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Enhance your understanding of designated words like throng, reprieve, exuberant, and more from chapters 6-10 of "The Giver." Practice using them in context and deepen your vocabulary skills.
The Giver Vocabulary ch. 6-10 Chapters 6-10
Objective • 1.3 Standard • Objective: Students will: • Use word meanings within the appropriate context and show ability to verify those meanings by definition, restatement, example, comparison, or contrast.
Designated- to signify, to note, to name • I was the designated driver, so I didn’t drink alcohol since I had been named as the sober driver. (restatement)
But • When we went to the party I was the designated driver, but on the ride home, the driver was unspecified.
Throng- crowd • The throng crowded into the Staple Center before the Laker game. • What’s wrong with the following sentence? • There was a throng of people at the U2 concert that rushed the stage, killing seven people.
Throng • A throng of girls watched me dance, but only a trickle of grandmas spied Lex.
Reprieve- to delay; to delay punishment • He was given a reprieve, and his punishment was delayed until Monday.
Exuberant- excitedantonym/opposite: bored • The child felt exuberant when he saw the bubbles, but when they popped, he grew bored.
Contrast transitions • However, • instead, • nevertheless, • nonetheless, • otherwise, • still, • conversely, • but • yet
Ind. clause; contrast transition, independent. clause • My teacher tortures students with her screechy twang; nevertheless, she produced a Grammy winning Country record.
Cringed-to cower, shrink , bendantonym: embraced • I cringed when the disgusting guy asked me to dance, but when Brad Pitt arrived, I embraced him.
I do • I cringed when the nerd asked me to dance; however, when I found out he owned Microsoft, I embraced him.
Transgressions- violation of the lawantonym: obeys, lawful, abides, legal • Tiger Wood and Arnie’s transgressions with other women ended their marriages.
Transgressions/ law abiding • My transgressions led me to jail; however, when I abided the law, I was released.
Infringed- to trespass, to commit a breach or infraction • He infringed on my rights, so he went to jail.
George Clooney infringed on my personal space; nevertheless, I forgave him and allowed him access to my world.
Acquisition- acquired • The acquisition of NBC by Comcast made the stock market rise. • The acquisition of precise language occurs at 3.
Serene- peacefulantonym: turmoil, chaotic, rowdy • I look forward to a serene, calm vacation far away from the chaos of CCMS.
Dazed – confused, overwhelmedant. Aware, clearheaded, focused • The drug left him dazed and out of control; stay away from bath salts!
Crescendo- a gradual increase in volume • . A steady increase in intensity or force: "insisted [that] all paragraphs ... should be structured as a crescendo rising to a climactic last sentence"(Henry A. Kissinger). • b. Usage Problem The climactic point or moment after such a progression: • "The attacks began in December and reached a crescendo in January.
Benign-harmless, kindant. Toxic, cancerous, harmful, malignant • I was afraid the mole was cancerous and deadly, but it was benign. • Mr. Wurzel is benign, but Ms. Verge is mean.
Anguish- agonizing physical and mental pain ant. peace, bliss, relaxed, snoothed • The anguish suffered after Hitler’s atrocity left the refugees unable to adjust to a new life. • I was in great anguish after the bullet hit me in the leg.
Unanimous- complete agreementant. Disputed, dissent, • The decision was unanimous; we all agreed to go to Magic Mountain.
relinquish • to renounce or surrender (a possession, right, etc.): to relinquish the throne. • 2. to give up; put aside or desist from: to relinquish a plan. • 3. to let go; release: to relinquish one's hold. • The king relinquished the throne and retired.
Spontaneously- unrehearsed • In improv/ improvisational, • The comics spontaneously act out random scenes.
Exempted- freed from obligation • He was exempted from paying the meter since he had a handicap sticker on his car.
Prohibited- forbidden • Dogs and smoking are prohibited on the beach.
Conspicuous- noticeable • The bank robber looked conspicuous with the ski mask, so the police arrested him.
Diminish- decrease • The candy slowly diminished until there was none left. • My money diminished after I went on a shopping spree.