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Aromatic Nomenclature

Learn the systematic and common naming rules for monosubstituted, disubstituted, and polysubstituted benzenes. Understand how to name alkyl-substituted benzenes, disubstituted benzenes using prefixes ortho-, meta-, para-, and commonly used names. Discover the naming process for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons like benzo[a]pyrene.

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Aromatic Nomenclature

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  1. Aromatic Nomenclature

  2. Monosubstituted Benzenes • Monosubstituted aromatics are named using -benzeneas the parent name.

  3. Monosubstituted Benzenes • Alkyl substituted benzenes are named according to the chain length of the alkyl group. • Six Carbons or Fewer. Named as alkylbenzene. • ethylbenzene

  4. Monosubstituted Benzenes • Six Carbons or More. Named as phenyl-substituted alkane. • 4-phenylnonane

  5. Monosubstituted Benzenes • The benzyl group is another common name for a monosubstituted methylbenzene (toluene). • benzylbromide

  6. Monosubstituted Benzenes • There are a number of nonsystematic (common) names which you should learn for the monosubstituted benzenes. • These common names are used when naming aromatic compounds.

  7. Monosubstituted Benzenes

  8. Disubstituted Benzenes • Disubstituted benzenes can be named one of two way • Each method describes the relationship of the two groups on the six membered aromatic ring. • Systematic numbering of the aromatic ring. • Using the prefixes ortho-, meta-, or para-. • The common names for monosubstituted benzenes can be used as parent names for disubstituted aromatics.

  9. Disubstituted Benzenes • ortho- = o- = 1,2-disubstituted • meta- = m- = 1,3-disubstituted • para- = p- = 1,4-disubstituted

  10. Disubstituted Benzenes • There are a number of nonsystematic (common) names for disubstituted benzenes that you should be familiar with.

  11. Polysubstituted Benzenes • Polysubstituted benzenes are named by numbering the position of each substituent on the ring. • The numbering is carried out to give the substituents the lowest possible numbers. • The substitutents are listed in alphabetical order when writing the name. • Common names of the monosubstituted benzenes can also be used as parent names for polysubstituted aromatics.

  12. Polysubstituted Benzenes 4-Bromo-2-ethyl-1-nitrobenzene

  13. Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH)

  14. Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH) • Benzo[a]pyrene is an important PAH which has been studied extensively. • Benzo[a]pyrene is found in chimney soot, barbecued meat and cigarette smoke. • Metabolites of benzo[a]pyrene form adducts with DNA.

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