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Utilizing Science & Technology and Innovation for Development

Innovating green sorbents from CO2 for biodegradable polymers as an alternative to plastic bags in Jordan. Project aims at CO2 capture, polymer synthesis, and awareness for sustainable practices. Project team includes experts from Jordanian universities and German institutions.

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Utilizing Science & Technology and Innovation for Development

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  1. Utilizing Science & Technology and Innovation for Development Novel Green Sorbents for CO2 Capture and Utilization: CO2 as a building block for the production of biodegradable polymers as alternatives for the replacement of plastic bags in Jordan Marriott Hotel- Amman, August 12, 2015

  2. Project Team A.K. Qaroush (PI), Technische Universität München (TUM) A.F. Eftaiha, The Hashemite University (HU) M.A. Abu-Daabes, German Jordanian University (GJU) R.A. Abu-Zurayk, The University of Jordan (JU) M.W. Amer, Royal Scientific Society (RSS)

  3. Project Team 40% 60%

  4. Justifications • Climate changes as a result of increased CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere. • Benign design of eco-friendly syntheses. • Increased ecological problems found in the local environment as a result of accumulation of plastic bags (non-biodegradable).

  5. Justifications

  6. Justifications Clearing the air, Science, 2009, 325.

  7. Justifications http://www.ucsusa.org/sites/default/files/images/2014/11/gw-graphic-pie-chart-co2-emissions-by-country-2011.jpg

  8. Justifications

  9. Objectives 1. Global warming mitigation throughout carbon storage (CCS) and utilization (CCU). 2. Utilization of CO2 as a building block for the synthesis of green sorbents. 3. Implementation of Green Chemistry Guidelines in Jordan. 4. Synthesis of the bio-degradable polymer (if any), viz., poly(propylenecarbonate) (PPC). 5. Commercialization of CO2-based products and their use in the local market. 6. Production of Efficient Green sorbents. 7. Spreading awareness for the importance of Green Chemistry in enhancing the daily life of Jordanians by saving energy, using problematic issues (Global warming and increased CO2 concentrations) as an applicable source of energy.

  10. Scope of work/Duration Estimated Budget Scope of work: Environmental and health sectors Duration: 24 months Estimated Budget : 320.000 JD

  11. Methodology of Implementation Milestone A: The Production of cyclic carbonates production (Cyclic carbonate vs. polymer formation) The production of cyclic carbonates is carried out upon the cycloaddition reaction of CO2 with epoxides (scheme 1), the reaction proceeds in the absence of catalysts but requires high pressure and temperatures. Materials will be characterized by means of FT-IR, and (1H &13C) NMR spectroscopy. For quantification purposes, GC-MS will be further used. The cycloaddition reaction of CO2 and Propylene oxide

  12. Methodology of Implementation Milestone A: The Production of cyclic carbonates production (Cyclic carbonate vs. polymer formation) On the other hand, the reaction may undergo a side reaction depending on the catalyst/cocatalyst interaction as well as the sterical/electronic microstructure around the metal atom. The production of Poly(propylenecarbonate), (PPC; R = CH3). The production of Poly(propylenecarbonate), (PPC; R = CH3)

  13. Expected output Write-up of publications/posters/Oral presentations. Use of mild reaction conditions as well non-hazardous materials. Synthesis of efficient green sorbents for the capture of CO2. Use of bio-renewables as well hybrid materials (nanotechnology combined with a polymer coating) for the production of safer green sorbents. Green Synthesis of PC out of CO2. Synthesis of bio-degradable polymer (if any) PPC. Use of mild reaction conditions as well non-hazardous materials. Qaroush et al., Catal. Sci. Tech., 2013, 3, 2221-2226. (b) Qaroush et al. 2013, 3, 2150-2150, DOI: 10.1039/C3CY90028B.

  14. Impact Raising the awareness of locals towards the importance of sustainability and greenness of synthesis throughout lecturing in different provinces. Synthesis of biodegradable materials and application in CO2 capturing. Opening new horizons for local researchers towards world-wide, competitive research.

  15. Sustainability • Building blocks (starting materials) of these target products will be synthesized from CO2. • Cheap. • Commercially-available resources. • Non-toxic. • Bio-degradable fine chemicals/polymers from a cheap, abundant non-toxic resource, viz., CO2 is still a must and will be reflected positively in the local society. Nature, 494, 169-171.

  16. Action Plan Milestone A: The Production of cyclic carbonates production (Cyclic carbonate vs. polymer formation) Start Phase (runs parallel to Propylenecarbonate (PC) Poly(propylenecarbonate) (PPC) • Equipment purchase and on-line assembly within the RSS, coworkers recruitment.

  17. Action Plan Milestone A: The Production of cyclic carbonates production (Cyclic carbonate vs. polymer formation) Start Phase (runs parallel to Propylenecarbonate (PC) Poly(propylenecarbonate) (PPC) • Equipment purchase and on-line assembly within the RSS, coworkers recruitment.

  18. Action Plan Milestone A: The Production of cyclic carbonates production (Cyclic carbonate vs. polymer formation) Start Phase (runs parallel to Propylenecarbonate (PC) Poly(propylenecarbonate) (PPC) • Equipment purchase and on-line assembly within the RSS, coworkers recruitment.

  19. Action Plan Milestone A: The Production of cyclic carbonates production (Cyclic carbonate vs. polymer formation) Start Phase (runs parallel to Propylenecarbonate (PC) Poly(propylenecarbonate) (PPC) • Equipment purchase and on-line assembly within the RSS, coworkers recruitment.

  20. Action Plan Milestone A: The Production of cyclic carbonates production (Cyclic carbonate vs. polymer formation) Start Phase (runs parallel to Propylenecarbonate (PC) Poly(propylenecarbonate) (PPC) • Equipment purchase and on-line assembly within the RSS, coworkers recruitment.

  21. Action Plan Milestone A: The Production of cyclic carbonates production (Cyclic carbonate vs. polymer formation) Start Phase (runs parallel to Propylenecarbonate (PC) Poly(propylenecarbonate) (PPC) • Equipment purchase and on-line assembly within the RSS, coworkers recruitment.

  22. Action Plan Milestone B: Synthesis of Different Types of Green Sorbents Start-up Phase Equipment purchase and online assembly within the RSS, coworkers recruitment.

  23. Action Plan Milestone B: Synthesis of Different Types of Green Sorbents Start-up Phase Equipment purchase and online assembly within the RSS, coworkers recruitment.

  24. Action Plan Milestone B: Synthesis of Different Types of Green Sorbents Start-up Phase Equipment purchase and online assembly within the RSS, coworkers recruitment.

  25. Action Plan Milestone B: Synthesis of Different Types of Green Sorbents Start-up Phase Equipment purchase and online assembly within the RSS, coworkers recruitment.

  26. Action Plan Milestone B: Synthesis of Different Types of Green Sorbents Start-up Phase Equipment purchase and online assembly within the RSS, coworkers recruitment.

  27. Action Plan Milestone B: Synthesis of Different Types of Green Sorbents Start-up Phase Equipment purchase and online assembly within the RSS, coworkers recruitment.

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