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Session Title : What Regulatory Mechanisms Reinforce Accountability for Quality & Safety Education

Session Title : What Regulatory Mechanisms Reinforce Accountability for Quality & Safety Education. by Patricia. Martin, PhD, RN Chair, AACN Taskforce for Revision of Essentials of Baccalaureate Nursing education Dean & Professor, Wright State University College of Nursing & Health.

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Session Title : What Regulatory Mechanisms Reinforce Accountability for Quality & Safety Education

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  1. Session Title: What Regulatory Mechanisms Reinforce Accountability for Quality & Safety Education by Patricia. Martin, PhD, RN Chair, AACN Taskforce for Revision of Essentials of Baccalaureate Nursing education Dean & Professor, Wright State University College of Nursing & Health Presentation Title: Baccalaureate Education Prepares Nurses for Team Play in Quality & Safety Initiatives Martin-QSEN-June2008 Martin-QSEN-June2008 1

  2. Purpose • Consider the knowledge skills & attitudes associated with the six QSEN competencies • Would a school of nursing be held accountable for student learning related to these competencies? • Would a school have a choice whether to address learning in these content domains? Martin-QSEN-June2008 Martin-QSEN-June2008 2

  3. Timeline • July 2008 – AACN Board reviews • October 2008 – AACN Membership votes • CCNE (autonomous arm of AACN) will have a process to decide about adopting the new Essentials of Baccalaureate Nursing Education Martin-QSEN-June2008

  4. AACN Taskforce Chair - Patricia A. Martin, RN, PhDCarol Ashton – Idaho State U.Chip Bailey – Duke U.Derryl Block – U. of Wisconsin, Green BayDaisy Cruz-Richman – SUNY DownstateKaren Drenkard– INOVA Health SystemsJean Lange – Fairfield U.Teri Murray – St. Louis U.Roxanne Moutafis – U. of ArizonaLinda Niedringhaus – Elmhurst CollegeJudith Sands – U. of VirginiaPolly Bednash – Executive Director AACNKathy McGuinn – Staff LiaisonJoan Stanley – Staff LiaisonHoracio Oliveira – Staff Liaison Thank you to all regional meeting participants Martin-QSEN-June2008 Martin-QSEN-June2008 4

  5. Framework Putting the puzzle together Martin-QSEN-June2008 Martin-QSEN-June2008 5

  6. Essential 1Liberal Education for Baccalaureate Generalist Nursing Practice Recognizes that a solid base in liberal education (sciences & the arts) provides the cornerstone for the practice & education of nurses. Sciences Physical Sciences (e.g., physics) Life Sciences (e.g., biology) Social Sciences (e.g., psychology) The Arts Fine Arts (e.g., painting) Performing Arts (e.g., dance) Humanities Arts (e.g., theology) Martin-QSEN-June2008 Martin-QSEN-June2008 6

  7. Essential 1Liberal Education • Develop intellectual & innovative capacity • Question dominant assumptions • Solve complex problems • Understand the relevance of culture • Understand reasons for policies & standards • Accept responsibility for lifelong learning • Patient Centered Care • Teamwork & Collaboration • EBP • QI • Safety • Informatics Martin-QSEN-June2008 Martin-QSEN-June2008 7

  8. Essential 2Basic Organizational and Systems Leadership for Quality Care Recognizes that in order to provide high quality health care, knowledge & skills in leadership, communication, quality improvement, & patient safety systems are necessary. Martin-QSEN-June2008 Martin-QSEN-June2008 8

  9. Essential 2Leadership/Quality Care • Understand complex organizational systems • Develop leadership KSA • Develop collaboration KSA • Participate in quality & patient safety initiatives • Employ principles of QI, policy, & cost effectiveness for practice improvements • Patient Centered Care • Teamwork & Collaboration • EBP • QI • Safety • Informatics Martin-QSEN-June2008 Martin-QSEN-June2008 9

  10. Essential 3Scholarship for Evidence-Based Practice Recognizes that professional nursing practice is grounded in the analysis & application of evidence for practice. Martin-QSEN-June2008 Martin-QSEN-June2008 10

  11. Essential 3EBP • Advocate for protection of research subjects • Evaluate the credibility of information sources • Collaborate in the collection, documentation, & dissemination of evidence • Understand the process for developing, validating, & endorsing quality standards & safety measures • Patient Centered Care • Teamwork & Collaboration • EBP • QI • Safety • Informatics Martin-QSEN-June2008 Martin-QSEN-June2008 11

  12. Essential 4Information Mgmt. & Application of Patient Care Technology Recognizes that knowledge & skills in information & patient care technology are critical in the delivery of quality patient care. Martin-QSEN-June2008 Martin-QSEN-June2008 12

  13. Essential 4Information/Patient Care Technology • Employ a range of technologies to facilitate patient care, e.g., pt. ed., pt. safety, etc. • Use databases to retrieve pertinent literature • Use information technologies in clinical decision making • Demonstrate knowledge of regulations that impact ethical & safe use of technologies • Patient Centered Care • Teamwork & Collaboration • EBP • QI • Safety • Informatics Martin-QSEN-June2008 Martin-QSEN-June2008 13

  14. Essential 5Health Care Policy, Finance, & Regulatory Environments Recognizes that healthcare policies, including financial & regulatory, directly & indirectly influence the nature & functioning of the healthcare system. Martin-QSEN-June2008 Martin-QSEN-June2008 14

  15. Essential 5Policy/Finance/Regulations • Demonstrate basic knowledge of healthcare policy, finance, & regulatory environments (local, state, national, global). • Explore impact of socio-cultural, economic, legal, & political factors influencing healthcare delivery & practice. • Patient Centered Care • Teamwork & Collaboration • EBP • QI • Safety • Informatics Martin-QSEN-June2008 Martin-QSEN-June2008 15

  16. Essential 6Interprofessional Communication & Collaboration for Improving Patient Health Outcomes Recognizes that collaboration among healthcare professionals is critical to delivering high quality & safe patient care. Martin-QSEN-June2008 Martin-QSEN-June2008 16

  17. Essential 6Communication & Collaboration • Compare/contrast roles & perspectives of the nursing profession with other professionals on the team • Incorporate effective communication techniques to produce positive professional working relationships • Advocate for high quality & safe patient care • Patient Centered Care • Teamwork & Collaboration • EBP • QI • Safety • Informatics Martin-QSEN-June2008 Martin-QSEN-June2008 17

  18. Essential 7Clinical Prevention & Population Health Recognizes that health promotion & disease prevention at the individual & population level are necessary to improve population health. Martin-QSEN-June2008 Martin-QSEN-June2008 18

  19. Essential 7Clinical Prevention & Population Health • Assess protective & predictive factors which influence the health of individuals, families, … • Assess health/illness beliefs, values, attitudes, & practices of … groups, communities, populations • Collaborate to provide spiritually & culturally appropriate health promotion plus disease & injury preventions & interventions • Patient Centered Care • Teamwork & Collaboration • EBP • QI • Safety • Informatics Martin-QSEN-June2008 Martin-QSEN-June2008 19

  20. Essential 8Professionalism & Professional Values Recognizes that professionalism is fundamental to the discipline of nursing. Professionalism is the consistent demonstration of core values of: Altruism Autonomy Human Dignity Integrity Social Justice Martin-QSEN-June2008 Martin-QSEN-June2008 20

  21. Essential 8Professionalism & Values • Demonstrate professional standards of moral, ethical, & legal conduct • Recognize the impact of attitudes, values & expectations on vulnerable population care • Recognize the relationship between personal health, self renewal, & the ability to deliver sustained quality care • Patient Centered Care • Teamwork & Collaboration • EBP • QI • Safety • Informatics Martin-QSEN-June2008 Martin-QSEN-June2008 21

  22. Essential 9Baccalaureate Generalist Nursing Practice This essential is the culmination/integration of the preceding 8 essentials Recognizes that the integration of knowledge & skills is critical to practice. Practice occurs across the lifespan & in the continuum of healthcare environments. The baccalaureate graduate demonstrates clinical reasoning within the context of patient-centered care to form the basis for nursing practice that reflects ethical values. Martin-QSEN-June2008 Martin-QSEN-June2008 22

  23. Essential 9Nursing Practice • Implement holistic evidenced-based patient-centered care • Communicate effectively with all of the healthcare team, including patent & family • Facilitate patent-centered transitions of care • Create a safe environment that results in high quality patient outcomes • Patient Centered Care • Teamwork & Collaboration • EBP • QI • Safety • Informatics Martin-QSEN-June2008 Martin-QSEN-June2008 23

  24. QSEN 1 Patient-centered Care Definition: Recognize the patient or designee as the source of control & full partner in providing compassionate & coordinated care based on respect for patient’s preferences, values, & needs. Martin-QSEN-June2008 Martin-QSEN-June2008 24

  25. QSEN 1 Patient-centered Care Martin-QSEN-June2008 Martin-QSEN-June2008 25

  26. QSEN 2 Teamwork & Collaboration Definition: Function effectively within nursing & inter-professional teams, fostering open communication, mutual respect, & shared decision-making to achieve quality patient care. Martin-QSEN-June2008 Martin-QSEN-June2008 26

  27. QSEN 2 Teamwork & Collaboration Martin-QSEN-June2008 Martin-QSEN-June2008 27

  28. QSEN 3 Evidence-based Practice (EBP) Definition: Integrate best current evidence with clinical expertise & patient/family preferences & values for delivery of optimal health care. Martin-QSEN-June2008 Martin-QSEN-June2008 28

  29. QSEN 3 EBP Martin-QSEN-June2008 Martin-QSEN-June2008 29

  30. QSEN 4 Quality Improvement (QI) Definition: Use data to monitor the outcomes of care processes & use improvement methods to design & test changes to continuously improve the quality & safety of health care systems. Martin-QSEN-June2008 Martin-QSEN-June2008 30

  31. QSEN 4 QI Martin-QSEN-June2008 Martin-QSEN-June2008 31

  32. QSEN 5 Safety Definition: Minimize risk of harm to patients & providers through both system effectiveness & individual performance. Martin-QSEN-June2008 Martin-QSEN-June2008 32

  33. QSEN 5 Safety Martin-QSEN-June2008 Martin-QSEN-June2008 33

  34. QSEN 6Informatics Definition: Use information & technology to communicate, manage knowledge, mitigate error, & support decision-making. Martin-QSEN-June2008 Martin-QSEN-June2008 34

  35. QSEN 6Informatics Martin-QSEN-June2008 Martin-QSEN-June2008 35

  36. Implications If CCNE adopts the new Essentials, baccalaureate programs would find the QSEN work very helpful in the curriculum Safety & quality are purposively integrated into the rationale & outcomes of the Essentials Martin-QSEN-June2008 Martin-QSEN-June2008 36

  37. Timeline • July 2008 – AACN Board reviews • October 2008 – AACN Membership votes • CCNE (autonomous arm of AACN) will have a process to decide about adopting the new Essentials of Baccalaureate Nursing Education Martin-QSEN-June2008

  38. Better Patient Outcomes The Challenge Leaders in education & practice must collaborate to assure life-long learning regarding the knowledge, shills, & attitudes essential to safe high quality health care. Martin-QSEN-June2008 Martin-QSEN-June2008 38

  39. Dayton THE END Martin-QSEN-June2008 Martin-QSEN-June2008 39

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