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Malaysia Cadastral System Overview

Explore the key components and objectives of the Malaysian cadastral system, including cadastral surveys, certified plans, and the role of JUPEM and land survey departments.

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Malaysia Cadastral System Overview

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  1. UNITS 1 by : Pn. Nazirah Binti Mohamad Abdullah

  2. Cadastral Survey • A cadastre (also spelt cadaster), using a cadastral survey or cadastral map, is a comprehensive register of the metes-and-boundsreal property of a country.

  3. OBJECTIVE OF THE MALAYSIA CADASTRAL SYSTEM 1.357 The objects of the Malaysian cadastral system are to provide security and simplicity to all dealings with land. • It establishes and certifies, under the authority of the Government, the ownership of an indefeasible title to land and simplifies, hastens and cheapens all land dealings. • The title is conclusive proof that the person mentioned therein is the owner of the land described therein. • - The Malaysian cadastral system has essentially two basic components, which are the very pillars of the system's reliability and credibility, i.e. the land registration and the cadastral survey components.

  4. Standard Sheet • Standard Sheet or Cadastral Map is prepared following the format and scale determined by the Department. • It shows the boundary of surveyed lots from the Certified Plans that have been approved by the state’s Survey and Mapping Director. • It also shows the international, state, district and mukim administrative boundary as well as the surveyed lot in various scales like the 4 chains and 8 chains scale. • Information pertaining to the administrative boundary, Certified Plan number and lot number are also displayed to suit the presentation layout. • Digital Standrad Sheet is prepared in Cassini Soldner projection and can be obtained in the format of Shapefiles.

  5. Standard Sheet

  6. STANDARD SHEET - The position of the Polytechnic Merlimau in Malacca Standard sheet is at position 45-B-II

  7. Certified Plan • Certified Plan is prepared following the format determined by the Department. • It shows the lot boundary in various scales with a given Certified Plan number. Information pertaining to the lot location, lot number, area, bearing and distances are also displayed. • The digital Certified Plan in the Certified Plan Image Library (CPIL) can be obtained in TIFF format.

  8. Certified Plan

  9. CadasterSurvey Division of JUPEM www.jupem.gov.my

  10. Objectives Of Cadaster Survey The objects of the Malaysian cadastral system are to provide security and simplicity to all dealings with land. It establishes and certifies, under the authority of the Government, the ownership of an indefeasible title to land and simplifies, hastens and cheapens all land dealings. The title is conclusive proof that the person mentioned therein is the owner of the land described there in. Valid titles require an accurate description of boundaries and as such cadastral survey plays an important role in the system.

  11. JUPEM - State www.juml.gov.my

  12. Function of JUPEM – State • To ensure the products and land survey and mapping services meets the quality acceptance and customer’s needs • To ensure a well-maintained, up-to-date cadastral and mapping database to meet needs of the national geospatial infrastructure • -To make JUPEM an excellent reference centre in the field cadastral survey and mapping • -To survey, determine, demarcate state and international boundaries

  13. Department of Director General of Lands and Mines (Fedaral)

  14. Department of Director General of Lands and Mines (State) http://ptg.perak.gov.my

  15. The roles of this office are suitable with the status as an agency that is responsible to administer and manage the state's land. The followings are the list of key functions for the Perak State's Land and Mineral Director Office:- • To submit all land applications for consideration by the Perak State's Land Work Committee as according to the law. • To make sure the land management for the whole of Perak state is executed within the laws and policies specified by the government. • To ensure the land revenues collection were done effectively and systematically. • To make sure that the lands are being used within the land laws and regulations in order to achieve optimum benefits for the peoples and the governments.

  16. Deparment of Land Survey Sarawak www.landsurvey.sarawak.gov.my

  17. Deparment of Land Survey Sarawak FUNCTIONS : - Under the terms of the Inter-Governmental Committee Report and the Constitution of Malaysia, land and cadastral surveys are State subjects which come under the portfolio of the Minister of Resource and Planning Management. - Subject to the direction of the Yang di-Pertua Negeri dalam Majlis, land in Sarawak is administered in accordance with the provisions of the Mining Ordinance and the subdivision of land is administered in accordance with the Land (Control of Subdivision) Ordinance, the Public Parks and Greens Ordinance, 1993 and the Strata Titles Ordinance.

  18. Deparment of Land Survey Sabah www.jtu.sabah.gov.my

  19. Deparment of Land Survey Sabah Function * Alienation of State Land under the Land Ordinance Cap. 68 and other ordinances in compliance with the Government Policies to individuals, departments and agencies. * Preparation and registration of all new titles and land dealings. * Enforcement of the relevant sections of the Land Ordinance to ensure that the terms and conditions set forth on the titles and offers are being fulfilled and to eradicate idle land. * Carry out land enquiries to resolve land disputes. * Issuance of Subsidiary titles for the subdivision of buildings.

  20. * Land valuation for the purposes of alienation, acquisition (Land Acquisition OrdinanceCap 69), rating, taxation, conversion of land uses and reconciliation of the Land Acquisition Trust Account for the State and Federal Governments. • Implementation of Smallholders and Pre-planned Schemes for the landless and people with uneconomic holdings. • Processing of applications for extension of terms, conversion of titles' conditions, subdivision and amalgamation. • Processing and issuance of prospecting permits, licences, mining leases and quarry licences. • Collection of Land Revenue, in particular the recovery of outstanding quit rent. • * Provision of training for the staff of government departments and private sectors in the fields of surveying, survey computation and land administration.

  21. Management of the Lands and Surveys Department Technical library. • Surveys of land applications (N.T./F.R. status), particularly customary rights and resurvey for the purpose of acquisition within the government projects. Monitoring of surveys of land applications (C.L./P.L. status), subdivision, privatisation projects by Licensed Surveyors. • Establishment and maintenance of the control stations throughout the State for the purpose of cadastral surveys. • Aerial photography and mapping covering the whole of the State for the preparation of land development maps. • * Storage of plans, maps and documents of the Department. • * Preparation of plans for Government Gazette.

  22. Management and maintenance of Land Title Information System, Cadastral Information System and Land Use Information System to support Sabah Land Information System (SALIS) in conformance to Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) standard. • Monitoring of land development patterns with Land Cover Maps (Remote Sensing SAR technology). • Involvement and contribution in Malaysia Plans in providing sites and basic data in the form of maps and plans to implement development projects. • * Assist the Topography Department in the demarcation survey of the International boundaries of Malaysia-Indonesia (Sabah / East Kalimantan).

  23. District and Land Officer in Peninsular Malaysia ( Jassin)

  24. Function of District Land Offices Planning and execution of works relating to the registration. Among them is the registration of land transfers, charges, caveats, change the name, lien, registration and issuance of title to remain / temporary / replacement, an official search certificate and application estate. Planning and execution of works relating to land development. Work involves the application of land development and surrender of land, subdivision and conversion of land at the same time, changing conditions, subdivision of land, land consolidation, conversion, grant of land under the Land Act, subdivision / division, alienation land and handing it to the purpose of developing land in the land, government land application. Planning and execution of works relating to the disposal of land. Work involves the application of the disposal of land of less than 10 acres, land large-scale clusters, the Temporary Occupation Licence (TOL / TOL), the production

  25. Application For Survey Demand Survey is the term used to obtain government permission to carry out survey work, such as subdivisions. Applicants should fill out and submit forms related to the purpose of applying to the Land Office and the prescribed fee.

  26. TASK 2 : work in groups • Explain the function of the Department of Director General of Lands and Mines (Federal) • 2. Define and explain the flow chart of application for survey. • 3. Describe what is meant by “The Malaysian cadastral system has essentially two basic components, which are the very pillars of the system's reliability and credibility” • 4. By reference all the functions of the District and Land Office in Peninsular Malaysia, you are required to formulate the above functions. • 5. “It also shows the international, state, district and mukim administrative boundary as well as the surveyed lot in various scales like the 4 chains and 8 chains scale.” • From the above statement, describe the purpose of the scale of a standard sheet of 4 chains and 8 chains.


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