HEALYSector ManagerLifelong Learning UK, ScotlandIAIN McCASKEYQualifications ManagerAlliance of Sector Skills Councils, Scotland
Alliance of Sector Skills Councils Develop and maintain effective relationships across the skillsand employment system Support Sector Skills Councils (SSCs) as the authoritative voiceon Labour Market Intelligence (LMI) Assist the SSCs with their unique role in ensuring that standardsand qualifications meet employers’ needs Provide support and coordination in priority cross-sector areasand sectors not yet covered by SSCs Provide first class services to SSCs to help raise their capacity, capability andperformance
Role of Sector Skills Councils • Reduce skills gaps and shortages • Improve productivity, business and public service performance • Increase opportunities to boost the skills and productivity of everyone in the sector's workforce • Improve learning supply including Apprenticeships, Higher Education and National Occupational Standards • All SSCs are licensed by the Secretary of State for Innovation, Education and Skills, in consultation with Ministers in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland • Together, the SSCs cover approximately 90% of the UK workforce
What are National Occupational Standards (NOS)? • NOS break down the skills, knowledge and understanding needed to undertake a particular role • NOS describe what a person needs to do, know and understand in order to carry out their role in a consistent and competent manner – key competencies • Competence is defined as an ability to apply skills, knowledge and understanding in the workplace – to a standard agreed by employers • NOS are the building blocks for many UK-wide qualifications – SVQs and for numerous professional and / or business improvement tools
What are NOS used for? • We have established a total of 115 ‘Uses of National Occupational Standards’ ** • NOS can be used for: • - Job descriptions • - Recruitment adverts • - Performance management • - Team structures / organisational redesign • - Performance development tools • - Training programmes • - To inform qualifications development • ** See attached leaflet for full details
How do NOS help employers? • NOS define in detail the performance criteria expected of an individual in a role • NOS set out clearly what an individual needs to know and understand to enable them to meet the performance criteria • NOS can be utilised by employers to: • - Improve quality of goods and services • - Increase productivity • - Reduce costs for recruitment • - Provide for better human resources planning • - Help effective skills upgrading • - Act as a benchmark for rewarding experience, knowledge and / or competence
How do NOS help employees? • Open Access to NOS can benefit employees in a number of ways, they can assist employees to: • - Identify skills and knowledge needed for occupations • - Provide a reference to assess ability and training needs • - Identify and support career paths • - Provide guidelines for certification / accreditation • - Increase mobility within industries
How do NOS help education providers? • NOS, the bedrock of qualifications development, should underpin all training and qualification provision for Scotland’s workforce • Education materials should be reviewed and refreshed as revised NOS are approved • Identify skills gaps • Identify new areas for qualification and / or training development • Assist workforce development planning
What does the Scottish Government expect of SSCs? • In “Skills for Scotland: A Lifelong Learning Skills Strategy” the Scottish Government set out what SQA and others need to do: • - Involve employers in the development of qualifications through more active engagement with SSCs • - Work towards placing their qualifications on the SCQF • - Make links with other qualifications to open up opportunities for learners • - Ensure essential skills are visible in qualification
What professions have NOS? • The UK Commission for Employment and Skills (UKCES) website lists a total of 81 professions and occupations** for which NOS are available • Some examples are: • - Engineering professionals • - Librarians and related professions • - Teaching professionals • - Managers • - Technicians and associated professions • - Skilled trades occupations • ** See attached leaflet for full details
Who is responsible for NOS? • SSCs as independent, employer-led, UK organisations have responsibility for their respective NOS • SSCs have strong working relationships with the UK and devolved Governments and other skills stakeholders • The UKCES has responsibility for the approval of all NOS • NOS must be UK-wide and underpinned by a rigorous process of employer engagement and consultation
What is the relationship between NOS and qualifications? • SSCs have a key responsibility of ensuring that fit-for-purpose qualifications are available for employers and the wider workforce of Scotland and the UK • Once new or refreshed NOS are approved by the UKCES, it is expected that a review of qualifications will also take place • SSCs also set out current and future learning and qualification needs of their respective employers and sectors in specific Sector Qualification Strategies (SQS)
What is the relationship between NOS and qualifications? • Awarding bodies and institutions are expected to work closely with the relevant SSC when developing qualifications • The Scottish Government expects employer involvement in the development of all qualifications, not just vocational qualifications
Contact Details • MARIAN HEALY • Sector Manager • Lifelong Learning UK, Scotland • marianhealy@lluk.org • IAIN McCASKEY • Qualifications Manager • Alliance of Sector Skills Councils, Scotland • iain.mccaskey@sscalliance.org
www.sscalliance.org scotland@sscalliance.org 0131 226 7726