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What is MSME Udyam Re-Registration?<br>MSME Re-Registration is suitable for those who already before registerd under old Udyog Aadhaar Registration and now as it is done compulsory by the government to update to MSME Udyam Registration. For this reason MSME Re-registration is required for an MSMEs.<br><br>Why MSME Udyam Re-Registration is important?<br>MSME re-registration is important for maintaining government benefits, regulatory compliance, and business continuity. It helps access credit facilities and opens up new opportunities for growth and expansion.
सªूम, लघु और म“यम उ4म पंजीकरण MSME REGISTRATIONPRIVATE CONSULTANCYSERVICE Home Enquiry Faqs Blog ChangeLanguage Helpline :6206405461 MSME REGISTRATIONMSME RE-REGISTRATIONUPDATE MSME CERTIFICATEPRINT MSME CERTIFICATECANCEL MSME REGISTRATIONFORGOT MSME CERTIFICATESAMPLECERTIFICATE Yo MSME Udyam Re Registration Online ApplyFor Existing UdyogAadhaar This form applies to those who have already registered their business under the old Udyog Aadhaar and now want to convert it to MSME Udyam Registration. Then you have to fill out this MSME Re Registration Online Apply Form to convert it form udyog toMSME. MSME Udyam Re-RegistrationForm Fill Online Application Formabove PERSONALINFO First Name(*) As on AadhaarCard Upload Aadhaar(*) UploadyourAadhaarCard MakeOnline Payment Choose File No filechosen Mobile Number(*) Enter contact number linked with theAadhaar Card Email(*) Enter valid emailaddress Receive submitted confirmation viamail Get Callfor Profile& OTPVerification OTP REQUIREMENT FOR PROCESSING RE-REGISTRATION UDYAM WhileUdyogAadhar/UAMNumber Validation. While Final Submission ofthe Application While Printing theCertificate
BusinessActivity Describe your major business activity ofyour Company/ Firm/Organization Previous MSME Registration Number (*) Enter Previous MSME RegistrationNumber --Select-- GSTNumber Please provide your GSTNumber Leave this field blank if not registered underGST IAGREETOTHETERMSOFSERVICE[UPDATED] I, THE APPLICANT (OWNER OF AADHAAR NUMBER USED IN APPLICATION) AGREE TO SHARE DETAILS/PASSCODESETCAS&WHENREQUIREDFORTHEPURPOSEOFUDYAMCERTIFICATE GENERATION.[UPDATED] Disclaimer:Weexpressivelydeclarethatweareprivateconsultants.Wehavenorelationorwedonot represent any government official.This website is a Maintain byIndividual SubmitInformation What is MSME UdyamRe-Registration? MSME Re-Registration is suitable for those who already before registerd under old Udyog Aadhaar Registration and now as itis done compulsory by the government to update to MSME Udyam Registration. For this reason MSME Re-registration is required for anMSMEs. Why MSME Udyam Re-Registration isimportant? MSME re-registration is important for maintaining government benefits, regulatory compliance, and business continuity. It helps access credit facilities and opens up new opportunities for growth and expansion. Benefits of Getting Re-Registration Under MSMEUdyam? There are several benefits of Re-Registration Under MSMEUdyam Access to Government Schemes and Subsidies : Msme Registration provides small businesses access to various government schemes and subsidies that are designed to promote entrepreneurship and small businesses. The government offers a wide range of schemes, such as credit guarantee schemes, marketing assistance schemes, technology upgradation schemes, and many more. These schemes provide financial assistance, marketing support, and technical support to smallbusinesses. Easier Bank Loans and Credit Facilities : Msme Registration makes it easier for small businesses to obtain bank loans and credit facilities. Banks and financial institutions consider Msme Registration as a proof of the business's existence and its creditworthiness. Small businesses with Msme Registration can avail of various schemes and credit facilities that are designed for MSMEs. Protection against Delayed Payments : Delayed payments are a significant challenge faced by small businesses in India. Msme Registration provides protection against delayed payments under the MSME Development Act. Under this act, if a buyer failsto make payment to a small business within 45 days of the delivery of goods or services, the buyer is liable to pay interest to the small business at three times the prevailing bankrate Eligibility for Government Tenders : Msme Registration makes small businesses eligible for government tenders. The government has reserved a certain percentage of tenders for small businesses, and only those with Msme Registration are eligible to apply for them. This provides small businesses with an opportunity to work with the government and expand theirbusiness. Branding and Marketing Opportunities : Udyam Registration provides small businesses with branding and marketing opportunities. Small businesses with Udyam Registration can use the Udyamlogo Documents Needed For MSME UdyamRe-Registration? The documents required for MSME Udyam Re-Registration are asfollows: PAN Card : A self-attested copy of the PAN card of the proprietor or the authorized signatory. (mandatory if not givenbefore) Previous Udyog Aadhaar Certificate : A copy of the previous Udyog Aadhaar Certificate for Number.(mandatory) Business address proof : A self-attested copy of any of the following documents, which serve as the address proof of the business. (If business address changed) Lease agreement or rentreceipt Property tax receipt Utility bills (electricity or water or telephone bill, etc.),etc. Bank Account Details : A canceled cheque or bank statement of the enterprise's bank account. (If business bank accountchanged)
GST Certificate : A self-attested copy of the GST certificate or GSTIN number. (If not givenbefore) Partnership Deed / MOA and AOA : In case of a partnership firm, a copy of the partnership deed, or in case of a company, a copy of the Memorandum of Association (MOA) and Articles of Association (AOA). (If not givenbefore) Please note that the documents required may vary based on the type of entity and the state in which the MSME Udyam is registered. It is always advisable to check with the relevant authorities or consult with a professional before submitting the documents. Process to Apply for MSME Udyam Re-RegistrationOnline? The process for re-registration is simple and can be done online. Here are the steps to apply for MSME UdyamRe-Registration: Go to Above given MSME Re-Registrationform. Insert your name, email address, and mobile number according to your previous UdyogAadhaar. Next enter you old MSME udyog aadhar registrationnumber. If you want to update, Enter the required details in update box and keep the necessary documents for that update, suchas Aadhaar card, PAN card, business address proof, bank account details, previous Udyog Aadhaar Memorandum, GST certificate, and partnership deed/MOA and AOA. Verify the details entered and ensure that all the documents are correctlyprovided. Submit the application and make application fee. Once the application is submitted, a new Msme Registration Certificate with the updated details will be generated and sent to the registered email ID or mobile number within 2-3 hours. It is important to note that the process may vary slightly depending on the state in which the MSME is registered. It is always advisable to check with the relevant authorities or consult with a professional before applying for MSME Re-RegistrationOnline. Blogs Get mudraloan Benefitswith MSMEregistration Check how you canget mudra loanbenefits with msme registration. Read complete articleto know about mudra loan procedure. HowMSME RegistrationHelps to GetBusiness Loan inIndia? Check this articleto know how you canget the business loanin India. Get thecomplete details msme registrationloan. MSME Registration: CompleteOnline Process In this blog article we will discusscompletely about msme registration processin india. Check our blogto know more. All aboutMSME Udyam Registration In this blog article we have explained about what is msme Udyam Registration complete details you arerequired to Know. ReadMore ReadMore ReadMore ReadMore Frequently AskedQuestions Contacts Address: Jamshedpur, SeraikellaKharsawan (jharkhand) Links Complaint Track About This website is a property of aprivate consultancy , providing consultancy services and is operated by a private organization .We expressivelydeclare Email:
that we are private consultants. Wehave no relation or we do not represent any government official or anygovernment department such as MSME Department,etc. © 2021 Company -All Rights Reservedetc. care@msme-registration.in Terms &Conditions Blog Warranties &Refunds Privacy Policy Contact Phones: (+91) -6206405461 OurSocial: Facebook Youtube © 2021 Company - All RightsReserved.