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We are spanish institute of puebla popularly know as sipuebla are the oldest and the most popular spanish language speaking and teaching institute in mexico and world. Our aim is simply defined by the making the world's 2nd most popular language to be taught the most elegant way to students across the world. Our world class infrastructure and course modules make us a stand apart from the competition and had resulted in many accolades from world renowned institutions.
S P A N I S H I N S T I T U T EO F P U E B L A WeareSpanishinstituteofPuebla popularlyknowassipueblaaretheoldest andthemostpopularSpanishlanguage speakingandteachinginstituteinmexico andworld. C O N T A C TN O W A D D R E S S :1 1O R I E N T E # 1 0 , C E N T R O H I S T Ó R I C OP U E B L A , P U E B L A7 2 0 0 0 . E M A I L :I N F O @ S I P U E B L A . C O M P H O N E :1 - 8 0 0 - 5 5 4 - 2 9 5 1 ( U S A & C A N A D A ) F A X : + 5 2 - 2 2 2 - 2 4 2 - 2 0 6 2 ( O T H E R C O U N T R I E S )
SPANISHLANGUAGEINSTITUTEINMEXICO Our aim is simply defined by the making the world's 2nd most popular language to be taught the most elegant way to students across the world. - SPANISHINSTITUTEOFPUEBLA