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Cancer U ncontrollable or abnormal growth of abnormal cells .

Cancer U ncontrollable or abnormal growth of abnormal cells. 1st leading cause of death is having a heart attack Cancer is the 2nd leading cause of death among adults Between 5-10% of cancers are hereditary. Tumor A bnormal mass of tissue that has no natural role in the body. Types of Tumors:

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Cancer U ncontrollable or abnormal growth of abnormal cells .

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  1. CancerUncontrollable or abnormal growth of abnormal cells. • 1st leading cause of death is having a heart attack • Cancer is the 2nd leading cause of death among adults • Between 5-10% of cancers are hereditary

  2. TumorAbnormal mass of tissue that has no natural role in the body. • Types of Tumors: • Benign tumors- non cancerous, grow slowly surrounded by a membrane preventing them to spread from site. • Benign can be dangerous only if it interferes with normal body functions. • Ex (Brain tumor- can block blood flow.) • Malignant- cancerous, spreads through body • Made up of cells that grow out of control

  3. Vocabulary Words • Metastasis- The spread of cancer from the point where it originated to the other parts of the body. • Enters 1 of 2 systems- circulatory or lymphatic • Carcinogen-A cancer causing substance (often referred to as an environmental factors) • 60% of all cancers can be prevented through lifestyle choices. • Tobacco use- major cause of cancer deaths in the US and the most preventable. • Nearly 1 in 5 deaths are due to smoking or exposure to Second hand smoke. • Examples of Carcinogens (5) • Tobacco Use • Nutrition • Ultraviolet Light • Workplace exposures • Radiation • Agent orange • Asbestos • Hair Dyes • Household exposures • Pesticides • Cleaning Products • Old Paint • Pollution • Alcohol

  4. Types of Cancer (3) • Lymphoma- cancer of the immune system • Begins in infection-fighting cells • Very treatable (most cases can be cured) • Leukemia- cancer of the blood • Abnormal rise in number of white blood cells • Carcinoma- cancer of the glands and the body linings • (skin and the linings of digestive tract and lungs) • Oral, lung, breast, prostate, colon, pancreas, ovaries • Sarcoma- cancer of connective tissues • (bones, ligaments, and muscles) • Very rare • Treatable • Reproductive Cancer- • Prostate > Males(50^) • Testicular> Males(15-34) • Cervical>Women(15-20) • Breast>Women(40^)

  5. Types of Cancer Cancer Factors Symptoms Screening

  6. Diagnosing Cancer • Regular physical exams (yearly visit) • Self-exams once a month • Be familiar with your own body • Don’t ignore your body! • Biopsy – surgical removal of a small piece of tissue for microscopic examination of cancer cells • C.A.U.T.I.O.N

  7. Warning signs (3) • Changes in bowel movements • Looser stool or more often • A sore that doesn’t heal • Unusual bleeding or discharge • Vaginal bleeding, blood in pee or coughing up • Thickening Lump • Indigestion, trouble swallowing • Obvious change in wart or mole • Nagging cough or hoarseness

  8. Prevention • Know your health history • Do self exams- once a month • Avoid sunburn • Use sunscreen • Check ups (yearly and as needed) • Don’t smoke & exercise regularly • Proper Diet

  9. Treatments (4) • Surgery- is the standard method of removing tumors or affected area • Radiation- uses energy from radium that can pinpoint and penetrate a tumor. The energy destroys the tumor by damaging DNA inside cell nuclei. This is usually done in an area that is an awkward place (head, neck) • Risk: Radiation damages the normal cells in it’s path. • Chemotherapy- use of anticancer medications to treat cancer. They are administered through IV injection and only attack the abnormal cells. • Hormone Therapy- when specific hormones are injected into the patient to prevent abnormal cells from being able to reproduce and continue to grow. • Early detection improves the survival rate of ALL cancers

  10. Effects of Cancer Treatments (5) Fatigue Pain Mouth & Throat Sores Diarrhea Nausea & Vomiting Chemo Brain Constipation Appetite Loss Hair Loss Emotional & Psychological Problems Jimmy V

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