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Explore the latest developments in flavour physics research from the NA62 Collaboration, focusing on rare K decays, B factories, and unique physics techniques. Learn about the achievements and goals in pushing the sensitivity frontier of particle physics.
Presentazione preventivi 2012INFN Pisa M. Sozzi – 20/6/2011
Flavour physics – Sensitivity frontier • Babar/Belle: Bd (& D, tau) • CDF/D0, LHCb: D, Bd, Bs • MEG: LFV • KOTO, NA62: rare K decays • Future B factories (KEK + SuperB) • ProjectX at Fermilab: m2e, rare K NA62 unique physics goal: |Vtd| to 8% without input from lattice QCD (in 2 years of data taking) NA62 unique technique: high momentum unseparated K+ beamwith beam momentum spectrometer and extensive particle ID
K+p+ n n in SM h (r,h) ~(BR )1/2 |Vtd| (0,0) (1,0) Pc r ~2 % (mostly d mc) 62 % BNL 8% aim of NA62 (2y) 3 % ``````````````````````````BR(SM) = (8.22 ± 0.75) × 10-11 • J. Brod, M. Gorbahn, E. Stamou arXiv:1009.0947 d |Vtd| / |Vtd| ≈ 0.4 d Pc/Pc 0.7 d BR /BR d |Vcb| / |Vcb|
The NA62 Collaboration • Birmingham • Bristol • Glasgow • Liverpool • Bratislava • IHEP • INR • JINR • Sofia • Mainz • UC Louvain TRIUMF • CERN • George Mason • SLAC • UC Merced • Ferrara • Firenze • LNF • Napoli • Perugia • Pisa • Roma I • Roma II • Torino • San Luis Potosi NA62@SPSC101 5/4/2011
NA62 final result (40% data set) RK = (2.487 ± 0.011stat ± 0.007syst) 10–5 RK = (2.487 ± 0.013) 10–5 PLB B698 (2011) 105 SM Errors in momentum binsare partially correlated Full NA62 data set: precision will be improved from 0.5% to 0.4%.
NA62 Beam & Detectors • SPS primary p: 400 GeV/c • Unsepared beam: • 75 GeV/c • 750 MHz • p/K/p (~6% K+) INFN Sofia LAV: Large Angle Photon Veto SAV Small Angle Veto CERN Beam Line + Infra. IHEP INR CHOD Charged Hodoscope CHANTI Target UK CEDAR Gigatracker (GTK) LKr MUV • Measure Kaon: • Time • Angles • Momentum CERN Straw Tracker RICH Mainz Decay Region 65m INFN INFN IHEP INR Belgium JINR Mexico CERN Total Length 270m US INFN Trigger & DAQ: INFN NA62@SPSC101 5/4/2011 6
Beam line and LAV1-5 Situation in Dec. 2011 Installation in 2011 Situation today Prepare Support for Beam Magnet 3 vacuum Vessel are positioned MNP33 Magnet CHOD + LKR (NA48) LAV 6-8 GTK CEDAR K12 Beam Line 1 Straw 2 Straw 3 Straw 4 Straw RICH LKr MUV LAV 1-5 LAV 9-11 first Vacuum test On first section Expected for Sept. Beam Dump 5/4/2011 NA62@SPSC101 8
Completion with STRAW and LAV Situation in Sept. 2012 Installation Summer 12 Temp. RICH Beam Pipe ?? LAV 9-11 LAV 6-8 GTK CEDAR MNP33 1 Straw 2 Straw 3 Straw 4 Straw RICH LKr MUV LAV 1-5 Complete Vacuum Pumping Ready for the Technical Run Chamber Module 5/4/2011 NA62@SPSC101 9
NA62 Schedule(Overview for main items only ) Technical Run Dry Run Installation Vessel Nose Prod. Bond. + Ass. Test ASIC Design Read-Out Board Cooling Design Cool. Constr. + Test Cooling Studies LAV 6-8 LAV 9-11 L 12 LAV 1-5 M3-5 M1+2 Install M6-8 Install M9-11 Construction Vessel Install. Beam pipe Install. Constr. Mod. 1 Construction Mod. 3,5+7 Install. MUV 1,2 +3 Tech. Run TDAQ Construction Note: not all milestones are shown on this planning Installation TD Status + NA62 Schedule 10 Milestones
NA62 Pisa • GRUPPO: 11.9 FTE • ATTIVITA’: • Ruolo guida per TDAQ • Partecipazione a costruzione LAV • Progettazione meccanica sistema MUV • Simulazione MC
12 LAV stations mounted along 120 meter decay region 6 meters apart 4 different types: 160, 240 blocks; 5 layers in vacuum 240 blocks; 4 layers in vacuum 256 blocks; 4 layers in air Angular coverage 8-50 mrad Inefficiency < 10-4 from few hundred MeV to 35 GeV 2500 lead glass blocks (OPAL barrel calorimeter) Efficiency measurements with electron beams in 2007: 1-e<10-4 for 200 MeV<E<500 MeV LAV – Large Angle Photon Vetoes A1-A11 Vacuum
Construction status since November 2010 A3 shipped at CERN beginning of December 2010, some problems during the transport (see later) A4 completed tested and ready to be shipped at cern, we are currently revisiting the transportation procedure A5 arrived at LNF February 18, actually 3 out of 5 layers are mounted and tested, we foresee to complete it by mid April (2 months delay respect to the schedule) NA62@SPSC101 13 5/4/2011
Design and planning A6-A8, A12 A6-A8, A11 Bidding procedure closed adjudicated by Fantini factory, all drawings have been revisited and the material has been procured. A6 is actually scheduled and will be shipped to LNF end of May. We foresee to build and test A6-A8 during 2011 A6-A8 5 layers ∅259 cm A11 4 layers ∅299 cm 14 NA62@SPSC101 5/4/2011
Design and planning A9-A10, A12 A6-A8 5 layers ∅259 cm A11 4 layers ∅299 cm • Recall: • A9, A10 have same dimensions as A11, but are made of stainless steel • A12 has open geometry—design is totally different • A9-A10 drawings will be revised in the next months and we will start the bidding procedure, the idea is to start vessels construction by the end of 2011 15 NA62@SPSC101 5/4/2011
Damage to A3 and A2 A3:Due to bad weather conditions (M.Blanc tunnel was closed) the transport took 3 days. Even if all precautions where taken, we insulated the vessel by means of fiberglass cover, the temperature in the vessel reached 5 degrees after 2 days in the snow. 10 blocks were broken during transport! • Fractures are most likely from thermal stress • Likely from re-heating from ~4∘ to 15.5∘ at ECN3 (cooling was much slower) • 9 of 10 blocks on layers most exposed to ambient temperature • We have already started A3 repair work in ECN3 • 6 of 10 blocks repaired Unfortunately A2 experienced a significant temperature gradient: A2 was shipped to CERN end of JULY 1) All the blocks were checked at CERN before the test beam and they were ok 2) The idea was to store all the LAVs in building 185. We were ensured that 185 was air conditioned during summer and heated during winter (including shutdown). A2 was stored in building 185 at the end of August. 4) We went to inspect A2 in February and found 22 blocks broken !! 5) The heating in 185 was switched off without notice during the winter shutdown and never restarted 6) From now on all the LAVs will be stored in ECN3 and an appropriate temperature monitor has been implemented NA62@SPSC101 16 5/4/2011
NA62 TDAQ - OVERVIEW O(10 MHz) RICH MUV CEDAR STRAWS LKR LAV L0 1 MHz 2K 60K 1K 2.5K 13K 8K L0 CTP 200 1 MHz 1 MHz 1 MHz O(<1ms) GbE switch L1/2 PC PC PC PC PC PC PC PC PC PC PC PC PC PC L0 trigger PC PC PC PC CDR EB O(KHz) Trigger primitives Data
NA62 Pisa TDAQ Il gruppo ha subito un pesante ridimensionamento:In un anno:–3 FTE dedicati di grande esperienza • Tecnologi (a tempo parziale) << richieste • Richiesto art. 23, ottenuto 2222, assegnato, rinuncia, nuova assegnazione [nessun effetto su manpower netto] • Praticamente nessun supporto da altri gruppi di NA62 Attivita’ fondamentali per la collaborazione: • - Sistema integrato di trigger e readout basato su TDC (per 80% dei rivelatori INFN e non) • - Upgrade schede madri comuni (per quanto sopra e anche per altri sistemi) • M. Sozzi responsabile TDAQ NA62 • Fine sviluppo 2011Produzione e test su fascio 2012Installazione e commissioning 2013
Pisa TDAQ: Scheda TDC Scheda figlia (128 canali @ 100 ps) per la maggior parte dei sistemi di readout di NA62 R&D per utilizzo in readout di EEEper telescopi raggi cosmici
Pisa TDAQ: Scheda TDC • Storia:- Progetto non portato a termine dal progettista (G. Magazzu)- Parzialmente modificato da ass. ric. “in prestito” (A. Burato)- A. Burato lascia INFN con 1 giorno di preavviso (5/2011) • Stato attuale:- Prototipi versione finale a giorni (S. Galeotti), cavi OK - Esiste versione di firmware “funzionante” (sotto test, non completa) ma completamente “as is”- “Richieste minime” firmware (1/2009) non completate- Sistema di test “automatizzato” in preparazione- Hardware per test produzione da disegnare e costruire • Futuro:- Produzione ~14 schede tra 1 mese- Distribuzione nella collaborazione per test- Lancio produzione finale (~100) entro fine 2011
TDCB TESTING Optical trigger to TELL1 Data to PC through GBE Trigin/out from/to PG to LTU module Signalconversions
Pisa TDAQ – TEL62 Scheda madre per la maggior parte dei sistemi di trigger e readout di NA6216 layer, impedenza controllata
Pisa TDAQ – TEL62 • Storia:- Sostanziale ridisegno della scheda TELL1 di LHCb- Scheda complessa- Disegno completato a Pisa (F. Spinella, E. Pedreschi)- Layout al CERN (dic 2010-feb 2011) • Stato attuale:- 1 prototipo (2 PCB) a Pisa da- Test elettrici OK- Compatibilita’ schede figlie OK- Inizio sviluppo firmware- Per ora nessun supporto da altri gruppi • Futuro:- Tutti i test funzionali - Secondo prototipo (modifiche minime per ora)- Produzione ~10 schede entro 2011- Produzione (~100) 2012, coinvolgimento Roma TV
Pisa TDAQ: Altro • Processore L0 (resp. INFN): ancora poco progresso- Pisa non coinvolta in implementazione, come richiesto (ma disegno concettuale)- Studi su implementazione in PC iniziati (FE/CERN)- Responsabilita’ software: Ferrara- Responsabilita’ hardware: non ancora identificata- Milestone: demonstrator fine 2011 • Rete (per readout/trigger/L0): esiste expertise a Pisa (non INFN): identificare modo per poterla sfruttare • R&D: studio implementazione trigger HW con GPU- Ongoing- Ricostruzione online anelli RICH- Studio di reiezione fondo in camere straw a L1 • Simulazione: ripreso lavoro Monte Carlo a Pisa (obiettivo: rate di L1/L2, decadimenti rari)
Pisa TDAQ – 2012 • Il problema di manpower sta condizionando il mantenimento degli impegni INFN. Per Pisa TDAQ:- Completamento firmware TDCB - Produzione e test (test bench) TDCB- Firmware TEL62- Produzione TEL62 • Produzioni fine 2011/2012, ma acquisto componenti critici): O(200KE) finanziamento CORE • “Dry run” per TDAQ a primavera 2012 (pesante coinvolgimento di Pisa) • Pisa e’ il gruppo di riferimento per il TDAQ. E’ indispensabile maggiore manpower e supporto elettronico qualificato, per il completamento dell’hardware, lo sviluppo del firmware e il testCon il manpower attuale la schedule subira’ ritardi
Richieste 2012 TDAQ:Secondo prototipo TEL62: 10 KE (sub judice)Sistema di test per TDCB: 10 KEMateriale laboratorio: 8 KE (Sonda diff. + PC sviluppo firmware)CORE 2012: 450 KE previsto per TDAQ-I (Produzioni) di cui 150KE PisaPossibile rimodulazione sul 2013Dry run (~1 mese): 4 FTEManpower necessario:F. Spinella, E. Pedreschi (TEL62 ma anche TDCB)+1 Fisico/tecnologo per firmware+0.3 FTE per gestione produzione+Coinvolgimento esperto reti LAV:CORE 2012: 80 KE (Costruzioni), metabolismo, trasporti, installazioneManpower necessario:Turni a LNF LAV + TDAQ:Technical run (~3 mesi): 3 FTE
RK world average bs excluded Other limits on 2HDM-II: PRD 82 (2010) 073012. SM with 4 generations: JHEP 1007 (2010) 006.
GigaTracker Pixel Cell Pixel matrix TDC: delay line, charge pump, encoder, fine hit Registers Hit Arbiter NA62@SPSC101 33
RICH RICH • Separate pions from muons <1% level between 15 and 35 GeV/c • Track time at 100 ps level • Partecipate in the L0 trigger Mirrors 17 m Beam Pipe • Neon as Cerenkov radiator • mosaic of mirrors (17 m focal length) • two spots with PM (1000 PM per spot) • beam pipe passing through PM lodging disk NA62@SPSC101 5/4/2011 35