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Learn about admission requirements, application process, testing, and deadlines for the Nursing program. Get essential details here.
Associate of Applied Science Degree in Nursing Program Information Session Revised: 2/1/2018
Two types of Admission • Full-time - Begins in August or January • Advanced placement for Nursing Transfer. This is for the student who is transferring in from another nursing program. Student must be in good standing at her/his original program. Types of Nursing Program Admission
Application Requirements - Overview • 1. Health Science Career Studies Certificate now incorporates what was the Pre-Nursing Career Studies Certificate • Declare Health Science I CSC as your plan of study. Program Code 221-190-01.*Note: Only those accepted into the Nursing program will be adding the AAS Nursing program code (156) to your SIS account. • If you currently see AAS Nursing program code (156) added to your SIS account this was added by Financial Aid. This does not mean you are accepted into the AAS Nursing program. A separate application is required. • The 11 credits of prerequisite general education courses linked to the AAS Nursing program are included in the Health Science I CSC. A grade of C or better is required for these courses, but a GPA of 2.5 is required to qualify for application review.
Application Requirements – Overview cont. • 2. If transferring non-nursing/general education courses: • Transcripts are evaluated for curricular students only. AAS Nursing does not evaluate general education courses for transfer. • Send official high school and college transcripts to Central Admissions and Records Office, PO Box 85622, Richmond, VA 23285-5622. • Official transcripts from other Virginia Community College System (VCCS) institutions are not required, but the “Request for an Evaluation of a VCCS Transcript” form (JSRCC Form #11-0036) must be submitted to Central Admissions and Records for evaluation. • A.P. Test scores from high school will be considered for college level course credit. Student must submit this information to Central Admissions & Records.
Application Requirements - Testing College Math Placement Test (VPT) Placement results/completion of MTE 5 or higher, or completion of college Algebra or higher Placement test scores are valid for only five (5) years See Criteria for waiver in the college catalog College English Placement Test (VPT) Place into ENG 111 or higher Scores are valid for five (5) years Complete any courses required based on results See criteria for waiver in the college catalog
Application process General education courses required for2018 - 2019 applicants SDV-100College Success (1) BIO- 141A & P I* (4) PSY-230 Developmental (3) Psychology ENG – 111 English (3) TOTAL: 11 credits
Application process: Summary • Complete pre-requisite courses with a grade of “C” or higher, and all other admission requirements prior to applying to the program. • Complete Placement and Kaplan testing, achieving at least the minimum scores published. • Curricular G.P.A. of 2.5 or above is calculated using grades from SDV 100, BIO 141, ENG 111 and PSY 230 (11 credits). If one of these courses is repeated, the most recent attempt is included in this calculation. • All official transcripts from other accredited schools including high school must be sent to Central Admissions and Records prior to application review. • Unofficial copies of transcripts are required, for credits transferred from colleges outside of the VCCS, and are to be submitted with the application.
Application process • Application Deadlines • Fall Deadline – May 21, 2018 • Spring Deadline – August 20, 2018 • The program does not accept late application • submissions • To accommodate the volume of applications, all applicants must scan the completed portfolio and email to: alliedhealthadmissions@reynolds.edu. If needed, the Reynolds Library has computers that can scan your document. • Confirmation of receipt is provided for all applicants, once the application has been opened by the Admissions Specialist. However, this does not happen automatically and there may be a delay of 1 to 2 weeks.
Application Requirements - Testing • Kaplan Nursing Admission Test • Completed by all Students • Test may be repeated once • Scores are valid for only two (2) years • The Kaplan Nursing School Entrance Exams Test Review book is available in the bookstore for approximately $25 • There are many online resources to help you prepare. Google, “free practice questions for nursing entrance exams” (attached to Information Session tab) • ALL applicants must achieve Kaplan scores of: • Reading: 73% • Math: 75% • Science: 55% • Writing: 52%
How many times can I take the Kaplan test? Twice within a 2 year time period. How long are Kaplan scores good for? Only2 years If I take the Kaplan test twice, do you take the higher scores from each sub-test? Yes Where can I take the Kaplan test? The Kaplan Test is available through the college Testing Center. There is no cost. Please see the college website for Testing Center hours. Notes: If you qualify for Accommodations, a letter must be submitted to the AAS Nursing program prior to testing. Following Kaplan Company guidelines, no bathroom break is permitted during the test. Kaplan Questions?
Application Requirements - Testing Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL iBT) • Completion of the TOEFL iBT with a standard score of 84 or above and a minimum speaking score of 26 is required for ALL non-native English speakers. Completion of ENG 111 does not satisfy this requirement. • These scores are based on recommendations from the National Council of State Boards of Nursing for the level of English proficiency required to perform entry-level nursing safely and effectively. • Any nonnative English speakers who do not take the TOEFL iBT and are determined to be unable to understand and speak English at the required proficiency will be dismissed from the nursing program. • TOEFL iBT scores are valid for up to two years. 5. An applicant who can demonstrate 12 years of school in the U.S. may request a waiver from the AAS Nursing program.
Estimated Program Costs cont. Apply for Financial Aid (loans and grants)
Application => Admitted • Program seats = 70 - 80 • Applications are ranked based on weighted Kaplan Admission scores • Reading score x 30% • Math score x 30% • Science score x 30% • Writing score x 10%
Planning your time The first semester in the AAS Nursing curriculum includes:NSG 100 = 4 creditsNSG 106 = 2 creditsNSG 130 = 1 creditNSG 200 = 3 creditsBIO 142 = 4 creditsSome courses have lab time linked to the theory. Identify class, lab, clinical, and study time. (see curriculum slides)
Planning Your Time = 1st Semester Classes = 7 hours / week Nursing labs = 6 hours / week Clinical = 7 hours / week Study time = 30 hours / week TOTAL Time = 50 hours / week Do you work? (add more time) Do you want to sleep? Other commitments?
When Admitted: Document Manager About You • Pre-Entrance Health Requirement • Students must be free of any physical or mental condition that might adversely affect patient safety and performance as a student nurse • Validation of freedom from tuberculosis is required annually (2 step PPD or T spot) • Titers for the following: MMR; Varicella and Hepatitis B • Background Check and Drug Screening • Background check and drug screening is required as you begin the nursing curriculum, and may be required randomly throughout the program • Other documents • Driver’s license, Social Security Card or Green Card, CPR, etc. • Inability to complete the clinical portion of any nursing course will result in a failing grade for that course
Curriculum – Full-time Student Total Minimum Credits for AAS Degree in Nursing = 64 credits Required pre-requisite classes must be completed before applying. Other general education classes can be taken concurrently.
Curriculum – AAS Nursing Students Pre-Requisites – Required for Application 1 Students may be required to complete BIO 101 to qualify for enrollment in BIO 141 at Reynolds.
Curriculum SEMESTER I
Curriculum SEMESTER II
Curriculum SEMESTER IV 2 Approved electives include: CST 229, PHI 101, PHI 220, PHI 225, PHI 227
Curriculum note Reynolds Community College Associate of Applied Science Degree in Nursing Program Transfer Longevity for General Education Courses
Curriculum note Transfer Longevity General Education Courses (continued)
Curriculum – Transfer Students Transfer students from another nursing program to the Reynolds Nursing program complete the following: • Required pre-admission testing with minimum scores • Enroll as a student at the college • Provide official transcripts • Contact the Nursing Faculty Transfer Specialist • Must be in “good” standing at original nursing program
Learning Environment • If you were to observe a flipped classroom, what do you think would it look like? • Students working in groups • Groups working on different problems • The instructor walking around to each group checking progress and students asking questions • Noisy • Students using various • technologies and/or • workbooks
Notes • The college cannot guarantee every student uninterrupted courses and clinical as outlined. Results of this may include: • Postponement of course offerings • Changes in sequence and location of courses or clinical • Changes in content of instructor for courses after beginning instruction 2. If an applicant defers acceptance for an entry level class they must re-apply 3. A student may withdraw from a nursing course, but each student has only two (2) attempts to complete a nursing course 4. A student receiving less than a C in two (2) nursing courses, or not passing in two (2) attempts are unable to continue in the program (80% = C)
Are you receiving financial aid? Students receiving financial aid must fully understand obligations attached to the aid.1. Many require a minimum of 6 credits/semester. Monitor this closely.2. You cannot select a general education course if it is not identified your Program Code.3. You must monitor your My Reynolds account for messages from Financial Aid. Check weekly.4. If you are dropped from a nursing course because you did not adhere to financial a aid or funding requirements, you will notbe re-enrolled.
Planning for 2018 - 2019 courses • Watch for “holds” on your account. Holds will prevent pre-nursing students from registering for courses until they meet with an Advisor or pay a financial obligation. • If accepted into the AAS Nursing program you will be expected to attend mandatory new student orientation sessions before the start of the NSG courses. Dates will be included in the acceptance letter.
Timeline: • Application deadline: August 20, 2018 • Notification goal: approximately 4 weeks after deadline closed • Student response deadline: 10 days after letters mailed/emailed • New Student Orientation: Mandatory; Date to be identified in the acceptance letter. (Early July and Early October) • Accepted students will receive directions related to registering for NSG 100, NSG 106, NSG 130, and NSG 200, and if needed BIO 142.
Do I need CPR certification when I enter the program? American Heart Association Basic Life Support for Health Professionals is mandatory. We are not able to accept American Red Cross, or any other CPR program.
Questions? • Where are the clinical locations and how far will I have to travel? • The Nursing Program utilizes a variety of hospitals and mental health facilities throughout the Richmond Metropolitan area. Many of the agencies are not on bus routes. Students are responsible for transportation to an assigned clinical agency, or learning experience. • What is the passing grade for a nursing course? • Student must achieve a minimum grade of 79.5 to earn a C. • C = 80 – 83 B = 84 – 91 A = 92 – 100 • Once accepted, what minimumGPA do I have to maintain? • All nursing students must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of >2.0 to progress once in the AAS Nursing program.
Do math placement tests transfer from other VCCS schools?Yes Are the general education courses identified in the curriculum taken at another VCCS school accepted at JSRCC? Yes. However, to graduate from Reynolds at least 25% of credit hours earned must be at Reynolds. Complete transfer form 11-0036. Do you accept TEAS test scores? No. The Kaplan pre-admission test is free and required for everyone. Note that a TEAS science score of 75% can serve as the pre-requisite for BIO-141.